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Poem reflect anti-Arabism in Iran: expert


Sep 20, 2006
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United Arab Emirates
Iranian poet insults Arabs, deride

DUBAI (Saud al-Zahed)
A video of famous Iranian poet Mostafa Badkoobei reciting a poem that derides Arabs and Islam has been widely circulated on the internet, stirring much controversy and once more bringing to the forefront the long standing issue of discrimination against non-Persians in Iran.

The poem entitled “The God of Arabs” came in response to a statement made by a guest in a show on state TV that “Arabic is the language of heaven dwellers.”
In order not to provoke the five-million-strong Arab minority in Iran, also called the Ahwazis, Badkoobei said that even though they speak Arabic, they know that they are Iranians and not Arabs, a statement that was met by applause by the audience listening to the poem being recited.

In the poem, recited in a government cultural institution in the western city of Hamedan, Badkoobei said, “Take me to the depths of the underworld, you Arab god, provided that I don’t find any Arabs there.”

He added, to the applause of the audience, that he does not need the heaven promised to Arabs then addresses God and asks, “Didn’t you yourself say that Arabs are the most hypocritical? Why then do the imbeciles praise Arabs?”

Badkoobei went on to praise the glory of Iran before the advent of Islam and alleged that Persians converted to Islam by force. He also praised Persian poets like Rumi, who he said was much more mature than “Arab tales,” an implicit reference to prophets’ stories of the Quran.

He also added that he prefers Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and the words of Gandhi to the “Arab gardens,” a reference to heaven as portrayed in the Quran.

Badkoobei then ends the poem with a plea to God.

“Please God save my country from the Arab plight.”

Hamed al-Kanani, an expert on Iranian Affairs, said that anti-Arab sentiments have become part and parcel of Iran’s psyche since the establishment of the modern Iranian state.

“The word ‘Arab’ has become an antonym for ‘Persian’ or ‘Iranian’ and in the case of Ahwazis, they will not be accepted as Iranians unless they give up their Arab identity,” he said.

Kanani pointed out that Badkoobei referred to Ahwazis as Khuzis, which means residents of the pre-dominantly Arab province of Khuzestan, whose name was changed from Arabstan by the Shah as part of a nation-wide Persianization plan that aimed to erase Arab identity in Iran.

It is impossible, Kanani argues to strip Ahwazis of the their Arab identity since Arabs in Iran constitute the natural extension of Arab tribes in the Arabian Peninsula and southern Iraq like Bani Kaab, Bani Assad, Bani Tamim, Bani Khaled, and Al Khamis.

“How could he strip all those tribes of their Arab heritage?”

It is not surprising, Kanani argued, that Badkoobei expresses through his poem the general animosity towards Arabs in Iran since this has been the case since the time of the Shah. Yet, he added, what came as a shock was that fact that the poet mocked God and Islam in an institution affiliated to the Islamic republic.

“How could a country that claims it is the guardian of Islam and Muslims allow someone to insult Islam and God under their very nose?”

(Translated from Arabic by Sonia Farid).

Iranian poet insults Arabs, derides Islam
lately, Some pro-Iranian people in Pakistan also are spitting poison against Arabs, in some cases without even been to Iran and any Arab state.
I hate those people ho pass opinion about nations without ever being there or about people without ever meeting them.
lately, Some pro-Iranian people in Pakistan also are spitting poison against Arabs, in some cases without even been to Iran and any Arab state.

First of all, if you want to point to someone, do so directly rather than doing so timidly.

Secondly, I do not support Iran, Turkey or any other nation over the Arabic ones, all I have done is comment on the factuality's about these weak and spiteful states.

I hate those people ho pass opinion about nations without ever being there or about people without ever meeting them.

Me too, I hate these kind of people, they seem to base their opinion on propaganda rather than actual realities.
i never heard about his name.
there is one famous actor with the same name but him???
so he is not famous at all this guy don't worry

there are always stupid people who can say stupid things. it doesn't mean everyone is stupid.
Iranians are trying to get into Americans’ pants so they don’t hesitate to insult Islam which is not their religion in the first place. They would even claim to be homos to get a U.S. visa.
I would choose Israel over Iran any day.
Iranians are trying to get into Americans’ pants so they don’t hesitate to insult Islam which is not their religion in the first place. They would even claim to be homos to get a U.S. visa.
I would choose Israel over Iran any day.
Iranians are anything but US lovers. "The Great Devil" is the US remember? Besides, we love gay people here, they are usually very cheerful.
oh i think this article is another desperate attempt of iranian's wanting to be accepted by westerners,rather than anti-arabism.

iranians are after all amongst the most hated nationalities in the western world.they dont even call themselves "iranian".thats how much shame they feel.

they use islam as an excuse for acceptance and vicitimization.
Iranians are anything but US lovers. "The Great Devil" is the US remember? Besides, we love gay people here, they are usually very cheerful.

i dont think you understood what he meant.

alot of iranians want to prove themselves to westerners and want acceptance from westerners.they look upto westerners and want to be like them.
i dont think you understood what he meant.

alot of iranians want to prove themselves to westerners and want acceptance from westerners.they look upto westerners and want to be like them.
Ohh i was referring to the Mullahs and whatnot, i guess he meant average Iranians.
i dont think you understood what he meant.

alot of iranians want to prove themselves to westerners and want acceptance from westerners.they look upto westerners and want to be like them.
and you're an expert?

anyway if you would knew some Iranians, instead of dreaming, you would know Iranians are proud.

and the "US Great Devil" is just propaganda. even most conservatives in Iran didn't care make business with US like with any country.
It is just a few of personalities in Iran who block the normalization of relations.

a lot of Iranians have families in US and Canada. so they are kind of .. knowing these countries .
and they suceed there more than inside our country.

furthermore, if some actions of US are walking on nerves (Iran civil plane shot from US but never any excuse, and so), most young people see Western more a model for a society than East. Tha'ts the reality of Iran .
Ohh i was referring to the Mullahs and whatnot, i guess he meant average Iranians.
can you stop to insult our religion pls

a mullah is areligious person. it doesn't mean he shares any ideology with the government.
again what to think about Montazeri then? he was not educated? come on stop to have simple ideas of our country.
and you're an expert?

i dont have to be an expert.its pretty obvious from the way iranians behave.they are always trying to prove themselves to everybody and looking for acceptance,but nobody seems to want them.alot of iranians behave like the so called poet in this article.

anyway if you would knew some Iranians, instead of dreaming, you would know Iranians are proud.

and the "US Great Devil" is just propaganda. even most conservatives in Iran didn't care make business with US like with any country.
It is just a few of personalities in Iran who block the normalization of relations.

a lot of Iranians have families in US and Canada. so they are kind of .. knowing these countries .
and they suceed there more than inside our country.

furthermore, if some actions of US are walking on nerves (Iran civil plane shot from US but never any excuse, and so), most young people see Western more a model for a society than East. Tha'ts the reality of Iran .

i dont know why your telling me all this.i could care less.
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