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Poland looking forward to better ties with India

Make me laugh why India wants to improve relationship with Poland. Anyway what they have to offer to Indian- NOTHING!!!
Just to let u know Russian and German hate polish people.... And they are the most racist people in the world... Its same case here if Russia wants to improve relationship with Pakistan...

Yeah racist Of course. Thats why they saved Jews who were persecuted all around the europe and risked there own life. Still many jews lives at krakow jewish colony.

Woman who saved 2,500 Jews honored - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Think before you speak.
Also another point why Poland want to sell India high tech weapons and not to India enemys is because of popularity of Jews in India and Poland. Jews can live in India without being discriminated.
Poland is the bread basket of Europe and the fastest Economy of Europe .... so we can have a lot of Trade related co-operations .

we can't have defence related co=operation with Poland as it will seriously annoy Russia.
sorry but i differ i had 2 foreign exchange students for my MBA class last year and one was polish the other german..... i found tat the german was very arrogant he called everything tat he didn like about my country as stupid but the polish was sweet and covering up for his loud mouth german friend.......Germans hate Chinese coz he was bad mouthing them royally and said they were hated in Germany were as he said german considered Japanese as bros!!!!!!!!! I am sure he would have bad mouthed India when he went to his country
you cant judge a nation by only interacting with only one person, anyways, good news.
Also i brought this topic of Hitler and persecution of Jews to the german guy instead of being embarrassed of his country's past he was feel disappointed that German was brought down by so many nations and it was cowardly it seems
you cant judge a nation by only interacting with only one person, anyways, good news.

as i said many of my friends also felt tat way and by the way if a german in this thread can bad mouth his/her neighbour like this then imagine us indian(non white) there??????????
Its not about being bad mouth and i am not saying polish aren't good people i was just trying to put Indian strategic interest ahead. if India want to be treated as a world power then you have to start acting like one. And this is about time now. or it will be late. Lets not talk about Hitler and Holocaust u have no idea what we been though. Who and how every one in this world saved us... lets stay on topic here.

Everyone has started treating India seriously now. But India is giving mixed signal to global community.
Russia has always helped India even they have agreed to give their best technologies to India. Take an example of their fifth gen fighter tech, they have even ready to give TOT for it. And look at USA they don't sale their best tech no no one even to NATO countries. And i read, every day Indian media is bashing how Russia is delaying in product delivery spare part etc. etc.

When India needed Russia was there and now when India has money it went on shopping spree. Buy from everyone. Its just not right. Its gives signal to global community and strategic thinker that India is not loyal to its long time partners.
lol let media say whatever it wants
still bulk of the defence imports comes from russia as well as space program is tied up,only thing india will be buying from america is transport aircrafts,i seriouly doubt poland could offer any cutting edge technology to india may be some joint work.on other hand israel has become close friend to india in defence program
Its not about being bad mouth and i am not saying polish aren't good people i was just trying to put Indian strategic interest ahead. if India want to be treated as a world power then you have to start acting like one. And this is about time now. or it will be late. Lets not talk about Hitler and Holocaust u have no idea what we been though. Who and how every one in this world saved us... lets stay on topic here.

Everyone has started treating India seriously now. But India is giving mixed signal to global community.
Russia has always helped India even they have agreed to give their best technologies to India. Take an example of their fifth gen fighter tech, they have even ready to give TOT for it. And look at USA they don't sale their best tech no no one even to NATO countries. And i read, every day Indian media is bashing how Russia is delaying in product delivery spare part etc. etc.

When India needed Russia was there and now when India has money it went on shopping spree. Buy from everyone. Its just not right. Its gives signal to global community and strategic thinker that India is not loyal to its long time partners.

While what u say is true India will not abandon the Russians ever. Infact we have moved from a buyer seller relationship to a partner relation now. Our Pak FGFA and MRTA are examples. Though i am not a conspiracy theorist, i have heard and read many times about the strategic relationship we have with them like some very secret stuff. I don't know how far this is true but there is such talk. I don't think u are justified in saying we are moving away.
I'll remain a bit skeptical about India forging a relationship with poland. :undecided:
I think IA should go for cv90 120t if they are still interested in light tanks.

Actually, the poles are quite racist. There is a lot of white pride sentiments running high in Poland.

have been to poland one of my worst vacations they hate every one leaving eurpoeans :sick: though i like germans good people to hang out with and they like to drink beer too :cheers:
Its not about being bad mouth and i am not saying polish aren't good people i was just trying to put Indian strategic interest ahead. if India want to be treated as a world power then you have to start acting like one. And this is about time now. or it will be late. Lets not talk about Hitler and Holocaust u have no idea what we been though. Who and how every one in this world saved us... lets stay on topic here.

Everyone has started treating India seriously now. But India is giving mixed signal to global community.
Russia has always helped India even they have agreed to give their best technologies to India. Take an example of their fifth gen fighter tech, they have even ready to give TOT for it. And look at USA they don't sale their best tech no no one even to NATO countries. And i read, every day Indian media is bashing how Russia is delaying in product delivery spare part etc. etc.

When India needed Russia was there and now when India has money it went on shopping spree. Buy from everyone. Its just not right. Its gives signal to global community and strategic thinker that India is not loyal to its long time partners.

I agree with your post and let me remind you, India will not leave Russia!! Yes we have started buying weapons from other country's too but we buy majority of our weapons from Russia and will buy so. And its not all about weapons buying, people as individuals here in India have a very soft corner for Russia cause of the way Russia helped India after Independence. Yes the stupid media do exaggerate things but we know that Russia is our best ally.


Btw, one offtopic question is this your pic in your avator..?
Polish people are racist..No doubt in that.. Some strange superiority complex they have.
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