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PM Tayyip Erdogan Arrives Pakistan - Pakistan Turkey Brotherhood Forever

Turkey has been assisting ....municipal and transport sectors....the Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) is engaged in construction of 5000 houses..etc.

ı alwways think Turkey should always support Pakistan in all fields; however, ı do not think the projects above will help Pakistan as much as planned; What Pkaistan needs is more schools and more factories; which means Education and Industry.

If we are lookins for a muslim ally, then Pakistan is the right answer; but Turkey has to help them to develop quickly; maybe the train Project is to help that; but still i have some doubts that Other countries will benefit from this Project more than Pkaistan wll ; however, a promising Project.

btw, what bothers me is that Pakistani brothers start to think Erdoğan is the only person in Turkey forever; however, he is just an elected pm; he will löse the power someday in democratic way; so i think Pakistan is too much engaged in Erdoğan rather than Turkey.
Hi everybody,
Cool to see everybody happy of this Gul railway. To add this happiness here I reveal another good news.
This Gul railway plus other railways from Pakistan to china and further to east Asia, and the "Ottoman dream" project in turkey to connect Turkey railway to Europe are parts of a bigger plan arranged about 20 years ago under the name of "Bering project" to connect America to Europe via a high speed railway, which is currently under boycott due to Iran America issues. Because the project would cause a great economical impact for the countries involved.
More as in?
Turkey,Iran Pakistan not enough?

no this route passes through many political and strategic faultlines which can cause earthquakes in many important capitals of this region and around the globe ....

it is a strategic route would serve other regional countries in addition to these 3 countries ....

we may have technological resources available for this project .... but there is a shortage of funds and political willingness to initiate and to keep this route operational on perpetual ground ..... therefore the best 'we' can do is to engage other regional countries economically and strategically to minimise the risk .....
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Don´t Forget what happened to Country´s after a Visit from Turkish PM !!!


Post reported.

On-topic: it should be high speed railway otherwise you'll be on journey for a week.
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Turkey has been assisting ....municipal and transport sectors....the Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) is engaged in construction of 5000 houses..etc.

ı alwways think Turkey should always support Pakistan in all fields; however, ı do not think the projects above will help Pakistan as much as planned; What Pkaistan needs is more schools and more factories; which means Education and Industry.

If we are lookins for a muslim ally, then Pakistan is the right answer; but Turkey has to help them to develop quickly; maybe the train Project is to help that; but still i have some doubts that Other countries will benefit from this Project more than Pkaistan wll ; however, a promising Project.

btw, what bothers me is that Pakistani brothers start to think Erdoğan is the only person in Turkey forever; however, he is just an elected pm; he will löse the power someday in democratic way; so i think Pakistan is too much engaged in Erdoğan rather than Turkey.

Its not that - Our relations with Turkiye are beyond any one man !

Its just that we admire Erdogan because hes a man of quality who turned Turkiye from a country who was more or less in as bad shape as we were (in fact worse in some economic indicators when we were booming in the early '00s) & turned it into an economic powerhouse which, God Willing, has a very bright future ahead for her !

Whatever the internal political dynamics of Turkiye - Its none of our business !

Whether AKP is good or bad - Thats your call !

When we look to Turkiye we see Turkiye not different political parties or their heads - Just Turkiye !

So Dostlar Beni Hatirlasin ! :cheers:
What happened?

Dont believe that Turkic countries crap,there is no country closer to us then Pakistan.
Pakistan Zindabad!:pakistan:
Yes I know the love Turkish people give to Pakistan my father visited Turkey and who ever used to know he is from Pakistan really gave him respect and we need your help for our Armed Force specially for our Navy rather than Aid of Cash or thing like that if Corvettes would come than would be much better and also we need to start joint ventures on it can be of Missile boats
Its just that we admire Erdogan because hes a man of quality who turned Turkiye from a country who was more or less in as bad shape as we were (in fact worse in some economic indicators when we were booming in the early '00s) & turned it into an economic powerhouse which, God Willing, has a very bright future ahead for her !
AKP has a good economic administration but they didnt made all this possible, also a part of success goes to Kemal Dervis who reformed the banking sector after economic crisis in Turkey 2001.

PS: He became a member of CHP and was elected to Parliament.

When Derviş became Turkey’s minister of economic affairs in March 2001, after a 22-year career at the World Bank, the country was facing its worst economic crisis in modern history and prospects for success were uncertain. Derviş used his independence from domestic vested interests and support of domestic reformers and civil society to push through a tough stabilization program with far-reaching structural changes and sweeping bank reforms that protected state banks from political use. Derviş also strengthened the independence of the central bank and pushed through deep structural reforms in agriculture, energy and the budget process. These reforms, and his reputation and top-level contacts in the U.S. and Europe, helped him to mobilize $20 billion in new loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Rapid economic growth resumed in 2002 and inflation came down from an average of nearly 70 percent in the 1990s to 12 percent in 2003; interest rates fell and the exchange rate for the Turkish lira stabilized.

