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PM orders to reopen Pak-Afghan border

WTO were about to start an enquiry into the closure after Afghanistan complained that Pakistan was breaking WTO rules. Consequences for Pakistan would have been severe offering other countries the option of stopping all Pakistani exports.
In effect, the more extreme repercussion would bring Pakistans economy to a grinding screeching halt.
Nawaz just pre-empted a WTO ruling. It does however put Pakistan on WTO watch list as a rule transgressor.

Any source?

Is it possible the closed borders were harming exports?

I do agree Afghanistan isn't necessarily friendly. Not sure i think it's as bad a decision as everyone is saying, but yes, i don't trust Afghanistan. Any terror attack in the future stemming from them will be serious.
Pak-Afghan border opens after a month of closure

A truck carries goods on its way to Afghanistan through the Khyber Pass. —AP
Hundreds of trucks crossed into Afghanistan from Pakistan after the border reopened for the first time in more than a month, ending the protracted closure of one South Asia's busiest trade routes.

Fayaz Khan, an official at the Torkham border, said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's order to open the border at Torkham and Chaman was received late on Monday. As a result, the border opened for business at 7am on Tuesday.

The long-stranded convoy of trucks that stretched for miles on either side began to move.

Pakistan closed the border in mid-February, following a string of militant attacks that Islamabad has blamed on militants hiding in Afghanistan.

Sources in political administration of Khyber Agency told a Radio Pakistan correspondent that only those Afghan nationals will be allowed to cross the border who possess valid travelling documents.

The United Nations welcomed Pakistan's decision to open its border crossings with Afghanistan.

“We welcome the reopening of the border crossings between Pakistan and Afghanistan,” Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, said in response to a question from a Pakistani journalist at the regular noon briefing.

“We hope that the people of the two countries would be able to move freely between the two countries,” he added.

The government on Monday reopened border crossings with Afghanistan as a goodwill gesture, but with a hope that Kabul would address its concerns about terrorist sanctuaries on the border.

The closure of the formal crossing points on the 2,600km porous border was ordered by the army immediately after the Sehwan shrine bombing last month. The crossings have remained closed all along except for a two-day relaxation earlier this month for the repatriation of stranded passengers, which benefited about 55,000 people.

The border closure shut down all trade between the two countries, because of which traders on both sides suffered huge losses, but landlocked Afghans bore the brunt. Price hike in Afghanistan caused by the closure badly impacted the ordinary Afghans, resulting in a surge in the already very high anti-Pakistan sentiment.

The situation was feared to escalate into a humanitarian crisis. Economic losses due to the closure, moreover, ran into millions of dollars and Kabul had taken up the matter with the World Trade Organisation, which was scheduled to take it up in the first week of April.

The closure that continued during the recently held Economic Cooperation Organisation summit in Islamabad, which was attended by Afghanistan at a lower level, sharply contrasted with its outcome document in which leaders from 10 regional countries pledged promotion of trade and connectivity linkages.

Sanctuaries of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan’s (TTP) and its splinter groups have existed along the border since 2010 when militants fleeing military operations in Swat and Bajaur took refuge there.

The Jamaatul Ahrar, which split with the TTP in 2014, moved its bases to Afghanistan after the start of operation Zarb-i-Azb. Several attacks have been carried out in Pakistan from those bases, but the Afghan government has always turned a blind eye to them.

Lately, it suggested it could take action against them as a quid pro quo for action against the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network allegedly based in Pakistan.
Bad call Nawaz is just trying to hard to divert attention from his political cases it is rediculous

Anticipating another incident will divert national focus for 30-90 days , so he can just crawl to next year some how

We should have been the poeple buying 300 UAV to take over Afghan area and go after Terrorist

May be he thinks the folks cross the border illegaly will have garland of flowers for him or something nuts like that ...

This is the second odd thing he has done in span of 2 weeks

Nawaz Sharif isn't going anywhere. He cannot escape Panama ruling. He can try to delay the verdict, but eventually the verdict will come.

Having said that, Nawaz Sharif has made a huge blunder. The next Afghan attack inside Pakistan is only a matter of time. We know that India cannot refrain from sponsoring terror in Pakistan through its Afghan proxy channels. When the attack happens Nawaz Sharif will be held accountable. This is after all Nawaz Sharif's decision to reopen the border. Only Nawaz Sharif is answerable.

