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PMLN/PPP/JUI-F/MQM Combined Wont Even Win 25 Seats, if Free and Fair Elections Took Place.

You underestimate the Pharaoh of our time - I wouldn't name that one pharaoh who has led Pakistan astray but these Pharaohs are very very powerful. If they wanted IK back, they wouldnt have ever kicked him out.

Also, we can see Nadeem Anjum is in the US. IK getting re-elected means all their deals would turn to shit. So that's never going to happen. Our mighty fauj with all of its colossal level power wont let IK ever come back. Uncle Sam and Uncle Bajwa wont approve.
Seems like person who posted this thread has never visited rural areas where vote are casted on basis of cast and seem he is totally unaware of sardar system.
P.S I am against PDM too
Their politics is dead.

They are agitated, panicking

Have you ever seen Zardari doing press conference?

Have you ever seen lifafas journalists speculating, passing judgements about transfers/promotions in army?

Every move they are making is getting intense backlash from public. They are rejected everywhere, cant even make eye contact with public.

It the end of their dynastic politics we are witnessing.

Pakistanis are finally united against corruption, Alhamdolillah.

Like there is an Information War where the Western Media hurls slander and abuse toward Russia and China. So to there is an Information War, that the SCUM (pml-n, ppp & juf) spread about having the majority support of the people of Pakistan. The reality is that they do not have the support of even 25% of Pakistanis.

So here is the "Blindside" Pakistanis are failing to identify. Since you are not organized due to various reasons, you are therefore unable to win the narrative despite you are in majority. The failure of achieving cohesion is due to lack of organization, that is again due to lack of unity and there is where you "Achilles Heel" sits.

Pakistanis, your weakness is unity due to the fact that you are more divided in Islam, than you are united for Pakistan.

It is when you manage to establish the nucleus of unity in Islam, is when you will find your enemies tremble in their boots. And do you know why that is? Its because Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah will be on your side. In case you were wondering, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah presides over every conflict. When you Pakistanis have Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah as your Sovereign, your Ally, believe me NO ONE will be able to mess with you.

Go back 1443 years ago and you will find whom Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah granted victory to. Muslims went on to conquer Makkah, defeat and conquer civilizations and superowers of old , Egypt, Persia and Roman.

Are reading this PAKISTAN? Are waking up PAKISTAN? Do you have the courage and resolve to be a true Muslim, PAKISTAN?

It is time for you to stand up and unite, be FEARLESS, be INTUITIVE, be UNITED, be UNDETERRED in your resolve to fight against evil. Remember this fight is not about politics, its a fight about your faith in ALLAH .... don't you dare forget that, Pakistan.

Be the Pakistan you are destined to be ... LA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASOOLALLAH.
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Establishement will be trembling to allow such thing. Perhaps, simple majority and not 2/3rd. As IK may do amendments to subdue Army/SC/ etc (NS in 1998). Like, sacking or inducting army cheif laws or constitutional laws like 69 or barring SC to interfere in parliament etc.

2/3rd is beenficial as far as 18th amendment, NAB and ECP laws, police reformrs, election reform like EVM, sacking bureaucrats, etc.

However, establishment must allow this time. I hope IK won't go bonkers if he get 2/3rd. Plus, physical pressure (economy, security) and moral (merit, patriotism) may not let him change those laws.
Seems like person who posted this thread has never visited rural areas where vote are casted on basis of cast and seem he is totally unaware of sardar system.
P.S I am against PDM too
Sindh ma bhutto zinda hai aur punjab shareefon ka adda hai. Truly agree with you. These 2 regions destroyed Pakistan.
Seems more obvious that elections would be rigged beyond epic proportions.

Who knows maybe PTM might get 2/3 majority. 🤣
I still fail to understand how PDM will run in elections combined.
Do any of you have any idea how elections are conducted in Pakistani Constituencies?
There are always minimum 2 groups. Whole interRivalry is bigger then affiliation with any party. They will get ticket of another party just in enmity of their rival.
Seat adjusted election will be total Sucide for PDM. In every constituency there will be PTI vs "The other". To be very honest PML and PPP have very low number of Ideology or Personality driven voters. Their voter base is more associated with strong electables who are entrenched for decades in their local areas. And again they will not care to go in PTI if their Rival is the only other candidate from say PPP or PML.
They have much better chance If all PDM parties go conventional way of contesting openly then it will be very difficult for them to keep political cohesion when their party members are contesting against each other.

One thing is for sure wether some one accepts it or not. The sentiment is not in their favor , as we call it in our local slang "Hawa ka rukh PTI ke haq mei hai"
Their politics is dead.

They are agitated, panicking

Have you ever seen Zardari doing press conference?

Have you ever seen lifafas journalists speculating, passing judgements about transfers/promotions in army?

Every move they are making is getting intense backlash from public. They are rejected everywhere, cant even make eye contact with public.

It the end of their dynastic politics we are witnessing.

Pakistanis are finally united against corruption, Alhamdolillah.

If "Establishment" decides to select them for another long 4 - 5 years, then no one can all or one of these parties to win and that too with a 2/3rd majority.
Don't underestimate our selectors and their ability to select another mess and poison for our country for another decade.

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