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Poland to provide Mig-29 to Ukraine - what should they get as replacement?

Ukraine used to upgrade it but that option is out of the question.

It seems that Russia is holding back for now, things can turn really ugly if they turn to Idlib style war. Meaning they bombs everything that stands and moves.
The Chechen War style bombing. Evet.

I don't think it will be upgraded. It will only be brought into operational condition. Collect spare parts and ammunition from all over the world, change transponders, radio and add data link then roll out.
Yeah I think so too.

Polish mig 29

There is also another point if gas price really raises to €2000 there will be chaos in Europe

F-35. The deal was even made. https://www.defensenews.com/global/...ks-46-billion-contract-for-f-35-fighter-jets/

The subsidy of planes transferred from Bulgaria and Poland are probably 99% covered by the USA.

Ukraine's existing air force infrastructure and pilot training, maintenance organization are based in accordance with Soviet aircraft. Therefore, the most effective and fastest solution for Ukraine was the transfer of Russian-origin aircrafts from the some NATO air forces, which invested in the transition to western standards and continued its investments.

There must still be operational airfields, because Russia still has not achieved 100% air superiority. However, according to a report yesterday, these new aircraft will be stationed in Poland. In other words, they will enter Ukraine through Polish airspace with the Ukrainian flag. Just as Russian troops entered Ukraine from Belarus for the siege of Kyiv, although Belarus did not directly enter the war.

The fact that the airbase will be in Poland may also mean that there will be hundreds of NATO personnel (and full technical support) at that airbase.
My intel source said Western Ukraine Airfield is largely untouched. And Russia did not achieve 100% air superiority above Kyiv.
As per reports, the fighter jets will operate from Poland and Ukrainian pilots will use Polish airbases.

Let's see how would Russia react to this. Poland is talking bigger than its mouth, it is possible that Russia hit them with precision strike cruise and ballistic missiles.
You hit NATO member with missile, you go to war with entire NATO, that mean WW3

That is the same reason why Russia do not touch C4ITAR asset that is piping information to Ukraine
As per reports, the fighter jets will operate from Poland and Ukrainian pilots will use Polish airbases.

Let's see how would Russia react to this. Poland is talking bigger than its mouth, it is possible that Russia hit them with precision strike cruise and ballistic missiles.

Poland is part of NATO - Russia will suck it up - they have no choice.

I don't think it will be upgraded. It will only be brought into operational condition. Collect spare parts and ammunition from all over the world, change transponders, radio and add data link then roll out.

Poland probably have better soviet jet infrastructure than others. I wonder how Poland's Mig' level and has there been any modernization? I mean, if these planes, for example, could drop Mark80 series bombs, it would be an incredible advantage. In this way, the US could transfer thousands of guidance kits for Mark-81-82 to Poland. Or, does the Polish defense industry have any facility in producing ammunition for these aircrafts? I think we need to look into these issues in some detail.

Putting aside the absurdity of the situation, the black market can keep these jets operational for a long time if a strong financial source supports it.

Interesting thought - where else in the world outside of the EU can spare Mig29s/Su27s be picked up and transferred to Ukraine. Interesting.
What will happen if these planes attack from Poland ? How Russia or any country will take attack on its soldiers.
TBH i dont think actual land will be provided as this will give russia the excuse to expand further in land and Nato will become the aggressor.

All the media and moral support no country want this to get escalated higher than what it already is and want it touching its own borders and citizens all well and Good you have giant enemy coming towards your own voters.

Neither is Russia is Soviet union neither Nato has that large armour fleet to hold of soviet invasion.

Soviets can run through the defense of smaller countries but dont have the resources, main power to actually control and occupy EU.

Hopefully in coming days we will see some de-esclation
How would they fly into Ukraine? S-400 would be watching them. Unless they are not in position and/or coordination with ground forces and VKS is not there. Strange things, No news of sorties by Russian aerospace forces VKS and any air battles.
Russia have shot down a civilian plane over Ukraine before in less contested condition. If VKS has no superiority over ukrian airspace this war will protract.
and how come Ukraine can get 100 or more trained pilots to operate new planes?
Only news coming out of this war are from western and US media. No Russian side of story.
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My intel source said Western Ukraine Airfield is largely untouched. And Russia did not achieve 100% air superiority above Kyiv.
Your intel source ?😶
Are they not seeing that 40mile long queue of ruski convey.
If Ukraine had any operational fleet it would have already been attacked.

Turkish drones did what they could but ........

We might see some resistance pockets but see any major improvement , at this time better to not trust anything from any side.
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