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PM orders to reopen Pak-Afghan border

Reading tbe replies here, one would think terrorists use official border crossings, get a Visa and show their passports to border police and declare their arrival.
That was never the reason for closing the border. It was closed to deliver Kabul a message that unless it delivers on its promise of not letting the Afghan soil used for anti Pakistan activities all activities will remain suspended.
This is a very sinister move by NS.

Army should not open the border before 23rd March parade is over.

NS will have to retract or amend the order with a specific date.


NS wants a fight with Army top brass before the verdict! Anything to claim political Martyrdom.

We will have to wait where the army stands on this one. If the armed forces are in favor of reopening the border not much can be done. This is the result of talks in London. The Brits have played their ugly part as usual. Desperate fvckers.

Only another attack from Afghan soil will put these people to shame.

It doesn't matter though. We will harass Afghans from Pakistan. KPK isn't going to tolerate Afghans. This will only strengthen our resolve. Nawaz Sharif is a loser and he can't do anything thing about it.
That was never the reason for closing the border. It was closed to deliver Kabul a message that unless it delivers on its promise of not letting the Afghan soil used for anti Pakistan activities all activities will remain suspended.

According to most Pakistanis here the puppet government hasn't got any control outside the presidential palace in Kabul and the Talis rule the country. Wouldn't speaking to Talis make more sense so they can stop the terrorists from crossing over?

We don't want you in our country. Go to India.

That's not what ordinary Pakistanis said during the last few days. There has been protests in Chaman and Torkham by Pakistani businesssmen to open the border. Not all your countrymen think like you.
According to most Pakistanis here the puppet government hasn't got any control outside the presidential palace in Kabul and the Talis rule the country. Wouldn't speaking to Talis make more sense so they can stop the terrorists from crossing over?
Pakistanis dont say that, the world does. Also what Pakistan should do or not is something for us to worry about why was the Kabul regime crying in front of the world and more recently WHO and complaining against Pakistan for closing of the border?
According to most Pakistanis here the puppet government hasn't got any control outside the presidential palace in Kabul and the Talis rule the country. Wouldn't speaking to Talis make more sense so they can stop the terrorists from crossing over?

That's not what ordinary Pakistanis said during the last few days. There has been protests in Chaman and Torkham by Pakistani businesssmen to open the border. Not all your countrymen think like you.

Ordinary Pakistanis scold your countrymen. You are not welcome here. Those handful of nasty businessmen on our side are free to go to opiumland if they want to conduct business. You have nothing to offer apart from opium, instability and bloodshed. Ordinary Pakistanis are sick and tired of Afghan terror in their land.

Don't think this is a victory. We will harass and humiliate you. We will force you to leave. You'll see. This latest move by the failed PM Nawaz Sharif will stoke more resentment and anger against your people. You are unwanted.
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Pakistanis dont say that, the world does. Also what Pakistan should do or not is something for us to worry about why was the Kabul regime crying in front of the world and more recently WHO and complaining against Pakistan for closing of the border?

Well Duh!! Afghanistan is a landlocked country so what choice has it got other than to protest? But its not just Afghanistan who is protesting, plenty of Pakistanis also don't agree with border closure, Imran Khan beinv one of them.

Ordinary Pakistanis scold your countrymen. You are not welcome here. Those handful of nasty businessmen on our side are free to go to opiumland if they want to conduct business. You have nothing to offer apart from opium, instability and bloodshed. Ordinary Pakistanis are sick and tired of Afghan terror in their land.

Don't think this is a victory. We will harass and humiliate you. We will force you to leave. You'll see. This latest move by the failed PM Nawaz Sharif will stoke more resentment and anger against your people. You are unwanted.

Well, that's your opinion. My life experience tells me otherwise. Afghans and Pakistanis get along just fine whether back home or abroad.

You can't humiliate anyone but yourself with that behaviour. I am sure your parents will be proud if you humiliate some Afghans who come to Pakistan for treatment or work.
Well Duh!! Afghanistan is a landlocked country so what choice has it got other than to protest? But its not just Afghanistan who is protesting, plenty of Pakistanis also don't agree with border closure, Imran Khan beinv one of them.

