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Poland to provide Mig-29 to Ukraine - what should they get as replacement?

Drones would have been sufficient. Ukraine Gould conserve remaining pilots.
Drones are limited tactical weapons and simply can not hold ground. In specific conditions they can take out bunkers and armor in limited numbers. They are ineffective against a large professional military that has good AD systems and air superiority.
Lend lease in action, a modern day Operation Nickel Grass. Drones won’t be enough, because this is just the beginning of the Russian war; they have yet to commit the bulk of their forces and try to go for total air superiority. Best for the Ukrainians to fight to maintain control over as much of their air space as possible.
Drones are limited tactical weapons and simply can not hold ground. In specific conditions they can take out bunkers and armor in limited numbers. They are ineffective against a large professional military that has good AD systems and air superiority.
Thank you

When man power and human resource is lower vis a vis enemy, that’s where you conserve trained men and send in expendables (drones). They are cheap to operate but costly too as losses will occur but the trained/experienced faculty is not lost. Still better than losing an expensive fighter aircraft.

UCAVs won’t let enemy settle in and keep harassing them. They carry enough firepower to take out tactical and significant targets. They are highly mobile and night time operations are possible due to sensors. They have good endurance and range plus payload for a single sortie.
Thank you

When man power and human resource is lower vis a vis enemy, that’s where you conserve trained men and send in expendables (drones). They are cheap to operate but costly too as losses will occur but the trained/experienced faculty is not lost. Still better than losing an expensive fighter aircraft.

UCAVs won’t let enemy settle in and keep harassing them. They carry enough firepower to take out tactical and significant targets. They are highly mobile and night time operations are possible due to sensors. They have good endurance and range plus payload for a single sortie.
Largely correct assessment, however, keep in mind that for drone operations you need secure airstrips, albeit short runways. Russia has air superiority and excellent BVR ECM capability. If the drones operate from Poland, Romania or Bulgaria/Moldavia, then those countries become a target.

Secondly, Russia has gained a lot of experience in Syria where it has honed its anti-drone warfare capabilities. Most importantly Russia will defend its Ukrainian operation to any extent as Ukraine is an important element in the defence of the Russian hinterland, and they see the country as a buffer zone in which there can be no power other than Russia. To most Russians Ukraine is their heartland dating back to Kievan-Rus and all establishment of the Orthodox religion. Now as the propaganda fog lifts you will see how the Syrian experience to attain strategic objectives will be put to use. Russia has not even mobilized a fraction of its forces or called up millions of reservists.
For pokand swdeens grioen suits tgem well does everythibg as rafale but with better EW suir can carry both usa and EU weapons
Largely correct assessment, however, keep in mind that for drone operations you need secure airstrips, albeit short runways. Russia has air superiority and excellent BVR ECM capability. If the drones operate from Poland, Romania or Bulgaria/Moldavia, then those countries become a target.

Secondly, Russia has gained a lot of experience in Syria where it has honed its anti-drone warfare capabilities. Most importantly Russia wild defend its Ukrainian operation to any extent as Ukraine is an important element in the defence of the Russians, and they see the country as a buffer zone in which there can be no power other than Russia. To most Russians Ukraine is their heartland dating back to Kievan-Rus and all establishment of the Orthodox religion. Now as the propaganda fog lifts you will see how the Syrian experience to attain strategic objectives will be put to use. Russia has not even mobilized a fraction of its forces or called up millions of reservists.
Drones can be operated from Germany or any other country in Europe. Drones can be flown from unprepared strips or hastily prepared strips.

Russian EW and AD wasn’t commendable in Syria. Pantsir was taken out then and even in this war against Ukraine. Israel and usa will be helping with technology including EW against Russia.
You seem to be one of the rational grown up here. Ukraine and the western warmongers are putting out so much nonsense that even Baghdad Bob looks like a serene professional. The FACT of the matter is that I have yet to see a single verified video of a Russian combat aircraft or even a transport "shot down". The Russians in their usual cool professional manner give a realistic combat losses and battle theater reports occasionally. At this stage after some initial hiccups which happen when lead starts flying, the Russians have regained their strategic initiative. Ukraine is a large chunk of land, over 600,000 kms or half the size of Iran, so pacifying the whole landscape will take some time. Watching objective video feeds and educated comments, I expect another month of softening up and then Kiev will fall. I would strongly recommend that the trolls take a break as people are dying and continuing a lost war only accentuates misery on all sides. The only bloodthirsty coward clown hiding in the bunker is Zelensky, who has nothing to lose as like Ashraf Ghani he will flee eventually anyway.
When it comes to helicopters. I've seen a Ka52 shot down. Not clear if it was old video. Circulated by Ukrainian psyops again. Or legit. I also saw another helicopter shot down over a water reservoir.

Ground vehicles. I've seen Russian Kamaz trucks and Iveco LAVs. But for trucks and other ground vehicles Ukrainians use 90% same equipment. So it's easy for them to show their own losses as Russian losses. And white westies gobble that propaganda up.