Derviş resigned from his ministerial position on 10 August 2002 and was elected to parliament on 3 November of that year as a member of the main opposition Republican People's Party.

Kemal Derviş - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan and Turkish relations are deeply rooted in our historic backdrop. It doesn't matter who's the PM in either country, our relations still remain the same. All major parties in Pakistan are 'pro-Turkey'. There is virtually zero opposition to Turkey in Pakistan.

Erdogan is admired, let me say DEEPLY admired in Pakistan for a strange wish of the Pakistani people to have a strong willed, organized and visionary leader like him who could also use the fist when needed and doesn't take no for an answer.

When we look at Erdogan we see an idol not Turkey. Turkey for us has been and will be a trustworthy friend and a brother nation.

I'm pretty sure that an A4 size portrait of Mr Erdogan hangs on my younger brother's study desk. :D
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Pakistan and Turkish relations are deeply rooted in our historic backdrop. It doesn't matter who's the PM in either country, our relations still remain the same. All major parties in Pakistan are 'pro-Turkey'. There is virtually zero opposition to Turkey in Pakistan.

Erdogan is admired, let me say DEEPLY admired in Pakistan for a strange wish of the Pakistani people to have a strong willed, organized and visionary leader like him who could also use the fist when needed and doesn't take no for an answer.

When we look at Erdogan we see an idol not Turkey. Turkey for us has been and will be a trustworthy friend and a brother nation.

I'm pretty sure that an A4 size portrait of Mr Erdogan hangs on my younger brother's study desk. :D

...then you do not know him well.


What you said in principle is ok for a regular Turk; on the one hand, your analyze of Erdoğan and support for him could be seen as a shame for some/many Turks.

from your thought and observation , i could say You like people like Erdoğan or Putin; but you miss the big Picture. The West and most Turks call Erdoğan ''dictator'' or authoritarian leader. That means he does not care democracy; therefore human rights, freedom of speech, transparency in government, transparency in economy and investments etc.

Hitler was a good lesson for Europe; That is why they care democracy more than one person or political party.
from your thought and observation , i could say You like people like Erdoğan or Putin; but you miss the big Picture. The West and most Turks call Erdoğan ''dictator'' or authoritarian leader. That means he does not care democracy; therefore human rights, freedom of speech, transparency in government, transparency in economy and investments etc.

Well, as you know from what kind of state Turkey is coming from (poor, developing nothing at all in the past, internal struggles, not taken serious etc.), most important thing is to focus on stability and economy. Once achieved, then a leader should focus on democratic things. You sound like democracy can be allowed or achieved without a good stable economy. Look at South Korea, the father, Park Chung-hee, of the current South Korean president was and still is hated by some Koreans because of his undemocratic way of ruling in the past, but he brought stability and strong economical reforms. They bounced back harder than Turkey even though they were destroyed by the Korean war. They are now economically ranking higher than Turkey and also democratic. imo, democracy only works well when there is stability and a good economical atmosphere in a country, and that is what Turkey really needs for her people. If Erdogan can make sure that he and his party can keep up the stability and economical progress, then I prefer him over any other party for the time being. I don;t know the situation of Pakistan well, but if our Pakistani brothers and sisters prefer a leader that guarantees stability and economical growth, instead of more democratic reforms that actually will not change the country at all, then i can understand their love for Erdogan. different view of perspective.
PTA with Turkey likely during Erdogan visit: 70-member delegation due Saturday

Pakistan and Turkey are likely to sign the much-awaited Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on December 21, 2013, well-informed sources told Business Recorder. A high-level 70-member Turkish delegation comprising officials and private sector entrepreneurs will reach Lahore wherein talks will be held individually between the Pakistani and Turkish entrepreneurs.

Official talks will be led by the prime ministers of the two countries. "We expect that PTA will be inked during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister and even if it does not happen an understanding would develop on the issue between the two countries," the sources added.

The issue of countervailing duty on Pakistani products, especially textile products will also come under discussion as Turkey's action to impose countervailing duty on those Pakistani items which have a better scope in the EU market has badly affected Pakistani exports.

According to sources, Turkey as member of the European Union (EU) cannot impose countervailing duty separately but its laws allow the country to impose such duty individually. "Pakistan will request the Turkish Prime Minister to at least exempt those items from the duty which may be exported to the EU without duty," the sources maintained.

The sources said Pakistan may not press for relaxation on Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) and leather products, but would certainly on textile products. The Turkish delegation will comprise ministers, officials and leading businessmen. "There will be a business forum in Lahore where leading Pakistani businessmen/investors will be face-to-face with their visiting Turkish counterparts," said an official stationed in Pakistan embassy at Istanbul.

