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Police arrested 4 Muslim men for Blasphemy in Pakistan

Don't know if innocent or not but if the crime they are arrested is established then the punishment should be/will be under Sharia Law, the Law of the Creator(S.W.T) of the cosmos, INSHA ALLAH
The whole toolkit involves making cases out of nothing so that people like you come and demand that the laws be repealed.

You think repealing the blasphemy law is easy ? The TLP was born out of a movement to celebrate Mumtaz Qadri who assassinated Salman Taseer who was the governor of Punjab and spoke against the blasphemy law.
Pakistani police arrest four for ‘blasphemy’ over mosque argument
Four Muslim men accused of blasphemy after arguing with religious cleric who refused to make funeral announcement for a Christian.


Blasphemy is a sensitive subject in Pakistan, where strict blasphemy laws prescribe a mandatory death penalty for certain forms of the crime [File: Fareed Khan/AP]

Pakistani police have arrested four men charged with blasphemy after they argued with an ‘imam’ (religious cleric) over whether a funeral announcement for a Christian neighbour could be made from a mosque, officials say.

The case occurred in the village of Khodi Khushal Singh, near the eastern city of Lahore, on November 18, a local police official Faryad, who goes by one name, told Al Jazeera on Thursday.

“The men have been detained and we have presented them before the court,” he said.

The men, who were Muslim, argued with a local cleric after he refused to make a funeral announcement for a Christian man from his mosque, the initial police report says.

“As soon as they arrived [at the mosque], they started cursing the mosque’s imam, they disrespected the mosque and they insulted Islam,” reads the report.

Blasphemy is a sensitive subject in Pakistan, where strict blasphemy laws prescribe a mandatory death penalty for certain forms of the crime.

The four men were charged under sections 295 and 298 of Pakistan’s penal code, which carry penalties of up to two years in prison.

Pakistan has never executed a convict under the blasphemy laws, but accusations of the offence have increasingly led to murder by mobs or individuals. Since 1990, at least 79 people have been killed in such violence, according to an Al Jazeera tally.

Pakistani human rights activists have decried the case against the four men as being unfounded.

“If there was a Muslim who in good faith wants to have an announcement such as this made in the community, it’s not an attack on someone’s faith, it’s a good cause,” said human rights activist and lawyer Nadeem Anthony.

“So if someone announces [a funeral] on a loudspeaker, how is it a religious violation?”

I have literally heard (and I swear it's true) hen missing announcements from masjid loudspeaker, Shoes missing announcements as well as "Lunch is ready" announcement in weddings. ... Why can't we have death announcement of a fellow villager ?
You think repealing the blasphemy law is easy ? The TLP was born out of a movement to celebrate Mumtaz Qadri who assassinated Salman Taseer who was the governor of Punjab and spoke against the blasphemy law.

The colonial governor should have catered to sensitivities of his subject. Sipping whiskey and belittling conscience of subjects result in unilateral action.

Qadri respected the constitution of Pakistan unlike Pirouz.
Let's see how a christian going to a church and asking the priest to announce a funeral possession for a muslim or a jew pans out.

Do churches have loudspeakers like those in our mosques which are meant work for kilometers ?? I am sure they just have small one for internal use only. Maybe not even those
The colonial governor should have catered to sensitivities of his subject. Sipping whiskey and belittling conscience of subjects result in unilateral action.

You will have to elaborate this.

Qadri respected the constitution of Pakistan

Respecting the constitution involves a bodyguard assassinating his charge just because the charge wanted justice for a woman of a minority community ?
Respecting the constitution involves a bodyguard assassinating his charge just because the charge wanted justice for a woman of a minority community ?

Crime of passion happens everywhere. When you get lynched, it would also be a good defence lawyer stating it as crime of passion.
Do churches have loudspeakers like those in our mosques which are meant work for kilometers ?? I am sure they just have small one for internal use only. Maybe not even those

Visit the suburbs and find it yourself I've been to a friends place and the evening turned all "melodic" due the "small speakers" for internal use only .
“As soon as they arrived [at the mosque], they started cursing the mosque’s imam, they disrespected the mosque and they insulted Islam,” reads the report.

There you have it....

That's good enough reasons to make a case against them.

What possible religious law would have been violated if this announcement was made?

It makes no sense to announce the death of a Christian through a mosque. The Imam denied the request which he could based upon the religion of the deceased.

Get over it. I know most PDF'ers have a hard on against religious Pakistanis but stupid questions like this take it to another whole level.

And there's more proof right above of why he probably denied the request.

Be sure to read it before jumping on the trigger......I mean the keyboard. :D
A mosque is not a place to make announcements and imam od the mosque is the leaser of the mosque and has every right to disagree. These ppl had no right ro go and abuse the imam and disrespect the mosque.
Crime of passion happens everywhere. When you get lynched, it would also be a good defence lawyer stating it as crime of passion.
But you said he followed "constitution" of Pakistan thus a man of law
Than you are saying crime of passion
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Was he rightfully hanged for killing a man?
He was.

Now the colonial governor should be trialled posthumously as well.
But you said he followed "constitution" of Pakistan thus a man of law
Than you are saying crime of passion
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i called it a crime as well Indo Jaffar. Crime not lust, crime.
It makes no sense to announce the death of a Christian through a mosque.
I disagree.

Rigidity like this is alien to both religion and our culture
It makes no sense to announce the death of a Christian through a mosque.
I disagree.

Rigidity like this is alien to both religion and our culture

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