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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

This is exactly the model an islamic state would have and did have. Every masjid has a government qualified imam on a state salary, all the madaris were registered and had state oversight. The qualifications of thier graduates were recognised.

Today masjids are built with charity funds, imams paid at the whim of benefactors, madaris undocumented and unsupported, due to government failures.

Would you trust PPP or PMLN to run our religious institutions? I would not.
Right now I don't trust any political party to run religious institutions in the country. Really I don't.
Asma Jahangir asked the very same question: Please prove in the court that the Law has been tempered.

Changing the word from "I swear" to "I believe" is not tempering.

In Islam itself, there is no such thing as "affidavit". Simple saying of Kalima (without swear) is enough.

I ask very simple question:

(1) How do you say that saying "I believe in Khatam-e-Nabuwat" is against the Aqeedah of Khatam-e-Nabuwat as has been claimed by Khadim Hussain and his supporters?

(2) Why is he unable to proof his claim in the Court?

(3) Did Sahaba not made minor mistakes in the deen?
In Hadith, they transmitted the sayings of Prophet Muhammad in many different words.
Then how could Khadim Hussain claim he knows what is in the heart of a person and claim that it was not a mistake but a conspiracy against Khatam-e-Nabuwat?

(4) Lastly, whole Parliament made the same mistake by passing this bill.
Why then Khadim Hussain and his supporters not demanding the resignation of whole Parliament and their imprisonment under the case of Tauheen-e-Risalat?

There is a huge difference in I swear and I believe. Muslims are followers of Holy Quran that should be read word to word and it cannot be change on will. There are 100 plus versions of bible but Quran is only one and same for all sects so many be you will understand the wording cannot be changed.

LOL, Fall by yesterday?
If the traveling access was provided the fall will happen by yesterday but roads are blocked so as soon as they open the wickets will fall.
Right now I don't trust any political party to run religious institutions in the country. Really I don't.
We need to take education seriously, should be number 1 priority. If more people were able to think rationally and research and self learn extremism of any form will shrink massively. Religious education is one small part of that.

The latest news is the protestors are surrounding the homes of ministers. I'm glad. They can now feel the insecurity the awam feels.
Absolutely they are blackmailers!

However, situation is not as simple as 2+2 when;

Zahid Hamid, Anoushey and Kirmani orchestrated a dumb change in most sensitive topic which whenever brought up has resulted in killings be it Taseer or thousands others.

Above was a gamble which every kid knew would put entire country in fire and Nawaz chose to go that route - hoping against the hope that he would get the NRO.

Now, as the situation started developing this Govt tried to again use it to their advantage by keeping quiet and not discussing the main point because of which this started and it was: Who initiated this change?

Raja Zafarul Haq committee did investigation and again Govt hid the report creating more confusion and putting fuel to the fire.

Then hawks again met several times under the tutelage of Nawaz to still use it to his benefit and somehow twist the matters in a way that onus of this chaos can be put on Judiciary and then get army pitched against such a topic on which there is no mid way out through force.

Obviously this heinous game is played knowingly and purposefully to save just one man - at any cost.

Now, the situation is out of Govt’s control and they are trying to find a sacrificial lamb not a solution as it wasn’t their intention from the day one of the protest when Shahbaz did their rukhsati from Lahore and demanded Zahid Hamid’s resignation publicly.

Maryam Aurangzeb's statement came tht Zahid Hamid and Anusha Rehman havent resigned.. it seems...tht now govt has again decided not to take their resignations...otherwise there was news all day today tht it that these two will resign ..

So now what? Seems govt is again going in confrontation mode?
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Army chief did not teach the govt. but only advised the wise things to do...as the PM of Pakistan asked for this meeting and for his advice. So it is all constitutional.

Brother, please don't consider me a naive, or don't make yourself naive by this reasoning.

Army Chief is no one to give any Political Advice in the open without being asked.

And once Army Chief has openly advised for Negotiations, then tell me how Government could ask from the same Army for the operation? This will totally backfire Politically upon the Government and all the Mullah Supporters will use this issue against the Government.

