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Poland a Post Communist Success Story? think again, 14% Unemployment, Half a million fled it in 2013


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Unemployment up to 14 percent

Unemployment in Poland rose by 0.6 percent in January, according to the latest monthly statistics released by the Central Statistical Office (GUS).

January's figures represented the worst since April 2013, although in February last year, during the typical winter rise in unemployment, the level was as high as 14.2 percent.
According to GUS, the highest rate of unemployment is in the Warmia-Masuria region of north-east Poland, where 22.4 percent of non-pensioned adults were registered as unemployed.
The lowest level of unemployment is in the west-central Wielkopolska province, where 10 percent were listed as without work. Mazovia, which includes Warsaw, was second best at 11.4 percent.
In total, over 2.26 Poles were registered as unemployed at the close of January 2014. (nh)

Half a million leave Poland in 2013

A leading demographer has estimated that up to 500,000 Poles emmigrated in 2013, as Poland's population shrinks still further since it joined the EU in 2004.

“Official statistics point towards what has been another huge wave of immigration,” affirmed Professor Krystyna Iglicka from Warsaw's Lazarski University.
“According to German data, some 200,000 Poles moved there last year. A similar number of our compatriots also went to the UK.
“Large groups have also started to seek their fortune in Norway and the Netherlands,” she added.
Professor Iglicka noted that a significant proportion of the immigrants are those joining family members who have already settled abroad.
If Iglicka's estimates are correct, it would mean that about 2.6 million Polish citizens currently live abroad, with the first major wave of immigration occurring after Poland joined the EU in 2004.
In 2013, about 2.1 people in Poland were registered as unemployed.
Agnieszka Zerek, who runs the Legalis legal advice office for Poles in the UK, says her clients generally find life easier in the UK than in Poland.
“It's easier to get a job, it's easier to maintain a family, it's easier to put money aside and save something,” she said. (nh)

Seems unemployment is higher than Russia.
russian unemployment rate is 5.6% and a lot of central asian guest workers are not counting in this statistics, russias unemployment is 4-3% probably in reality
It was a historical mistake for the Soviet Union to shed their blood to save the skin of the Poles from the Nazi's.. Should have just let the U.S and Britain deal with it, Not that they would have given the history..Which by the time the Nazi's would have just gassed the whole lot..

An ungrateful bunch of people if ive ever seen one
@Gibbs The World is not just black and white.
Soviets has a different philosophy from modern day Russians.

When it comes to Soviets,they see in Poland sattelite state made to estabilish world dominance of Soviet Union.
When it comes to Russians,Poles and Russians are biggest Slav nations who fought for many years.
West vs East,Catholicsm vs Orthodox...
It was a historical mistake for the Soviet Union to shed their blood to save the skin of the Poles from the Nazi's.. Should have just let the U.S and Britain deal with it, Not that they would have given the history..Which by the time the Nazi's would have just gassed the whole lot..

An ungrateful bunch of people if ive ever seen one

@Gibbs The World is not just black and white.
Soviets has a different philosophy from modern day Russians.

When it comes to Soviets,they see in Poland sattelite state made to estabilish world dominance of Soviet Union.
When it comes to Russians,Poles and Russians are biggest Slav nations who fought for many years.
West vs East,Catholicsm vs Orthodox...

I have no issues with sovereign nations standing up to their territorial integrity and national interests.. But post cold war Poland or atleast it's western servitude governments have done nothing but to irk it's most important neighbor and openly propagating antagonism against Russia at the behest of the West.. It's role in the Ukrainian crisis is a glaring example.. That is a grave mistake..

There are a lot of examples through history when countries against their better judgment siding with opportunists ending up in the middle of the rot.. My country of birth being one of them as i've mentioned in another thread
There are a lot of examples through history when countries against their better judgment siding with opportunists ending up in the middle of the rot.. My country of birth being one of them as i've mentioned in another thread

Ok. But I humbly disagree with your statement of "Skin saving of Poles" by the Soviets.:lol:
Well they did.. If not for their sacrifice.. There wont be many Poles left today
But the Poles were not feeling the same when the Soviet troops entered Poland to purge out the Germans.
Poles are doing rather well, their economy is doing fine.
They are migrating to other countries because of lack of skilled people in western europe and exchange rate is favourable for them to work overseas.
They dont have massive oil and gas industry why are you comparing with russia.
Poles are doing rather well, their economy is doing fine.
They are migrating to other countries because of lack of skilled people in western europe and exchange rate is favourable for them to work overseas.
They dont have massive oil and gas industry why are you comparing with russia.

Which economy? There main economy is agriculture and real estate these days. Not high tech industries like nuclear reactor/enrichment,oil and gas,heavy industrial goods,aerospace,defense technologies etc. All these Russia has .
Which economy? There main economy is agriculture and real estate these days. Not high tech industries like nuclear reactor/enrichment,oil and gas,heavy industrial goods,aerospace,defense technologies etc. All these Russia has .
why are you comparing poland with russia?
But the Poles were not feeling the same when the Soviet troops entered Poland to purge out the Germans.

The richer poles fled .The poorer ones welcomed them ,but soon felt betrayed with their strong anti-catholic stance .
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