Well, that's your opinion. My life experience tells me otherwise. Afghans and Pakistanis get along just fine whether back home or abroad.

You can't humiliate anyone but yourself with that behaviour. I am sure your parents will be proud if you humiliate some Afghans who come to Pakistan for treatment or work.

You Afghans are terrorists who like to kill innocent Pakistani children. We will humiliate you and force you to leave our land. No one can help you. Not India, not WTO and nor the US. You will see. You cannot win this war. We will do everything in our power to defeat you.

We know how much Afghans and Pakistanis get along. You lick the boots of Indians and other foreigners who have occupied your land. Afghans are the most disgusting ungrateful cowards on the face of the earth. No wonder you people were forced to leave European countries after they bribed your leaders.

I only have one suggestion for your kind after we kick you out of our land. Piss off to India. They will receive you with open arms. Get your treatment there. Go and work there. You have destroyed all credibility in Pakistan.
border closure was an opiate dose, it relives the pain temporarily but hurts you back. it was a huge blow to pakistan exports
You Afghans are terrorists who like to kill innocent Pakistani children. We will humiliate you and force you to leave our land. No one can help you. Not India, not WTO and nor the US. You will see. You cannot win this war. We will do everything in our power to defeat you.

We know how much Afghans and Pakistanis get along. You lick the boots of Indians and other foreigners who have occupied your land. Afghans are the most disgusting ungrateful cowards on the face of the earth. No wonder you people were forced to leave European countries after they bribed your leaders.

I only have one suggestion for your kind after we kick you out of our land. Piss off to India. They will receive you with open arms. Get your treatment there. Go and work there. You have destroyed all credibility in Pakistan.

Why so serious?
deliberately done by nawaz to create more law and order situations which will lead to distraction from Panama papers issue , he's a total douchebag
Well Duh!! Afghanistan is a landlocked country so what choice has it got other than to protest? But its not just Afghanistan who is protesting, plenty of Pakistanis also don't agree with border closure, Imran Khan beinv one of them.
PaKistan isnt the only country Afghanistan shares border with. Why not cry to Iran but since does not have a puppet regime like the loser we have for a PM hence they keep your kind to its true place. As for IK if he doesnt amend his ways he will lose alot of voters like myself.
Check out civilian causality since closer of border last month. March saw 126 deaths last year but now so far only 1!


Reading tbe replies here, one would think terrorists use official border crossings, get a Visa and show their passports to border police and declare their arrival.

You are are forgetting that now army is deployed on border. Its not as easy to cross over as it used to be before. There is risk of getting shot on sight. Drastic reduction in attacks since closure of border proves it. Obviously Afghani government don't have any control in these areas but Pakistan should do as much as possible to curb terrorism.

It also proves that afghani taliban are on their own in Afghanistan, myth of terrorists crossing from our side and attacking Afghanistan has been put to rest.
Wait till we drag your kind on the streets. You haven't seen half of serious. I say this as Pakhtun. A Pakhtun always keeps his word.

Oh Please spare me the theatrics Gul Khan

Just pray the Dutch far right don't win the election or you might be on the receiving end of such treatment ;)

PaKistan isnt the only country Afghanistan shares border with. Why not cry to Iran but since does not have a puppet regime like the loser we have for a PM hence they keep your kind to its true place. As for IK if he doesnt amend his ways he will lose alot of voters like myself.

Iran did not close the border, Pakistan did so that point is irrelevant.

So what you ars saying is Iran can manage their border and Pakistan can't?

The real truth is, Pakistan still gives safe havens to the Haqqani network and other rogue elements as the whole world agrees except Pakistan and TTP and other groups are just two sides of the same coin. Pakistan thinks it can play this game because it has stronger army, rule of law etc as compared to Afghanistan so even though Pakistan might suffer due to these policies Afghanistan will suffer more due to being weaker. God knows how many more innocent lives be lost before this madness will end.
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