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Police back to old Uniform with slight changes


Apr 28, 2011
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Good move. Postman uniform abolished.
They should make police look more professional like Jacket or waist coat with 'Police' written on it, half sleeves, forage caps etc.
London Metropolitan Police
Police needs to be converted into Federal Entity

  • Training should be done in Universal Academy
  • Officers should be assigned after graduation to their cities
  • All paper written reports should be changed with English / Reports in Computer or Audio Entry of Incident
  • Criminal Face Capture system need to exist and Personal Data collection of Criminals should be implemented
  • Salary Structure should be improved
  • Police Officer's should get discounted food coupons or cards to buy from Restaurants
  • Emphasis should be on Parking Ticket Giving / Parking Violators / Driving Violators and people who don't keep their Property in order (Money generated can be used to help improve local Police Departments)

Pakistan is full 40-50 years behind rest of world in Police Efficiency
Look at the top 3 police forces of the world. See what makes them great try and impliment it in pakistan. World is a good place to learn from . like we learn from animals and nature we can learn from fellow human beings. I think best police is in uk or hong kong may be?

Middle east bahrain ? KSA? UAE?
its not the uniform which meters ... what meter is the person who is wearing it... our police is filled up with thugs and criminals and until these black sheep are in ... no meter what uniform they wear, public will not give them any respect

after all respect is a thing which everybody need to earn it dont come for free
no matter what uniform they wear they will remain same corrupt uneducated animals . no respect for them .they are terrorists in uniforms no one feel safe when go near to police .
@tps77 have a look at those hideous badges and emblems, complete waste of raw material. Even school kids have way more sticky neat and tidy badges on their shirts and coats.
@tps77 have a look at those hideous badges and emblems, complete waste of raw material. Even school kids have way more sticky neat and tidy badges on their shirts and coats.
Rightly said . Patanhi kera AIG ki bete ki drawing hai
Police needs to be converted into Federal Entity

  • Training should be done in Universal Academy
  • Officers should be assigned after graduation to their cities
  • All paper written reports should be changed with English / Reports in Computer or Audio Entry of Incident
  • Criminal Face Capture system need to exist and Personal Data collection of Criminals should be implemented
  • Salary Structure should be improved
  • Police Officer's should get discounted food coupons or cards to buy from Restaurants
  • Emphasis should be on Parking Ticket Giving / Parking Violators / Driving Violators and people who don't keep their Property in order (Money generated can be used to help improve local Police Departments)

Pakistan is full 40-50 years behind rest of world in Police Efficiency
what about a federal police, provincial province, municipilaty local police and local police in cities
Only recruit graduates and set up a independent police complaint commisson. Furthermore all police officers should have id numbers displayed on their persons at all times. There should also be 1/2 officers allocated per district/town, so they can liase with their communities.
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