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PM Singh may cancel Pak visit after Zardari's Kashmir statement

F@#k Yeah!

He should NOT visit pakistan !

First of all they haven't done anything concrete regarding the perpetrators of 26/11, they are roaming freely in pakistan under the state police protection!

Secondly, this "Unwarrented" and provoking statement about our Integral part and meddling in our Internal Affairs!

I think PM should not visit pakistan, before pakistan bring the perpetrators of 26/11 to justice. 26/11 should not be forgotten at any cost! period!
As Bhutto said, we will fight for Kashmir, even if it means fighting for a 1000 years, so Mr Sing can stay home and play ping pong. Pakistan, may be busy dealing with its internal mess but once we bounce back - in time - Pakistanis won't back out until Kashmiris get their right to determine between India, Pakistan or a separate state.
F@#k Yeah!
Secondly, this "Unwarrented" and provoking statement about our Integral part and meddling in our Internal Affairs!
Ok, Azad Kashmir is also Pakistan's integral part so why does india meddle in that? There are MANY other examples of India meddling in Pakistan's affairs even right now (Baluchistan)
F@#k Yeah!

He should NOT visit pakistan !

First of all they haven't done anything concrete regarding the perpetrators of 26/11, they are roaming freely in pakistan under the state police protection!

Secondly, this "Unwarrented" and provoking statement about our Integral part and meddling in our Internal Affairs!

I think PM should not visit pakistan, before pakistan bring the perpetrators of 26/11 to justice. 26/11 should not be forgotten at any cost! period!

Kashmir is an "internationally recognized" disputed zone, regardless of how much drum beating you carry out about "internal affairs" its not going to do a thing to wipe it off Pakistan's agenda. No solution to Kashmir means NO peace in S.Asia, the day India realizes it, we will move forward one notch.
As Bhutto said, we will fight for Kashmir, even if it means fighting for a 1000 years, so Mr Sing can stay home and play ping pong. Pakistan, may be busy dealing with its internal mess but once we bounce back - in time - Pakistanis won't back out until Kashmiris get their right to determine between India, Pakistan or a separate state.

After all we have to get even for Baluchistan and keep the Jihadists busy somewhere in the east :laugh:

Secondly, this "Unwarrented" and provoking statement about our Integral part and meddling in our Internal Affairs!

Soon we will make that integeral part cause you internal bleeding
As Bhutto said, we will fight for Kashmir, even if it means fighting for a 1000 years, so Mr Sing can stay home and play ping pong. Pakistan, may be busy dealing with its internal mess but once we bounce back - in time - Pakistanis won't back out until Kashmiris get their right to determine between India, Pakistan or a separate state.

Appreciate you resolve, hopefully you bounce back soon. We will patiently wait and hope for the kashmir issue to be resolve peacefully; But do not confuse our patience with weakness.
Ḥashshāshīn;3470317 said:
Ok, Azad Kashmir is also Pakistan's integral part so why does india meddle in that? There are MANY other examples of India meddling in Pakistan's affairs even right now (Baluchistan)

We don't meddle with Azad Kashmir. India is ready to convert the LoC into the International Border, but Pakistan is hell bent on trying to occupy the whole of Kashmir.

Baluchistan? India? That's just paranoid ramblings from Pakistanis. Present me a source that proves (that's right, not claims, but proves) that we are meddling.
Kashmir is an "internationally recognized" disputed zone, regardless of how much drum beating you carry out about "internal affairs" its not going to do a thing to wipe it off Pakistan's agenda. No solution to Kashmir means NO peace in S.Asia, the day India realizes it, we will move forward one notch.
Well, I dont think India is really bothered about 'peace', as I mentioned earlier many times, India is not israel.
Out internal problems are way much bigger than kashmir/pakistan can ever be, so it is not as if we will get 'peace' by being friends with pakistan.

The status quo suits us, you need 'peace' more than we need.

Also, as far as meddling is concerned, the whole of India is your playground and vice versa.
After all we have to get even for Baluchistan and keep the Jihadists busy somewhere in the east :laugh:

Soon we will make that integeral part cause you internal bleeding

hah; this exact strategy causing bleeding in pakistan. it's been nearly 30 years now; come up with something better.
hah; this exact strategy causing bleeding in pakistan. it's been nearly 30 years now; come up with something better.

Pakistan stopped officially supporting the jihadis in Kashmir after these groups tried to kill Musharraf.

ISI just ignored the orders. :rolleyes:
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