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PML-N rejects ECP decision of Hasan Askari as Punjab Caretaker CM

Actually majority of people are " kuwan ka mandak " and always think negative. Which is sign of frustrated mind. Some time environment around them slow poisoned there mind with all types of hate and there mind and hand don't co ordinate very well and end up writing what they think all day...... .
I always say ........religion is the best commodity to sell sick minds.
Yeah the blame lies entirely with their parents and grand parents for not exposing em to school or college. Why virtually thrash a professor for his achievements?
Yeah the blame lies entirely with their parents and grand parents for not exposing em to school or college. Why virtually thrash a professor for his achievements?
Yesterday , when they announce his name of TV. Non anchor dare to say anything wrong about him. Everyone praise him. Every other anchor or tv analyst found to be his student. Unfortunately , when our ex PM Nawaz home only book found to be a phone directory and then what else you expect from rest of majority nation .
Now expect too much slandering, name calling, labeling people takfiri... they were holding their hate volcano from past 5 years.
Like I give a flying you-know-what. It's time we call a spade a spade.Stop this imaginary unity nonsense and take care of our interests. It's time to end this political correctness attitude.
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Yesterday , when they announce his name of TV. Non anchor dare to say anything wrong about him. Everyone praise him. Every other anchor or tv analyst found to be his student. Unfortunately , when our ex PM Nawaz home only book found to be a phone directory and then what else you expect from rest of majority nation .
The guy surely got nerves of steel. Never ever I saw him taking the bait and getting angry let alone going berserk . Always keeping up the decorum of the show and talks sense , speaks volume about his credibility.
Who the fork is Hassan Askari?
Why can't they think of a retired 4 start general!
Many Gen his student , gave lecture on IR and other subject in military institutes in Pakistan. Don't worry military stand behind him. Plus, military knows well , a single appoint from military will create a huge problem. For goodness , military need to stay away at this moment, its election time and let's make least controversial .

all shia are Iranian supporter.
Now expect too much slandering, name calling, labeling people takfiri... they were holding their hate volcano from past 5 years.
In short it's a bad bad news for Pakistan.
ok, what else beside new .... beside shia bashing ????
yeah right but hey let's select a known ppp supporter and Iranian sympathizer as our caretaker CM.So much for neutral image.
No Need to self immolate over nothing .
The guy surely got nerves of steel. Never ever I saw him taking the bait and getting angry let alone going berserk . Always keeping up the decorum of the show and talks sense , speaks volume about his credibility.
After all he is educated person ... its old saying in Punjab . jahil ka hath chalta ha or para likha ka ilm
If you take a look at this thread, would find many creepy jahils jin ka bs nahe chalta sirf b.s chali hai
I recommend this duwa for such people ... what else we can do ..
If Askari is such a saint as some people here are trying to make him.Why hasn't he recuse himself from becoming CM ? Given that largest political party has raised question on his neutrality.He does not even have decency of Nasir Khosa who refused to become CM when PTI withdrew its support for him.
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