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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

majority of pakistan supports them becuase these are barelvis and majority of pakistan is barelvi, even the other sects are supporting them. the real pakistan is out of islamabad , lahore and karachi.

This is the population density map of Pakistan, or at least a rough idea considering it is just a quick google search. There's a lot of Pakistan outside of the three major cities but most of it is in there. Even if this was true you have nothing to back up your claim but the shoddy claim that the majority of Pakistani pop. is part of the barelvi sect - which I doubt in the first place.
What a lame post of yours indeed!
And court is no one to decide to handle the terrorists without bullets. It is the Right of the Government to decide according to the situation.
And you must be from Jupiter since Mars and Venus don't fit your line of logic, full of gas.

This is the most foolish thing that Army did. You could not go back to the negotiations after the operation has been launched.

You avoid my questions as you know the answers contain the Pmln rabies virus itself, lol.

Lame Excuse. Army Chief telling the Government to he has concerns upon the blockage of TV channels. And then telling the Government to go back upon the negotiation table instead of doing the operation which has already been started.
Lol, the banana interior minister says that Administration started operation on courts order and not me, lol, and you have the nerve to point finger at the army for an operation that the rabid minister is running away from himself...:haha:

Why was a fourth schedule molvi was permitted by Gov't to come from Lahore for "only a two day dharna" at parade ground...Why facilitate a known instigator?
Brother, you don't have to ask any one else for the help. Case is very very and very simple.

The only change was this that the words “I solemnly swear” have been replaced with “I believe

In no way this changes the Aqeedah of Khata-e-Nabuwat and it was totally a Non Issue.

This is such a minute mistake that any clerk could make.

This is such a minute mistake that whole cabinet then passed it, and afterwards whole Parliament passed it.

Therefore questions of Asima Jahangir are totally valid:

(1) How "Believing" in Khatam-e-Nabuwat negated the Aqeedah of Khatam-e-Nabuwat?

(2) Why only to hit PML one minister?

(3) Why don't you demand the resignation and then the case of Tauheen-e-Risalat against the whole parliament?

People have become blind in the hatred of PML and therefore they supported those Jahil Mullahs blindly.

I am ashamed of my Pakistani Nation for all this. In no way they behaved better than these Jahil Mullahs.

You are having a hard time understanding one thing. Hazoor pak is dead and gone. You can curse him for the rest of your life and it will make no difference to him or Muslims in general. There are however certain legal implications of changing the said clauses because they render politicians with no accountability in their appointment of office. I don't know how much more clear I can make this for you.
Even army knows that maulvis are right but our secular brigade on pdf thinks otherwise because they are all knowing champions of democracy and western values. :lol:
The protestor are right and they should be listened because they are demanding the right thing now if we look towards violence than it was started by PML-N. Most people think that they are Molvi so they should go to hell but why should they go to hell Pakistan is their country as well and mine as well. PML-N did wrong and the Law they tempered was an important and this will hurt any Political party who goes against it. In 1947 it was the fathers and fore fathers of these people who gave their lives for the independence of Pakistan not Americans.
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