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Poland to provide Mig-29 to Ukraine - what should they get as replacement?

Thanks. I have been watching this guy and he is quite good. It gels with what you and I have been saying too. However, the Russians have quickly adapted to the changing ground and international situation. Senile Biden has just made a very luke warm reference to Ukraine and lack of US involvement. The simple economic and geographical FACT is that that sending troops into Ukraine is simply not in America’s national interest. Ukraine is not an ally, but it’s on a different Eurasian continent, it’s not a major trading partner, and there’s little strategic benefit for the US, which does not even have an army base on Ukrainian soil. The Russians know it too and will prevail.
I think it was a high stakes bet against Russia and Russia called the West's bluff.

I know they keep parroting the opposite sentence with the word bluff in their media. But I believe what I said to be true.

Think they should test some loitering munitions as well.
Well, I was thinking more along the line for collecting combat data for those new drone, they can even let USAF or RAAF operate it from the US or Australia just paint them with Ukrainian marking. I mean, a few of those drone don't cost as much as a F-16V (Boeing was doing them $115 mil for 6 Drones) , and combat data probably more valuable than that. And how often do you see how you stuff match with Russian Military?

But Yes, for general use, used MQ-1 would be sufficient, think we have a lot of those lying around after pulling out of Afghanistan. Just let the Ukrainian take it.
At this point you lot should suggest them to try some NATO troops too. Since y'all feeling so much for Ukraine.
I think it was a high stakes bet against Russia and Russia called the West's bluff.

I know they keep parroting the opposite sentence with the word bluff in their media. But I believe what I said to be true.

At this point you lot should suggest them to try some NATO troops too. Since y'all feeling so much for Ukraine.
LOL! This is nothing new buddy considering how the U.S. supported the Afghans during the 1980s with the help of Pakistan. Not to mention the Russians did the same when U.S. was fighting in Vietnam and Korean War without getting involved directly.
Think they should test some loitering munitions as well.
Well, yeah, once in a lifetime experience.

I mean you have people desperate enough to accept any help and you have people stupid enough to volunteer to get under them. That war would have been a very good test field. And I am pretty sure DOD know that.

I think it was a high stakes bet against Russia and Russia called the West's bluff.

I know they keep parroting the opposite sentence with the word bluff in their media. But I believe what I said to be true.

At this point you lot should suggest them to try some NATO troops too. Since y'all feeling so much for Ukraine.
Well, looking at how they fight the first week, I don't even think they need NATO troop in Ukraine.......

And you have to be either naive or stupid or both to not think the US will going to try something new in Ukraine. Why not, it's not hurting any American, it only hurt the Russian or maybe the Ukrainian if and when those thing explode. It would be stupid NOT to. It's a win-win.

Well, yeah, once in a lifetime experience.

I mean you have people desperate enough to accept any help and you have people stupid enough to volunteer to get under them. That war would have been a very good test field. And I am pretty sure DOD know that.

Well, looking at how they fight the first week, I don't even think they need NATO troop in Ukraine.......

And you have to be either naive or stupid or both to not think the US will going to try something new in Ukraine. Why not, it's not hurting any American, it only hurt the Russian or maybe the Ukrainian if and when those thing explode. It would be stupid NOT to. It's a win-win.

Only fight you and they winning is on social media man. They shouting at top of their voice for NATO help. But NATOs like welp no thanks.

Langley wet dream and fantasy
Only fight you and they winning is on social media man. They shouting at top of their voice for NATO help. But NATOs like welp no thanks.
I don't see a single NATO soldier or their family weep, well, they do probably because what the Russian did in the first 7 days is HILARIOUS, little tears comes out. I saw a lot of Russian Mother cry over losing their son tho.

Oh, and I saw a lot of Captured Russian soldier cry on Live TV too.