You seem to be one of the rational grown up here. Ukraine and the western warmongers are putting out so much nonsense that even Baghdad Bob looks like a serene professional. The FACT of the matter is that I have yet to see a single verified video of a Russian combat aircraft or even a transport "shot down". The Russians in their usual cool professional manner give a realistic combat losses and battle theater reports occasionally. At this stage after some initial hiccups which happen when lead starts flying, the Russians have regained their strategic initiative. Ukraine is a large chunk of land, over 600,000 kms or half the size of Iran, so pacifying the whole landscape will take some time. Watching objective video feeds and educated comments, I expect another month of softening up and then Kiev will fall. I would strongly recommend that the trolls take a break as people are dying and continuing a lost war only accentuates misery on all sides. The only bloodthirsty coward clown hiding in the bunker is Zelensky, who has nothing to lose as like Ashraf Ghani he will flee eventually anyway.
Doesn't he have dual nationality with Israel?

For pokand swdeens grioen suits tgem well does everythibg as rafale but with better EW suir can carry both usa and EU weapons
When it comes to helicopters. I've seen a Ka52 shot down. Not clear if it was old video. Circulated by Ukrainian psyops again. Or legit. I also saw another helicopter shot down over a water reservoir.

Ground vehicles. I've seen Russian Kamaz trucks and Iveco LAVs. But for trucks and other ground vehicles Ukrainians use 90% same equipment. So it's easy for them to show their own losses as Russian losses. And white westies gobble that propaganda up.

Indeed, there have been some Russian losses. I also saw a video of a disabled Alligator on the outskirts of Kiev in the first day of operations. However, now the Russians have regrouped and also changed their military brass. They are now pummeling the Ukrainians with drones and have just asked for all civilians to leave Kiev or face the consequences.

On March 1, numerous unmanned reconnaissance drones of the Russian Armed Forces were observed in the skies over Ukraine, especially near Kharkiv. The question arises why the Russians actually neglected this element of aerial reconnaissance in the previous 5 days, after they reached full air supremacy. Apparently, the answer lies in the incompetence of some of the Moscow carpet generals, who had achieved the command positions in the military operation against Ukraine through intrigues seeking for upcoming awards and promotions.

Indeed, there have been some Russian losses. I also saw a video of a disabled Alligator on the outskirts of Kiev in the first day of operations. However, now the Russians have regrouped and also changed their military brass. They are now pummeling the Ukrainians with drones and have just asked for all civilians to leave Kiev or face the consequences.

On March 1, numerous unmanned reconnaissance drones of the Russian Armed Forces were observed in the skies over Ukraine, especially near Kharkiv. The question arises why the Russians actually neglected this element of aerial reconnaissance in the previous 5 days, after they reached full air supremacy. Apparently, the answer lies in the incompetence of some of the Moscow carpet generals, who had achieved the command positions in the military operation against Ukraine through intrigues seeking for upcoming awards and promotions.

Thank you

When man power and human resource is lower vis a vis enemy, that’s where you conserve trained men and send in expendables (drones). They are cheap to operate but costly too as losses will occur but the trained/experienced faculty is not lost. Still better than losing an expensive fighter aircraft.

UCAVs won’t let enemy settle in and keep harassing them. They carry enough firepower to take out tactical and significant targets. They are highly mobile and night time operations are possible due to sensors. They have good endurance and range plus payload for a single sortie.
Maybe it's good time to have the American sell Ukraine some XQ-58 or the Australian to sell them the Loyal Wingman. They can sell them Drone, and EU will probably pay for it as they said they would.

This is probably a good testing ground.

Maybe it's good time to have the American sell Ukraine some XQ-58 or the Australian to sell them the Loyal Wingman. They can sell them Drone, and EU will probably pay for it as they said they would.

This is probably a good testing ground.

I get them thousands of quadcopters for surveillance or even dropping mortar rounds. For high end maybe Predator drones to join the fight.
Thanks. I have been watching this guy and he is quite good. It gels with what you and I have been saying too. However, the Russians have quickly adapted to the changing ground and international situation. Senile Biden has just made a very luke warm reference to Ukraine and lack of US involvement. The simple economic and geographical FACT is that that sending troops into Ukraine is simply not in America’s national interest. Ukraine is not an ally, but it’s on a different Eurasian continent, it’s not a major trading partner, and there’s little strategic benefit for the US, which does not even have an army base on Ukrainian soil. The Russians know it too and will prevail.
I get them thousands of quadcopters for surveillance or even dropping mortar rounds. For high end maybe Predator drones to join the fight.
Well, I was thinking more along the line for collecting combat data for those new drone, they can even let USAF or RAAF operate it from the US or Australia just paint them with Ukrainian marking. I mean, a few of those drone don't cost as much as a F-16V (Boeing was doing them $115 mil for 6 Drones) , and combat data probably more valuable than that. And how often do you see how you stuff match with Russian Military?

But Yes, for general use, used MQ-1 would be sufficient, think we have a lot of those lying around after pulling out of Afghanistan. Just let the Ukrainian take it.
Well, I was thinking more along the line for collecting combat data for those new drone, they can even let USAF or RAAF operate it from the US or Australia just paint them with Ukrainian marking. I mean, a few of those drone don't cost as much as a F-16V (Boeing was doing them $115 mil for 6 Drones) , and combat data probably more valuable than that. And how often do you see how you stuff match with Russian Military?

But Yes, for general use, used MQ-1 would be sufficient, think we have a lot of those lying around after pulling out of Afghanistan. Just let the Ukrainian take it.
Think they should test some loitering munitions as well.
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