Board of Investment (BoI) led by its Chairman Muhammad Zubair is busy finalising business to business meetings between the entrepreneurs of the two countries. In September Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to Turkey had invited leading Turkish companies to invest in mega projects, including energy sector projects - Diamer-Bhasha Dam and coal-fired power plants in Gaddani (Balochistan),.

The companies are: i) Nurol Group, a major Turkish conglomerate with interests in construction, defence, manufacturing, tourism and finance. Nurol Group's investment interests in Pakistan include construction of dams (interest in Bhasha Dam), coal-fired thermal plants, nuclear power plants, wind and solar energy, construction of motorway on BOT basis. The Prime Minister invited the Group Chairman to visit Pakistan and encouraged the group's investment in hydel projects such as Bhasha and Dasu, motorways between Lahore and Karachi, civil nuclear plants and low cost housing.

ii) LIMAK Group, with interests in infrastructure, airport construction and management, port management, energy, tourism, cement, etc. LIMAK's areas of potential investments in Pakistan include hydroelectric projects, including Kurram-Tangi Dam and Gomal Zam Dam, coal fired energy, wind energy. The Prime Minister invited Nihat Ozdemir of LIMAK to consider visiting Pakistan in October, 2013 and encouraged LIMAK's investments in coal fired energy plants in Gaddani Power Park, hydro power plants and wind energy and build a 7kms jetty for transportation of coal to Gaddani Power Park; and in construction of airports on BOT basis.

iii) STFA, a big business house with diversified activities in marine construction, civil/infrastructure works, soils and foundation engineering, oil, gas and power and engineering and management consultancy. Investment interests of the company in Pakistan include electricity transmission lines (MoU signed), wind energy (MoU signed), airport construction in partnership with STFA on BOT basis, ports and marine terminals. STFA is also looking at the potential of coal fired energy projects. The Prime Minister invited the company to visit Pakistan and indicated that Pakistan would be interested in BOT investments in airport construction and management, electricity transmission lines and energy projects, including wind.

iv) ZORLU Holding, with interests in energy, textiles, real estate and electronics. ZORLU energy deals in all operations of energy chain including project development and turn-key delivery of power plants. Its existing projects/investments in Pakistan include a 56 MW wind energy farm in Jhimpir, Sindh which is extendable to 250 MW and import textiles from Pakistan. New investment interests of the company in Pakistan include additional wind energy projects (already has a license of 300 MW, requires additional allocation of land, will seek availability of financing through IFIs), hydroelectric plants, has no experience with coal based power plants but is ready to study the option, possible manufacturing of home appliances. In a simple ceremony, the Prime Minister and Ahmet Zorlu made a symbolic inauguration of 56 MW wind energy project in Sindh.

v) SANKO and TEYO, SANKO, a 108 year old company, deals in energy, heavy equipment and machinery, cement and textiles. TEYO Group is involved in a 700MW coal project in Turkey. These companies have an interest in a block in Thar coal area. Prime Minister had asked the two groups to consider investments in (a) Gaddani power park in Hub, and (b) build a power plant in Thar coal area and invited them to visit Pakistan soon. Prime Minister was informed that the Group was in the process in internal assessment and is considering investment in coal plants as well as installation of transmission lines as part of the investment package.

vi) Albayrak Group, with interests in construction, manufacturing of tractors and engines, textile and paper, transportation including bus fleets, waste management, etc. Its existing investments in Pakistan include Lahore Solid Waste Management and Lahore Metro bus. Albayrak Group's investment interests in Pakistan include urban transport including Metro bus systems, inter-city luxury Mercedes Bus Service, restaurants on motorways, Solid Waste Management, Low cost housing, possible manufacturing of Wind Turbines and Waste Collection Trucks. The Prime Minster asked the Finance Minister to urgently look into the group's complaint about exorbitant 60 percent import duty on buses. The Prime Minister requested the group to finalise its plans early (bus service permissions will be granted by provincial authorities).

vii) TAV Airport Holding is an airport operator in Turkey with a footprint in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. TAV work model is Public Private Partnership (PPP), the most common being Build-Operate and Transfer (BOT). TAV's investment interests in Pakistan could include airport construction/management - can join hands with STFA to build/operate airports in Pakistan. For their BOT projects, they will work on the basis of 30 percent equity and 70 percent commercial loan. The Prime Minister invited Group CEO Sani Sener to visit Pakistan and apprised him of the potential of a new airport in Islamabad for which land is being acquired. He also mentioned possibility of construction of other airports or upgradation of existing ones.

The sources said issue of Karkey rental power plant will also come under discussion during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is likely to request his Turkish counterpart for withdrawal of case against Pakistan filed by Karkey at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

PTA with Turkey likely during Erdogan visit: 70-member delegation due Saturday | Business Recorder

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