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PML-N rejects ECP decision of Hasan Askari as Punjab Caretaker CM

Google the treatment of Shia Hazara refugees in Iran.It will open your eyes.And right now Palestine is not my priority.I'm more concerned in the unequal power dynamics in Pakistan.rehi bat Saudi supporting Israel. let me tell you that before the 1979 revolution Arab world was united against Israel and they fought many wars against Israel even though they lost every war but since Iran became a theocratic state it has diverted the attention of Arab states from Israel. And in spite of usual Israeli brutality against Palestinians the Arab citizens of Israel are very safe in Israel and they enjoy a first world living standard. And why you give more importance to 6 or 7 million Palestinians than 22 Syrian Muslim who are facing genocide by a dictator from minority sect which is supported by Iran ? Are Syrians any less Human/Muslims ?

Even at the cost of sunni slaughter in Syria ? It is all right for shia media persons like Zafar Hilali to come on tv and openly bash Saudi Arabia on Yemen issue but keep mum at Sunni genocide in Syria and you are advising the majority sect to just suck it up.Subhan Allah Bhai jaan,sadqay jaon apki soch py

Highlighted parts shows your hypocrisy. I tried to give you a chance but you are just a sectarian nut job.
I stand by my original assertion that sectarian nut jobs need to be castrated.

PS. The biggest threat to Muslims is Isreal. Iran is fighting them, Saudi be befriending them. Enough Said.
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 171 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr

That Allah's Messenger (saws) said: There will befall my Ummah exactly all those evils which befell the people of Israel(Jews and Christians), so much so that if there was one amongst them who openly committed fornication with his mother, there will be amongst my Ummah one, who will do the same. And if the people of Israel were fragmented into seventy-two sects, my Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in Hell Fire except one sect. The noble Companions asked: O Allah's Messenger (saws), which one is that? Whereupon he (saws) said: It is one to which I and my companions belong.

So, anyone either they are Shia or Sunni, if they follow the path of Ahale Bait and Sahabah (both followed the Holy Quran and the authentic Sunnah) are the believers with no doubt, if not then not. the other thing is that there are Freemasonry groups who are working to establish the Antichrist kingdom (the Dajjal's kingdom), and according to the Jewish calendar, they expect this event to happen in around 2028 when their 6 Timeline day of the calendar (1 day = around 1000 years) will be completed. there are some sects in Islam which were introduced by the Jews and in those sects most of the people believe that they are following Mahdi but in fact they are waiting for the dajjal because of the roots of their sects back hundreds of years ago.

Because the Dajjalic forces are about to reach their destiny, their influence on the world horizon has increased much significantly. Dajjalic forces are the forces of lies and deceptions. One day, they will condemn Pakistan Army, not only for any reason but because of the Dajjalic agenda, and the other day, they will try to trap the loyal to Pakistan forces with soft words, but in their inner is seemingly hidden the agenda of establishing the worldwide dajjalic kingdom in 2028, but before that event only Pakistan and Pakistan Army is seemingly the resistance which may Insha Allah help Al Mahdi A.S., Who A.S. will most likely be appeared around 8 years earlier than the al dajjal, according to the interpretation of the Hadiths.

it seems that the forces of evil under the command of dajjalic system are working keenly to Na'auz Billah harm or even break the Nation of Pakistan in the year 2018. all the stage is seemed set and the dajjalic and masonic forces are focused in the election and they not only ousted Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, but also they want to succeed the characterless and fake people on the top most decision making positions. this seems that the puppets of the masonic are concentrated and united to demolish the Kingdom of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Pakistan, and thus the Nation Pakistan Must Raise the Voice, "Vote Ko Ezzat Dou" to Insha Allah defeat the forces of evil, oppression and masonic.
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The biggest threat to Muslims is Isreal. Iran is fighting them,
Are you serious ? Israel barely occupies 30 or 40 thousand sq km territory and only 7 million Palestinians are under their occupation.Now compare this with Syria which is far more serious catastrophe than Palestine.11 million Syrians Sunnis have become refugees.Half a million Sunnis have been killed in Syria by your beloved Assad and Iran.And still you want to close your eyes like pigeon.If you put together all the Palestinians killed by Israel since 1948 still they won't make a fraction of Syrians who have been killed by your beloved sect and yet you have the nerve to call me a hypocrite.If there is any hypocrite here it is you.

I stand by my original assertion that sectarian nut jobs need to be castrated.
Does that apply to minority sect also ? If asking for a fair share in power for my sect makes me sectarian then so be it.I'm proud to be a sectarian.
Army should stay away from all and any kinda political stunts for preserving it own neutral image.

We need people who are loyal to Pakistan.. .not traitors like Zardari, Gilani, Hamid Saeed Kazmi, Faisal Reza Abidi, Reza Rabbani, and now Hassan Askari.

All civilian institutions should either be dissolved or lead by properly retired army generals.
Intermediate and lower staff should be 50% mix of retired soldiers and civilians.

One day, they will condemn Pakistan Army
This is the first sign of hypocrite, he /she will have stomach ache when they here name of Pak army!
We need people who are loyal to Pakistan.. .not traitors like Zardari, Gilani, Hamid Saeed Kazmi, Faisal Reza Abidi, Reza Rabbani, and now Hassan Askari.

All civilian institutions should either be dissolved or lead by properly retired army generals.
Intermediate and lower staff should be 50% mix of retired soldiers and civilians.

This is the first sign of hypocrite, he /she will have stomach ache when they here name of Pak army!
Over ruled!

