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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

Baloch folks are paying the price with blood and tears for refusing to play the part relegated for them by the Pak's enemies. Seeing that Baloch folks won't play to their fiddle they're taking revenge on them. From now on, inshaAllah, it's not only Pak state vs proxy scums, but also the brave common Baloch vs the dogs of war. Similar staffs happened with the Kurdish folks in Turkey. PKK is now being increasingly kept under attack due to the valuable intels coming from the locals....

Afghanistan & India use TTP-LeJ terrorists to destabilize Pakistan. Afghans provide men and India provides money & weapons.

These two countries are also helping Baloch liberation terrorists to divert attention from Kashmir. This attack is not a punitive action against Baloch's. It is to avenge Uri attack from Pakistan.

All this will not go unpunished. Afghans will feel it in the days to come, God willing. So will those financing these sneaking terror attacks.
Maybe i have seen it happen a lot, don't really have words to express my feelings. The hate, these savages...If we are to blame India, we are wrong to do so. Are we going to cry like a baby, and continue to blame an entity for 70 years now. Simply look to mend our home. Secure ourselves, look to have no business with Afghanis who are hosting these terrorists. Simply attack them where we can, no matter the consequence. We need to realize that we are going to see such incidents from time to time, especially in Baluchistan and KPK. We need to get rid of this menace permanently.
And funny how we'll have security Ijlas for a couple of days, media talking about it. And after a couple of days, everyone will forget this ever happened. Pathetic behavior. Pathetic and useless government. We are doing politics in matters of national security. RIP NAP.
Need Zarb-e-azb like operation in the whole country, need to seal the borders best we can. Open an account, i'll be the first to donate what i have. Government shouldn't worry about funds.
RIP, very stressful and very hurting to see.

@DESERT FIGHTER , wasting your valuable time on a pathetic place. And then you see the same people complaining on PDF.

@balixd ,@Irfan Baloch ....
Lashker Jhangvi and its political outlet ASWJ provides political muscle to Nawaz league hence the ruling party never dares to allow operation cleanup in Punjab like being conducted in the rest of the country.
and to cause a smoke screen and fool the ill informed.. it "leaks" a story to dawn blaming Pakistan army and ISI for failing to go after terrorists in Punjab and patronising them. Nawaz league went as far as blaming army for putting hurdles on CPEC which is obnoxious.

LeJ has over the years enjoyed the support from very influential people.. yes its founders had the support of the military as well during the time of Gen Zia but their relation was pretty much divorced specially during Gen Musharraf time when this organisation announced itself to represent Al Qaeda in Pakistan .. abducted and executed Col Imam with the help of Khalid Khawaja and conducted some stunning operations against the state and its people.

Nawaz leagues support of this terror outfit is not Malicious or devilish but a necessity as well as it fears that the support will go to PTI and Jamat Islami and affect its vote bank.. which is not unfounded given the indication by Lal Masjid thugs (staunch allies of LeJ & TTP and declared followers of Al Baghdadi) that they might consider joining Imran's protest.

in the end . need to keep power is more than protecting the state and its people

rest I agree with your commentary.. there will be talk shows , mock condemnations and shock and business as usual. recall that Nawaz sherif was complaining about lack of food choices and low standard when he visited Peshawar after the APS tragedy.. this shows the seriousness of our politicians .. National action plan is non action plan. it was the unwillingness of our democratic leaders that led the military to enforce military courts that made a staunch army hater Raza Rabbani shed crocodile tears (he didnt even express sorrow over any terrorist atrocity including APS).

I have said it many times that blaming India is only warranted if and when we capture their guys like Yadev or intercept their communications and seize their arms.. but our reaction / pre-emptive action etc is something which India is not preventing us but our collective leadership which is lacking in that department. Gen Raheel has got few things done by nawaz when he wanted and I am sure PM will listen to his advice if Raheel makes a case and a point over it.