The madness will end when Afghanistan accepts "Daal Khor" and "Gul Khan". The madness will end when Afghanistan SWALLOWS her arrogance and jealous nature towards Pakistan.

These stupid Afghans beg to enter Pakistan. They literally die for Pakistan. Yet, they harbor immense hatred against Pakistan. Afghans cannot live with or without Pakistan. Afghans are the most ungrateful and nasty people you will ever come across. Be it in Pakistan or any other place. Afghan hate for Pakistan is engrained in their DNA. I have met many Afghans in Europe and my home country The Netherlands. I have yet to meet an Afghan who doesn't harbor hatred against Pakistan. Afghan hate for Pakistan comes natural. Afghans have a personal grudge against Pakistan. Afghans don't hide their ill feelings for Pakistan and openly convey it to others. It is very deep and disturbing.

It doesn't matter though. All the Afghan and Indian lovers on our side cannot escape the reality. Terror attacks will continue from across the border. Let them have their little celebratory moment, but sooner or later the reality will strike home. It will strike like thunder and we will hold them accountable. We will look them straight in the eye and seek answers. There will be severe consequences. We are not going to tolerate another Afghan attack inside Pakistan.
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Kasur waley bachoan ki baat na hi karein to behtar hay

I have no idea why you always refer to Kasur, are you from Kasur?or maybe you have had some painful bad experience in Kasur...God knows and you know
But again PTI like leadership like followers, whatever they say doesnt make sense
NS making an statement, "border closure was army's decision; reopening mine".

That is exactly how it is. The Pak army closed the border after the Lahore attack. Nawaz Sharif is today responsible for reopening the border. He has done it with much fun fare.

Nawaz Sharif better start praying with his life that another Afghan attack doesn't take place. The blame for another attack squarely lies with Nawaz Sharif. No ifs and buts.
That is exactly how it is. The Pak army closed the border after the Lahore attack. Nawaz Sharif is today responsible for reopening the border. He has done it with much fun fare.

Nawaz Sharif better start praying with his life that another Afghan attack doesn't take place. The blame for another attack squarely lies with Nawaz Sharif. No ifs and buts.

Border has to be opened sooner or later, but NS is NS, he has to show it off, the big looser.
PA has to up the ante and must strike in afg on terror sanctuaries and masterminds; conventional and unconventional ops.
NS making an statement, "border closure was army's decision; reopening mine".
In that case COAS should resign instead of saving his job...If he really cares for security and against this decision ...
WTO were about to start an enquiry into the closure after Afghanistan complained that Pakistan was breaking WTO rules. Consequences for Pakistan would have been severe offering other countries the option of stopping all Pakistani exports.
In effect, the more extreme repercussion would bring Pakistans economy to a grinding screeching halt.
Nawaz just pre-empted a WTO ruling. It does however put Pakistan on WTO watch list as a rule transgressor.

WTO cannot do much. Pakistan has an immensely strong case against Afghanistan.

Pakistan has solid evidence against Indian and Afghan meddling from across the border. This meddling directly affects our national security. There have been countless terror attacks sponsored and orchestrated from the Afghan border. Additionally, Afghanistan also allows sanctuaries to TTP militants. These militants plot attacks against Pakistan with full knowledge and approval of the Afghan government. Pakistani security agencies and even the current government have held Afghanistan directly responsible for previous attacks. Afghan nationals have been caught red handed in terror attacks. India also uses the Afghan border to sow instability in Baluchistan and elsewhere. This is an open secret.

Pakistan should have presented its solid case for closing the border to prevent terrorism emanating from Afghanistan. Pakistan reserves the right to protects its citizens against Afghan terror attacks. Closure of the border is just one of many measures. The WTO could have possibly mediated for a solution. Pakistan could have forced nations around the world to pay attention against Afghan sponsored attacks on Pakistani soil. It was a golden opportunity to present our narrative and concerns.

Instead, Nawaz Sharif has chosen to cower and reopen the border without firm guarantees. Nawaz Sharif is only hoping. Nawaz Sharif has lost face. Nawaz Sharif has squandered another opportunity. Nawaz Sharif is today directly responsible for any attack from Afghanistan. We know that an attack from the Afghan border is a matter of time.

Border has to be opened sooner or later, but NS is NS, he has to show it off, the big looser.
PA has to up the ante and must strike in afg on terror sanctuaries and masterminds; conventional and unconventional ops.

