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PMLN is the most favorite party of Pakistanis today: Nawaz Sharif

I think PTI might still win the National Assembly election but will lose provincial assembly seats in the next election unless they change the set up in Punjab
Too late for that now. Changing now lets say stirs up more shit than it solves
they somehow managed to convince their elders to vote for PTI who were traditionally pro PML-N.
Nope. I couldnt, Got kicked out
Punjab never voted for PTI
It was engnr plus south punjab vote
PMLN won central punjan
Minar-e-Pakistan kay jalsay mai awam mars sai ayee thee? Everyone I know from Lahore voted for PTI. The people who will not even bother to be out in public places, who find it "uncool" went out with families, friends to the Jalsa's. Majority of the people who voted for PML - N were like "khata hai tou lagta bhi hai" type, middle class, lower middle class, upper class people with little bit of sanity voted for PTI.
Well in his unique way he is right, for him Pakistan was/is/will be Punjab so yeah he is right on that front that in Punjab thanks to Gulzar PMLN is now again the favorite party.
Wishful thinking of yours .. EVM and Overseas votes are going to have a huge impact on the results of next GE. Analyse the difference of winner and runner up votes in last GE across Punjab constituencies and you should see.

Overseas Patwaris however may still vote for PMLN, despite their own leaders openly opposing it and IK giving them that right.
It’s not my wishful thinking but the ground reality. The fact of the matter is PTI supporters keep dreaming of clean sweeping but they have performed really bad in pretty much all of the elections held in the last 2 years. It just tells you the ground reality that PTI no doubt has a big mouth but not enough support to win elections

PS: I am likely to vote for PTI in the next election but it doesn’t mean I should ignore of what I see in front of my eyes… and I also know PTI will lose in my constituency but it doesn’t mean I will not vote for them
If Pakistanis actually love PML-N and PPP enough to vote them into power. Then they are the most retarded, brain-dead and accursed people on the planet. It is my hope that Pakistanis are not insane and suicidal enough to vote for PML-N, PPP & JUI-F.

And Pakistanis would only vote for such criminals, traitors and parasites, if they have no Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
If Pakistanis actually love PML-N and PPP enough to vote them into power. Then they are the most retarded, brain-dead and accursed people on the planet. It is my hope that Pakistanis are not insane and suicidal enough to vote for PML-N, PPP & JUI-F.

And Pakistanis would only vote for such criminals, traitors and parasites, if they have no Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
It will be interesting to see if EVMs are implemented in the next general elections, most of the time Godfather league donkeys rig the elections with big stash full bags of fake votes, if anyone thinks Godfather league will resolve the current inflation are In for a big shock but then it will be too late.

It's not just in Pakistan things have gone expensive the whole world including UK living costs have sky rocketted, we work hard pay our taxes, yet get on with it, Some Pakistanis expect free biryani plates, don't want to pay any taxes but yet you get conned by the average trader in Pakistan.
I do not have time to get into needless arguments here with IK worshippers.
Same here, nevertheless this is a genuine PTI project, must give the credit where it's due. Many would need a lot of it in the near future.

On a serious note apart from Naswar, Hemp has many medicinal qualities.
Same here, nevertheless this is a genuine PTI project, must give the credit where it's due. Many would need a lot of it in the near future.
View attachment 781122
On a serious note apart from Naswar, Hemp has many medicinal qualities.
Petrol aur Bhang.jpg

Jokes aside, Hemp is an increasingly important textile fiber. PML-N would have done the same, given its increased use & demand.

Unrelated observation:
RTS shut down in 2018 proves that technology is not a reliable part of electoral process and yet here we have Koolaid monkeys making a fuss about it. I bet they know PTI can not win elections by fair means.
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