on side note.. Imran's stupid protest is fcked

stupid because, the idiot makes a protest, half does it.. Gives an advance date for the next march giving both the Indians along the Borders and LoC and the TTP ample time to coincide their attacks accordingly.. Not suggesting any coordination of TTP and Indians with Nawaz Sherif to counter the effects of PTI marches but just saying its all to convinent and happy coincidence for Nawaz sherif over and over and over again. if anything is going to be gained through protest or march then it will be spontanious like a flash mob.. it cant be planned and calculated .. Imran is burning himself out.
Maybe i have seen it happen a lot, don't really have words to express my feelings. The hate, these savages...If we are to blame India, we are wrong to do so. Are we going to cry like a baby, and continue to blame an entity for 70 years now. Simply look to mend our home. Secure ourselves, look to have no business with Afghanis who are hosting these terrorists. Simply attack them where we can, no matter the consequence. We need to realize that we are going to see such incidents from time to time, especially in Baluchistan and KPK. We need to get rid of this menace permanently.
And funny how we'll have security Ijlas for a couple of days, media talking about it. And after a couple of days, everyone will forget this ever happened. Pathetic behavior. Pathetic and useless government. We are doing politics in matters of national security. RIP NAP.
Need Zarb-e-azb like operation in the whole country, need to seal the borders best we can. Open an account, i'll be the first to donate what i have. Government shouldn't worry about funds.
RIP, very stressful and very hurting to see.

@DESERT FIGHTER , wasting your valuable time on a pathetic place. And then you see the same people complaining on PDF.

@balixd ,@Irfan Baloch ....
No words for me to explain the situation ----- I was sitting with a Director - NACTA, who is a relative, the stories of incompetency and nepotism shared actually got me disappointed ------ I distanced myself from all this crap, because it really hurts to know the inefficiency and incompetency of institutions which are supposed to be the backbone of this entire strategy ---- this incident may ring few bells in the corridors of Islamabad offices but a few days down and it will all be the history
Without spec ops inside Afghanistan to take out their infrastructure Zarb-e-Azab gains account for nothing.They will attack us a hundred times more.You can pre empt and stop 99 but eventually 1 will get through and when that happens this is the result!
Time for measures inside Pakistan are long gone.Its time we go for their jugular.Engaging in Cat and mouse games within our borders can only lead us so far its time we stopped being pussies,man up and go shoot them in their homes.
What i can't comprehend is why we are so reluctant to go after these dogs inside Afghanistan?Afghan gov doesn't even control 40% of the territory rest are breeding grounds for such scum.We can operate and deny and involvement without any interference from Afghan troops.Its not like Afghanistan can mobilise against us.They hardly have control over the few areas which they claim as safe and Taliban free.If we can't risk losing soldiers why not use cruise missiles?Woh Shabrat per bjanay hain?
In short only viable option is to go after them in Afghanistan,let no place on this earth be safe for them!
I have said it in the past

As long as our border with Afghanistan is not completely fenced we cany bring complete halt in terrorism as Afghanistan is a breeding ground for anti Pakistan forces including India.

Good fences makes good neighbors
you are looking at the wrong direction
it is Punjab and southern Punjab to be exact. LeJ, ASWJ or Punjabi taliban as they are known is Rana Sana ullahs territory.
but that operation against them will never happen as it will be against the Democracy since the Punjabi Democracy needs the help of these butchers to survive and stay in power.. but if the rest of Pakistanis die then so be it because it is Jamhuriat ka Husan
It is to avenge Uri attack from Pakistan.

So you are admitting that Pakistan did Uri? While this does look eerily similar to Uri in the method used (attacking cadets while they're asleep) this is most likely a case of imitation/inspiration. India doesn't control all these terrorist groups ISIS, LeJ and whatnot.
Prayers with the Families of Martyrs

@HRK - why are you giving me negative ratings one after the other? I seriously hope i am not trolling here?? Or i am not following some rule of the forum???? Seriously i dont care but please let know, so that i can improve my behavior here.
#QuettaAttack is agnst PTI dharna!

60 martyrs and this much sensitivity of major political party! Only Imran can compete with Kerjiwal in stooping this low, even if take discarding martyrdom of 60 jawans!!!
You can pre empt and stop 99 but eventually 1 will get through and when that happens this is the result!

What the hell they didn't attack some fruit market, they attacked a POLICE training center for goodness sake .......... and this is not something for the first time it has happened before, police training centers targeted and hundreds massacred...... was there ever a lesson learnt? apparently not.

By this time if this nation and country had some shame left in it IG Balochistan Police would have been roasted and served to dogs. Going into foreign lands when we miserably fail to protect our own. These policemen were supposed to make Pakistani citizens feel secure and safe .............. look at their condition and mourn the eternal insensitivity, incompetence, corruption, lacking balls to take decisions.
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