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Poland a Post Communist Success Story? think again, 14% Unemployment, Half a million fled it in 2013

A Toyota Highlander, a mid size SUV, starts at a base price of nearly 30,000. Loaded up and it easily tops 40,000 by the time you leave the dealer. That's more than the annual income of a hard working American middle class man, who earns say 35,000. Per capita GDP in the US is 50,000, but that's because there are 1% of Americans who earn tens of millions per year. I don't know how you can say Americans are rich when hard working Americans can't afford to buy a lot of necessary goods for their families. In fact, the reason why the average American family has over 200,000 debt is precisely BECAUSE they don't have enough income to buy things with prices of goods and services so high and getting worse year on year.

Toyota Highlander 2014 | Hybrid & Mid-Size SUVs

Capitalism fools those fools. They think they are rich, but they are broke work slaves their entire life.

Western Bigots still claim that Capitalism is superior to Communism... :omghaha:
The US has over 16% poverty rate. Actually, poverty line in the US is insanely low at some 22,000 annual income for a family of 4, which is even less than how much a Toyota Highlander costs. I can't see how the US can boast a high HDI when its poverty is so high. IMO, poverty line in the US should be 40,000 annual income for a family of 3, which would put US poverty rate at over 33%.

List of countries by percentage of population living in poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Toyota Highlander 2014 | Hybrid & Mid-Size SUVs
Just last year Poland confiscated half of its citizens' private pension fund in order to pay down its debt. And then transferred more into state control just last month (to pay off more debt later).

Poland pension reform reversal highlights public disillusion - FT.com

Poland also massively devalued its currency during the financial crisis and implement harsh austerity measures to prop up its financial sectors. Poland austerity only reversed a bit last year due to protests and the polish government just decided to rob pension funds instead. Even now the Polish government is still debating more austerity because they're STILL having budget deficit issues.

And while all of this is happening, speculative EU money is pouring into their country and inflating the price of everything...because everyone is speculating that Poland is the next Germany.

The results are not good enough considering how much "backing" from the EU Poland gets. I use the word backing loosely considering EU takes as well as give...nothing is free, and it usually takes more than it gives.
Where are you now, brzezinski?!

hes a western serf and always was, if you watch morning joe you can see how the guys make sometimes fun of his daughter with attempting to speak with polish accent. Westerners never respected eastern europeans and never will.

I feel sorry for poland, they lost so many people to america and germany. They would easily have 80 million people without emigration, i know many poles here in germany who are totally germanized and only know that they have here and there polish roots. If you ask them further if they know polish and polish culture they try to hind it and say they feel more german.
Russo-Polish history,the last 250 years in a nutshell :

1.18th century-Poland is occupied by Russia,Austria(Hey! thanks you austrian fucks,only some 60 years later the poles delivered Viena from the ottomans !) and partitioned-Until the end of WW1 the polish have some 3 anti-russian uprisings for their liberation,all crushed in blood.
2. End of WW1-Poland has to fight a bloody war to secure its freedom from Bolshevik Russia.
3.1939-Poland is invaded by Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. 22.000 polish officers and intelectuals are murdered in cold blood by the russians in an attempt to eradicate the polish inteligentsia.
4.1944-1945....The "liberating" soviet armies rape every polish woman in sight in their march towards Germany.
5.1945-Soviet Russia instals communisn with all its horrors in Poland.

Yeah...those ungratefull polish bastards...:o:

Guess i did'nt delve deeply in to the historical animosity between the two nations.. My apologies on that.. Although that's just one side of the story

But it doesn't take away the fact that Poland is antagonizing Russia unnecessarily being a Western vassal state.. It's not going to end up well for them.. Smart people pick their battles
Guess i did'nt delve deeply in to the historical animosity between the two nations.. My apologies on that.. Although that's just one side of the story

But it doesn't take away the fact that Poland is antagonizing Russia unnecessarily being a Western vassal state.. It's not going to end up well for them.. Smart people pick their battles

No.Poland just sits in the opposite camp to Russia and plays her part.Russia is hated in these parts for good reasons.Their policy over Eastern European states was one of hegemony,land grabs and destruction hence nobody trusts them now.

I can't really understand how russians can be so hypocrites and still wonder as to why they're hated after all they've done (and continue to do) in the last 250 years.
I dont understand why those western idiots and fanboys always compare wages? We dont discuss economical piss contest here, we discuss a possible World War 3 Scenario and Russians have nothing to lose.

Russia can produce Topol Ms like Sausages. (I did lend this quote from Nikita Sergejewitsch Chruschtschow) :agree:
22,000 annual thats 1,830 $ a month. Minimum wage in Russia is 153 $ a month, Minimum wage in Poland - 560$ a month.
You converted in dollars the fake currency that allow JEW USA to play with the rates and print at will

Russians live better
I dont understand why those western idiots and fanboys always compare wages? We dont discuss economical piss contest here, we discuss a possible World War 3 Scenario and Russians have nothing to lose.

Russia can produce Topol Ms like Sausages. (I did lend this quote from Nikita Sergejewitsch Chruschtschow) :agree:

If that would have been true they would have launched nukes during the Cold War.Russians are scared of a nuclear fall out just like every one else out there.

This "russians would nuke the West" if they are opposed is a farce.Russians would only launch nukes as the last alternative in a conventional war,if Russia is defeated by conventional war and its survival as a state is no longer possible.
If that would have been true they would have launched nukes during the Cold War.Russians are scared of a nuclear fall out just like every one else out there.

This "russians would nuke the West" if they are opposed is a farce.Russians would only launch nukes as the last alternative in a conventional war,if Russia is defeated by conventional war and its survival as a state is no longer possible.

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