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PMLN is the most favorite party of Pakistanis today: Nawaz Sharif

Unrelated observation:
RTS shut down in 2018 proves that technology is not a reliable part of electoral process and yet here we have Koolaid monkeys making a fuss about it. I bet they know PTI can not win elections by fair means.
While the current state of implementation may not be the best for the electoral process; I heartily disagree with your assessment that technology cannot solve this issue. While the world is moving to block-chain / digital governance, we have the old guard harping about how manually sorting through millions of papers is the best they can come up with for an electoral process.
If Pakistanis actually love PML-N and PPP enough to vote them into power. Then they are the most retarded, brain-dead and accursed people on the planet. It is my hope that Pakistanis are not insane and suicidal enough to vote for PML-N, PPP & JUI-F.

And Pakistanis would only vote for such criminals, traitors and parasites, if they have no Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
Its so unfortunate that someone comes in clean the mess everytime

Its like a toddler who burns his hands then runs to mama ..

Unleas the country bankrupts correctly rather then partially this insanity will continue

IK should have gone straight to IMF dropped down the rupee to 200-250 per IMF and tripled prices of electricity (as electricity cost is in dollars) rather then just uping everything by 50% only ..then people would have realized..and i would have made more money as well you know since i dont get paid in rupees

Unfortinately IK begging power was incredible he was sucessful in begging and kneeling infront of arabs and chinese...as a whole country acted like street beggers we were finally saved
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