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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

There is something beneath contrary to what appears on surface. Sometimes, such voices do tell about situation to understand and a Senator wouldn't claim as such without any knowledge or to say, seeing some relations between different subjects.
This statement is not correct this protest is the vote bank of PML-N and if they are protesting against PML-N then PML-N is screwed. Nawaz him self ran for election on a seat from sialsharif and those are the kind of people who are the guardians of such laws.
Where it is written that only public representatives can do protest?

Emotionally charged people will not vote on policies.

Elections are fairytale talk at this moment in time.

Maybe some talk of temporary government to continue the reforms of NAPTA.

That is my personal preference.

In my opinion, both the parties involved in today's situation be charged with criminal act/terrorism act on the grounds of findings. I am sure, if anything was there, agencies will pursue the matter for lasting results. PMLn is going to face another Model Town type charge but this time, protesters are involved as well.
This is BBC :
Pakistan army called on to stop 'blasphemy' clashes in Islamabad
Islam and Blasphemy Law................................ Western starts there own campaigning against Pakistan and Islam...
Anyone can protest in a DEMOCRACY. Anyone who believes in and accept Democracy has the right to Protest.

I need a reference to what you said.
Where it is written that you can only protest if you believe in democracy. --- even in this century, half of the world or more doesn't believe in democracy.----- why we keep parroting what comes from west?
never seen in 70 years drunk block the road for 20 days killed police burn public property attack innocents and killed them . so they are better then molvis from all sides .

I have seen drunk people party while all this was going on.

Share the blame man

ordinary people can make sense of the world if they are left in peace or education. Your idealistic approach to life is only good on a full stomach.

Desperate people go overboard easy.
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