Does that help? HAHAHA

Dude think Russia invading Ukraine is hurting NATO. LOL WHAT A CHAMP. You deserve a LOL in 26

Only fight you and they winning is on social media man. They shouting at top of their voice for NATO help. But NATOs like welp no thanks.
NATO not intervening is the best decision and here are the reasons.
1. No WW3.
2. NATO intervening would pretty much back Putin's claims about NATO on Ukraine, which is why NATO refused Ukraine's asking for membership for years. Ukraine defending themselves would look like the underdogs and you have the Russian people protesting this action instead of any NATO aggression. Not to mention Putin having to bring up the WW2 memories of Nazis which any generation remembers and scared of.
3. Ukraine is getting the best indirect support with intelligence from aircraft and satellites as well as weapons, equipment and volunteers etc. Not to mention the moral support from all around the world.
NATO not intervening is the best decision and here are the reasons.
1. No WW3.
2. NATO intervening would pretty much back Putin's claims about NATO on Ukraine, which is why NATO refused Ukraine's asking for membership for years. Ukraine defending themselves would look like the underdogs and you have the Russian people protesting this action instead of any NATO aggression. Not to mention Putin having to bring up the WW2 memories of Nazis which any generation remembers and scared of.
3. Ukraine is getting the best indirect support with intelligence from aircraft and satellites as well as weapons, equipment and volunteers etc. Not to mention the moral support from all around the world.
Also Why would NATO get involved directly??.

Ukraine is doing all the grunt work, NATO and US is insulated, there are virtually no consequence because they weren't there fighting. But Russian soldier and strength still get zapped by the Ukrainian with every soldier they killed and capture. I wouldn't be surprise if they were transporting those Russian POW to NATO blacksite in Poland/Romania and get the intel with virtually no NATO effort, that's like Freebie.

I mean, no NATO soldier down, Russian getting killed, and Russia economy being reduced to rubble with next to ZERO NATO asset involved. Jesus, I can't think there are better way than this, like this is THE situation that NATO want. Like this is The GSAT (Greatest Situation of ALL TIME)

Not to mention Putin having to bring up the WW2 memories of Nazis which any generation remembers and scared of.
And then he proceed to bomb the Babi-Yar memorial in Ukraine.......

Also Why would NATO get involved directly??.

Ukraine is doing all the grunt work, NATO and US is insulated, there are virtually no consequence because they weren't there fighting. But Russian soldier and strength still get zapped by the Ukrainian with every soldier they killed and capture. I wouldn't be surprise if they were transporting those Russian POW to NATO blacksite in Poland/Romania and get the intel with virtually no NATO effort, that's like Freebie.

I mean, no NATO soldier down, Russian getting killed, and Russia economy being reduced to rubble with next to ZERO NATO asset involved. Jesus, I can't think there are better way than this, like this is THE situation that NATO want. Like this is The GSAT (Greatest Situation of ALL TIME)

And then he proceed to bomb the Babi-Yar memorial in Ukraine.......

Them Russians really did not live up to the hype considering the equipment and numbers they had at their disposal. Even National Guard POGs could do better.
Them Russians really did not live up to the hype considering the equipment and numbers they had at their disposal. Even National Guard POGs could do better.
Hey!! I was in the National Guard.....

(Sitting at the corner and drawing circle on the floor)

lol, I was just joking.....Yeah, the force do not live up to the standard. For whatever reason, they are underperformed. I mean, the first part of Russia plan is already achieve, the force on Eastern city (the 2 separatist region) are tying down the 6 Brigade there since 2014, and the Brest region is tying another 4 Brigade to the West, yet some how they are facing the 3 Brigade guarding the Central District and still yet to take the capital. Mind you, unlike Baghdad, Kyiv is 140-150km from the staging point from Belarussian Border. It was supposed to be first or second day objective, yet 7 days in, it still stand, that call into the question of the entire timing issue.
Hey!! I was in the National Guard.....

(Sitting at the corner and drawing circle on the floor)
Family is active infantry regularly deployed with SOF so don’t feel too bad. You’re better than the supposed vodka drinking bear hunting Russians who apparently don’t know how to fight cohesively
Family is active infantry regularly deployed with SOF so don’t feel too bad. You’re better than the supposed vodka drinking bear hunting Russians who apparently don’t know how to fight cohesively
lol, I edited my post. I was joking.

I was with the 3d then 82nd Airborne. Went to Airborne and Ranger school, was going to try RASP but instead got wounded...
lol, I edited my post. I was joking.

I was with the 3d then 82nd Airborne. Went to Airborne and Ranger school, was going to try RASP but instead got wounded...
Fam was with the Chosin.. still active so will wait till his contract is up.
Yup.. great stories on how not to let grunts drive in new york winters
Yeah, for a moment I was thinking the Cruiser USS Chosin (My cousin served on that) then you said he was active infantry. Then I remember the 10th have a Chosin Battalion.

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