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PM Narendra Modi most sought-after leader at Brisbane meet


Aug 13, 2014
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East Asia & G-20 Summits: PM Narendra Modi most sought-after leader at Brisbane meet - Economic Times

Abbot Modi.jpg

NEW DELHI: It is not Barack Obama or Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping or Shinzo Abe or Angela Merkel - leaders of the five most powerful countries of the world - who are most sought after at the East Asia and G-20 Summits. Instead it isNarendra Modi, elected to the high office only six months back, who has received maximum requests for bilateral meetings from his counterparts and heads of state on the sidelines of East Asia, ASEAN and G-20 Summits in Myanmar and Australia later this week.

South Block officials told ET that several slots have been reserved for Modi's bilateral interactions on the sidelines of the Summits in both Nay Pyi Taw and Brisbane following requests from several leaders who have expressed interest to meet the Indian PM. "As some of the leaders are common in East Asia Summit and G20, the schedule for Modi's meetings are being worked out depending on the itinerary of his counterparts," an official informed.

This is Modi's first outing in both East Asia and G20 Summit and understandably there's interest among other leaders to interact with him, sources claimed. "The interest is also due to the fact that these countries want to step up economic engagement with India and they sense an opportunity under the Modi government to increase trade and investments," an official indicated.

While Modi is expected to meet some leaders like Obama, Abe, Dilma Rouseff whom he had already met and Putin who is travelling to Delhi in December, the emphasis is on meeting leaders such as German Chancellor Merkel and former British PM Gordon Brown (in Brisbane) whom the PM has not met yet, sources indicated.

Besides, Modi could meet leaders of France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mexico, Argentina and Nigeria in Brisbane on the sidelines of the G20 meet. Meeting with the Canadian PM, South Korean President andEuropean Union leaders are also on the cards.

The bilateral meet with host Myanmarese President Thein Sein is expected on Tuesday after Modi's arrival in Nay Pyi Taw. This will be the second visit by an Indian PM to Myanmar in one calendar year after Manmohan Singh was there last March for the BIMSTEC Summit. India has undertaken a slew of connectivity, capacity building and development projects in Myanmar.
1. Obama greets Modi by saying "you'r a man of Action"


2. Waiting for meeting with Malaysian delegation. Doval as usual is with the PM in all his meetings :D

3. Meeting with the Malasian PM, Mr. Najib Razak. Asks Malaysian companies to invest in large scale housing project to provide housing for all by 2022 since Malaysia has its own success story in this space.


4. Picture of Modiji first foray into instagram,


5. Modiji meeting with Thailand PM. Modifies India policy from Look east to "Act East" policy.


6. Modiji at the ASEAN meet,

7. Modi seems to have an ear for music, first the drums in Japan and now the Patala in Myanmar.


8. Meeting with South Korean President Park Geun-hye,

Some where I read that he is older than Modi. :D
Fact is Ajit Doval is not a politician.Contrary to his predecessors he dont like media light.
Hes 69 right now.
The issue with Indian democracy is that those who know how to lead it shy away from leading it.
is APJ Abdul Kalam also a "politician"??
and how long does it take to become one??

APJ was never a PM either!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... Doval is going to be an asset in security and foreign relations, but PM has several other things to do.......
APJ was never a PM either!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... Doval is going to be an asset in security and foreign relations, but PM has several other things to do.......
Agreed ...I am being unrealistic...but a wish is wish...is a wish.
I wish!!!:angel:
is APJ Abdul Kalam also a "politician"??
and how long does it take to become one??

APJ Abdul Kalm is a scientist who was supported by political parties to become the President of India.

Wikipedia :"The President is the formal head of the execuitve,legislature and judiciary of India and is the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces.

Although Article 53 of the Constitution of India states that the President can exercise his or her powers directly or by subordinate authority,[2] with few exceptions, all of the executive authority vested in the President are, in practice, exercised by the Government of India."

Another example is Manmohan Singh who was actually the Prime Minister of India, but elected via Rajya Sabha lacked political power leading to loss of control to Sonia and others in Congress and hence, I guess can be called a Statesman, Learned man, diplomat, but hardly a politician.

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