Does that apply to minority sect also ? If asking for a fair share in power for my sect makes me sectarian then so be it.I'm proud to be a sectarian.
That would translate into 15-17% of your fair share. Since majority of you lot are only found in urban centres - - -.
That would translate into 15-17% of your fair share. Since majority of you lot are only found in urban centres - - -.
Your share should be no more than 10 % as this is the percentage of your population.that means no more PM Cm from Shias.We Sunnis are more than 87 % so we should have 87 % share in everything.Your lot does a good job of playing the cards of deabandis,barelvis,ahle hadees,sufi who are all sunnis by the way.You will never succeed at dividing Sunni community.Not that it matters any how but see the recent videos of Maoulana Ilyas Qadri who praised Ameer Mavia R.A which was completely unheard of from brelvis. Even myself growing up as Sunni brelvi i never heard about Ameer Mavia R.A which shows how much influence your sect has on us. More and more Sunnis are taking their Sunni identity seriously.Even the non religious like myself.If you want to know how much Sunnis take their identity seriously all you need to do is visit pew research center website.14 tabaq roshan ho jayein gy.
And more bad news for you,after the death of Benazir Bhutto you can say good bye to any chance of shia becoming PM.Even after the death of your benazir you people could only secure 45 national assembly seats out of 148 national assembly seats in Punjab.2018 ky election mein b PM Sunni he bane ga. And this will be the fist time after 1980s where a Sunni PM will be replaced by the another Sunni PM.Your PPP is not coming back any time soon.We will never let you become the alawite of Pakistan.

That's the unfortunate reality with Pakistan... the genocide mafia would never allow pro Pakistan govt. in Pakistan.
Tension na lay bhai.Bas wait kar 2018 ky elections ka.InsaALLAH agla PM b sunni ho ga. That is something to cheer about. 1980s cycle has been broken where Shia Benazir would replace Sunni Nawaz.
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That's the unfortunate reality with Pakistan... the genocide mafia would never allow pro Pakistan govt. in Pakistan.
Yar m nay konsi ap ki maj kholl di hai jo intnay serious allegations level kr rhy ho :(

maafi ya shaikh
Ana batriotic bakistani student :pakistan:
That's the unfortunate reality with Pakistan... the genocide mafia would never allow pro Pakistan govt. in Pakistan.
Bro I can't tell you how much happy I was seeing like minded people like yourself here.Who are completely aware of the dangers of minority running the govt.I thought I was the only one with these views.For the last few months I have been reading , watching documentaries on Syrian War and It has opened my eyes about the dangers of giving free hands to minority sect in political circles. I read this article about Alawite take over of Syria.How Alawite took over Syria by appointing members of their sect on top positions in military and security services.This reminds me of how Benazir appointed Sajjad Ali Shah as CJP by going out of merit.Although our military is in no danger of being taken over by this sect.However we need to be vigilant about their take over of our political system.
here is the article I was talking about.Do read it please.Although the writer is anti Muslim but nevertheless its a good read

That's the unfortunate reality with Pakistan... the genocide mafia would never allow pro Pakistan govt. in Pakistan.
One thing I admire about these people is their unity.Especially Punjabi Shias who vote overwhelmingly for PPP. We need to instill the same kind of unity in our sect.
Your share should be no more than 10 % as this is the percentage of your population.that means no more PM Cm from Shias
Wrt Shias the land revenue record suggests otherwise. Oh! 20% is the right figure - - - - -.

And sunnis like me are an overwhelming majority. So we are supposed to take the lions share in this case.

One thing I admire about these people is their unity.Especially Punjabi Shias who vote overwhelmingly for PPP. We need ti instill the same kind of unity in our sec
Mate all your assumptions are hilarious.
Bro I can't tell you how much happy I was seeing like minded people like yourself here.

You should also be aware of the fact that this is a shia administered forum and 80% of members are shia and inter-connected due to their structured mafia system.
They co-ordinate their reaction... most of them are watching without jumping in because 4-5 haters are already attacking you.
Just don't get mad, when they gang up on you. Don't even try to educate them.
They co-ordinate their reaction... most of them are watching without jumping in because 4-5 haters are already attacking you.
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You should also be aware of the fact that this is a shia administered forum and 80% of members are shia and inter-connected due to their structured mafia system.
So perhaps one of shia mods deleted my very first comment on this thread.I have good experience of dealing with these clowns. I have a gut feeling that most sunnis endorse my views but they can't openly admit that perhaps they are afraid of being called as sectarian or takfiri lol .I have taken this position after seeing this sect dictating our foreign policy and I am gonna dedicate my life in removing their influence in our politics. Let me narrate you an interesting fact which came to my mind after searching Syrian war. You may know that some 15 % Turkish population is alvei Shia.But unlike Pakistan they have zero political clout.Yes you read it right. Had the Turkish leadership allowed them cultivate political power in Turkey in the name of 'tolerance' or 'secularism' then it would have been very difficult for Tayyip Erdogan to openly support Syrian opposition.We should try to follow Turkish lead. Compare this with the reaction of shia politicain in Pakistan who raised hue and cry over the rumors of Pak army joining Yemen war i.e rants of Shiren Mazari and Razza Rabbani
PML(N) rejected hasan askari because according to them he is biased and cannot be neutral

But every person who keep some political opinion/views is biased and there is no neutral person out there

Job of care taker is to keep his personal political views aside and fulfill his dutites as per his roles set in constitutaion ie to hold free and fair election

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