It is a wasted opportunity. The real losers are the innocent people of Pakistan who are the target of Afghan attacks. Unfortunately, Nawaz Sharif has put many more innocent lives at stake.
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WTO cannot do much. Pakistan has an immensely strong case against Afghanistan.

Instead, Nawaz Sharif has chosen to cower and reopen the border without any firm guarantees. Nawaz Sharif is only hoping. Nawaz Sharif has lost face. Nawaz Sharif is today directly responsible for any attack occurring from Afghanistan. We know that an attack from the Afghan border is a matter of time.

It is a wasted opportunity. The real losers are the innocent people of Pakistan who are the target of Afghan attacks. Unfortunately, Nawaz Sharif has put many more innocent lives at stake.

I am sure that when it comes to national security issues and sovereignty all these international treaties have exclusion clauses. Terrorism in Pakistan is directly linked to the border crossings between Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have every right under international law to safeguard our National security. Nawaz Sharif should never have opened that border until we were certain that the Afghans were going to take our concerns seriously. All they did was hand us a list as well and told us to go jump in a lake. Nawaz Sharif needs to stop acting like a businessman and act like the PM. National security is also part of his job.
I am sure that when it comes to national security issues and sovereignty all these international treaties have exclusion clauses. Terrorism in Pakistan is directly linked to the border crossings between Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have every right under international law to safeguard our National security. Nawaz Sharif should never have opened that border until we were certain that the Afghans were going to take our concerns seriously. All they did was hand us a list as well and told us to go jump in a lake. Nawaz Sharif needs to stop acting like a businessman and act like the PM. National security is also part of his job.

Exactly. Nawaz Sharif has poured cold water over Pakistan's security concerns. Pakistan's narrative has been weakened by cowardice. Instead of justifying our stance Nawaz Sharif has destroyed our case. Any future attempt to close the border will not be taken seriously. Nawaz Sharif has done irreparable damage to Pakistan's national security. This weakness will haunt Pakistan for a long time to come. It will embolden the enemy.
Exactly. Nawaz Sharif has poured cold water over Pakistan's security concerns. Pakistan's narrative has been weakened by cowardice. Instead of justifying our stance Nawaz Sharif has destroyed our case.

Sometimes Im not sure what goes on in that man's head. Whenever it comes to blood and guts foreign policy or security decisions, he gets weak at the knees for some reason. Very frustrating.
WTO cannot do much. Pakistan has an immensely strong case against Afghanistan.

Pakistan has solid evidence against Indian and Afghan meddling from across the border. This meddling directly affects our national security. There have been countless terror attacks sponsored and orchestrated from the Afghan border. Additionally, Afghanistan also allows sanctuaries to TTP militants. These militants plot attacks against Pakistan with full knowledge and approval of the Afghan government. Pakistani security agencies and even the current government have held Afghanistan directly responsible for previous attacks. Afghan nationals have been caught red handed in terror attacks. India also uses the Afghan border to sow instability in Baluchistan and elsewhere. This is an open secret.

Pakistan should have presented its solid case for closing the border to prevent terrorism emanating from Afghanistan. Pakistan reserves the right to protects its citizens against Afghan terror attacks. Closure of the border is just one of many measures. The WTO could have possibly mediated for a solution. Pakistan could have forced nations around the world to pay attention against Afghan sponsored attacks on Pakistani soil. It was a golden opportunity to present our narrative and concerns.

Instead, Nawaz Sharif has chosen to cower and reopen the border without firm guarantees. Nawaz Sharif is only hoping. Nawaz Sharif has lost face. Nawaz Sharif has squandered another opportunity. Nawaz Sharif is today directly responsible for any attack from Afghanistan. We know that an attack from the Afghan border is a matter of time.

It is a wasted opportunity. The real losers are the innocent people of Pakistan who are the target of Afghan attacks. Unfortunately, Nawaz Sharif has put many more innocent lives at stake.
There is opportunity in every difficulty. For PA it is no holds barred taking action inside afg.
NS is a bad egg, wont remain forever. Whatever be the result of panama, he is on weak grounds.
There is opportunity in every difficulty. For PA it is no holds barred taking action inside afg.
NS is a bad egg, wont remain forever. Whatever be the result of panama, he is on weak grounds.

I'm not really into conspiracy theories but opening this hell's mouth so close to the Panama decision seems a bit dodgy to me. What is he letting in?
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