That is why Army Chief is no one to advice in the Political Issues in the open. It is the only the right of the Government to decide for the operation or not. No other organ of the state (e.g. judiciary or the Army) has the right then to advice the Government in the open without being itself asked by the Government.
We need to take education seriously, should be number 1 priority. If more people were able to think rationally and research and self learn extremism of any form will shrink massively. Religious education is one small part of that.

The latest news is the protestors are surrounding the homes of ministers. I'm glad. They can now feel the insecurity the awam feels.
Easier said than done.
Right now I don't trust any political party to run religious institutions in the country. Really I don't.

Noon league is running religious institutions. Ask Rana Sanaullah about Lashkar e Jhangvi. :lol:

Anybody advocating for religious groups to be under government supervision is a bigger fool than Nawaz trying to play the save my own *** by fucking with maulvis card. Hahahaha
Noon league is running religious institutions. Ask Rana Sanaullah about Lashkar e Jhangvi. :lol:

Anybody advocating for religious groups to be under government supervision is a bigger fool than Nawaz trying to play the save my own *** by fucking with maulvis card. Hahahaha
I am not saying run them I am saying they should be watched.

Edit: Oops I thought you said run them. But you didn't so second response - I disagree. These people bring nothing to society but chaos when left alone.
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I think this is the answer from PTI for this question
View attachment 439323

Please don't post such images, but post the exact News with links that PTI was protesting about change of the words "I swear" to "I believe".

You see Jamiat Ulma-e-Islam also signed upon it, while in Islam there is no such thing as "affidavit". Simple Kalima is enough to testify your Iman.

And swearing is not obligatory part of affidavit. Signing a document changes it into affidavit.

And my question remains, why only to demand the resignation and imprisonment of PML minister under Tauheen-e-Risalat law? Why not to demand the resignation and imprisonment under Tauheen-e-Risalat of Jamiat Ulma-e-Islam and of all those who signed on this bill?
Noon league is running religious institutions. Ask Rana Sanaullah about Lashkar e Jhangvi. :lol:

Anybody advocating for religious groups to be under government supervision is a bigger fool than Nawaz trying to play the save my own *** by fucking with maulvis card. Hahahaha

Yesterday many were saying that Nawaz did this him self but I said PML-N is screwed and it has started to happen. They are gone but PTI will not gain this vote there will be many parties in Punjab now and PPPP will win next election.
I 'understand' the need for politicians to confirm they're non-Ahmadi, since many Muslims don't want to be ruled by "non-Muslims".

But isn't Section 7C just a waste of time and money even by mullah logic?
What do you get out of creating a separate "non-Muslim" voters list!
Other than a sense of satisfaction and a data bank.
There is a huge difference in I swear and I believe. Muslims are followers of Holy Quran that should be read word to word and it cannot be change on will. There are 100 plus versions of bible but Quran is only one and same for all sects so many be you will understand the wording cannot be changed.

Brother, is the present Bill part of "Quran"?
Why then to apply those standards?
Just look at the Ahadith, where same Ahadith were forwarded by Sahaba with different wording?
Even Quran itself has different Qirats where different wordings are found.
I 'understand' the need for politicians to confirm they're non-Ahmadi, since many Muslims don't want to be ruled by "non-Muslims".

But isn't Section 7C just a waste of time and money even by mullah logic?
What do you get out of creating a separate "non-Muslim" voters list!
Other than a sense of satisfaction and a data bank.
They have nothing better to do.

In my honest opinion - if you in your heart believe in the finality of prophethood than why should you have to project this onto the state? Reeks of insecurity and stupidity. But again that's in thy Awaam's blood.
Brother, is the present Bill part of "Quran"?
Why then to apply those standards?
Just look at the Ahadith, where same Ahadith were forwarded by Sahaba with different wording?
Even Quran itself has different Qirats where different wordings are found.
Bro the main question is if the there is no difference then what was the need to change the words in the first place?

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