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PM Nawaz falls sick due to leg infection

No, he doesn't. He represents his dynasty and business empire. Electoral system in Pakistan does not allow better people to contest. Military enjoys overwhelming support from masses. Nawaz Sharif doesn’t even begin to compare in popularity or nation's trust. Sad, but true state of democracy here.
Well good to know.... so the UN convention in NY last year. the protestors were very correct then.
You are a supporter of his party and you have written a pointless essay that opens up unnecessary debate taking focus away from the main point. the economic growth that your party sells show me the proof. When economy improves it is visible to the eye because it affects people directly!

I am not supporter to anyone. But PMLN is exactly what Pakistan needs at this moment. The explanation has been already provided. Only the counter argument is needed with example to back with. History is your proof. Research it.

They were and they digressed under the very same ruling which affected to the succe

Stats can be manipulative but the history can't.

The reasons their record were better because they assumed the power when the nation had stable economy during that times. When they left, unstable economy was dumped on their successors. How do you expect them to reconcile the situation? Start from the beginning; clean the mess and stabilize the economy all over again.

Under Ayub Khan through Marshall Law; Pakistan was reputed to be Asia Tiger in economy but 1971 happened and that was tip of the iceberg which later changed the fate of Pakistan for worse.

Under Zia Haq through Marshall Law: He assumed the power when the economy was stable. Then all went to downhill after 80s with the policy of Taliban. That plagued the economy till 90.

Democracy came back and stabilized the economy. The economy was starting to grow. Then Musharraf happened. Again it went down the drain as TTP and MQM flourished under his ruling and those problems were dumped on democracy after 7-8 years.

Again, democracy is back and cleaning the mess made by Musharraf through Marshal Law. Cleaning the mess meaning TTP+MQM.

Those Generals took over the leadership when the economy was stable. When they left, unstable economy along with the mess dumped on their successors [democracy] to deal with. Now you can understand why the stats can be manipulate. In the history of Pakistan, democracy had played vital role in repairing the damage inflicted on the economy by Generals. Generals don't know how to rule, and precisely why they always leave the unstable economy on their successors [democracy] to clean the mess.

Even today, democracy under PMLN is cleaning the mess and stabilizing the economy. As the economy starts to stabilize as the economic growth shapes positively, i am afraid General may or may not take over again and take advantage of the hard work done by democracy and leave the mess after its completed term on democracy to deal with. It is vicious cycle that doesn't let Pakistan grow to fulfill its potential unfortunately.

Can you honestly blame on PMLN for the mess that was created [TTP+MQM] under the ruling of Musharraf? PMLN came at the worst possible time, and in the short period of time, the mess was cleaned by huge portion, the economy is starting to stabilize and economic growth is shaping nicely for present and future until Marshall Law happens again and set Pakistan back.
Well good to know.... so the UN convention in NY last year. the protestors were very correct then.


Can you be specific?

They were and they digressed under the very same ruling which affected to the succe

Stats can be manipulative but the history can't.

The reasons their record were better because they assumed the power when the nation had stable economy during that times. When they left, unstable economy was dumped on their successors. How do you expect them to reconcile the situation? Start from the beginning; clean the mess and stabilize the economy all over again.

Under Ayub Khan through Marshall Law; Pakistan was reputed to be Asia Tiger in economy but 1971 happened and that was tip of the iceberg which later changed the fate of Pakistan for worse.

Under Zia Haq through Marshall Law: He assumed the power when the economy was stable. Then all went to downhill after 80s with the policy of Taliban. That plagued the economy till 90.

Democracy came back and stabilized the economy. The economy was starting to grow. Then Musharraf happened. Again it went down the drain as TTP and MQM flourished under his ruling and those problems were dumped on democracy after 7-8 years.

Again, democracy is back and cleaning the mess made by Musharraf through Marshal Law. Cleaning the mess meaning TTP+MQM.

Those Generals took over the leadership when the economy was stable. When they left, unstable economy along with the mess dumped on their successors [democracy] to deal with. Now you can understand why the stats can be manipulate. In the history of Pakistan, democracy had played vital role in repairing the damage inflicted on the economy by Generals. Generals don't know how to rule, and precisely why they always leave the unstable economy on their successors [democracy] to clean the mess.

Even today, democracy under PMLN is cleaning the mess and stabilizing the economy. As the economy starts to stabilize as the economic growth shapes positively, i am afraid General may or may not take over again and take advantage of the hard work done by democracy and leave the mess after its completed term on democracy to deal with. It is vicious cycle that doesn't let Pakistan grow to fulfill its potential unfortunately.

Can you honestly blame on PMLN for the mess that was created [TTP+MQM] under the ruling of Musharraf? PMLN came at the worst possible time, and in the short period of time, the mess was cleaned by huge portion, the economy is starting to stabilize and economic growth is shaping nicely for present and future until Marshall Law happens again and set Pakistan back.

Dismissing evidence because it doesn't agree with your opinion? Of course civilian rule is better; no denying that. But unfortunately our civilian rulers have failed miserably because of their incompetence. Military rulers have fared better on economic front despite the ills military rule brings. Yearly economic development data is available from multiple reliable sources like World Bank, IMF, SBP and Bureau of Statistics. All show the same numbers. You can bring your statistics from a reliable source. Writing a post without backing it up with facts does not carry much weight, I'm afraid.
Guys I shameful of Pakistan's medical system that even we can't treat the leg infection of our beloved PM.
This miskeen PM always to travel to UK for his all medical needs and on special flights.
May God bless him with cures to all his diseases, from them he is suffering.

We need such PM badly who is dispensing Pakistan's resources so carefully that he choose to get treated out of the country by not burdening the medical system which is busy treating general public and poor.
Pakistan is a country not Sharif private business. If Nawaz Sharif is so unwell, he should appoint another PM.

The country needs a full time chief executive, not a man whose main sickness is incompetence and Panama Leaks.

Dismissing evidence because it doesn't agree with your opinion? Of course civilian rule is better; no denying that. But unfortunately our civilian rulers have failed miserably because of their incompetence. Military rulers have fared better on economic front despite the ills military rule brings. Yearly economic development data is available from multiple reliable sources like World Bank, IMF, SBP and Bureau of Statistics. All show the same numbers. You can bring your statistics from a reliable source. Writing a post without backing it up with facts does not carry much weight, I'm afraid.

I didn't dismiss the evidence. I said stats can be manipulative. And why is the explanation i just provided which may have eluded you judging by your posts. You will have to re read my long post. Because i am not gonna explain again.

Regarding the incompetence and competence;

The real incompetence is turning stable economy into unstable economy. Failure to take the stable economy to the forward never mind inability to tackle criminal activity never mind allowing both terrorism and criminality to flourish. Then leave the unstable with unresolved massive mess on its successors [democracy].

The real competence would be to take challenge in converting unstable economy to stable economy. Provided one is equipped to resolve criminal activity [MQM] and launch Zarb-e-Azb mission to tackle terrorism on the massive portion.That is basically cleaning the massive mess made by former leaders [Marshall Law] again.

Guess which one is competent and which one is incompetent? People got fed up at Generals for the reason. And why Pakistan is enjoying economic growth after stabilizing the economy and faring well in the stock market is due to present leadership. That is the hint pretty much giveaway as the sign of competent leadership.
Allah says, if you have lot of Money to shares, for the Country, But you die, you cannot bring with You, you will come empty Hand. He has a chance To do some thing for the Country to buy some Advance Plain or others Equip. And keeps his name for Ever, otherwise he will called AS THIEF PRIME MINISTER NAWAZ SHARIF.
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