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PM Modi vists Ladakh Frontline Troops

It might be a temporary, make shift medical facility and not a dedicated hospital, or it might be a hospital conversion in progress.

Here comes the defence cavalry - stop defending the indefensible - the patient show little sign of trauma - the place is more of a hall - there is NO medical equipment - not even a stethoscope. Why do Indians try defending something so embarrassingly set up? Next you will be telling us Modi healed them with his hands because of his powers.
I have no patience with cheerleaders like you. I’d respect you a lot more if you perhaps tried a bit of honesty.
Modi ji fooling his bhakts

not a hospital visit but a shameless setup for a photo op -

Modi ji fooling his bhakts

not a hospital visit but a shameless setup for a photo op -


He still couldnt name china @masterchief_mirza
He's a pathetic individual. He doesn't pass for a man, never mind a pm

How does this pass as a field hospital?

Where are the bedside tables, observation equipment, nurses? What "recovery" do these people need if all they need is a bed?

Were simple beds not available in the barracks? The photo is very peculiar for the absence of medical equipment or notes or commodes or anything other than beds.

He's a pathetic individual. He doesn't pass for a man, never mind a pm

How does this pass as a field hospital?

Where are the bedside tables, observation equipment, nurses? What "recovery" do these people need if all they need is a bed?

Were simple beds not available in the barracks? The photo is very peculiar for the absence of medical equipment or notes or commodes or anything other than beds.
I don't expect Pakistanis to believe it. Maybe you can check with @Joe Shearer who is kattar anti-modi Indian regarding this
I don't expect Pakistanis to believe it. Maybe you can check with @Joe Shearer who is kattar anti-modi Indian regarding this
Don't go howling to your chacha and actually use some logic yourself. I just read this from Ashok Swain - whose guts you hate of course - but he agrees with my gut instinct here.

"Nearly 3 weeks have passed - Look at the number of Indian soldiers are still being treated in a hospital in Leh, who were injured in the clash with Chinese troops. For Modi's 'photo shoot', their number and identity get exposed! BTW, Is this really a hospital or a youth hostel? I have never seen a hospital only with beds without a single medical equipment," said Ashok Swain, a professor at Uppsala University, Sweden."

I shall add this: Any serious injuries would have been evacuated out of this emergency youth hostel to some complex military hospital weeks ago.

Any minor injuries would have healed by now and the soldiers discharged from hospital back to barracks.

So what is wrong with these soldiers that they are still in this supposed emergency facility three weeks after the incident? Without medical equipment, charts, notes etc?

This isn't a hospital or an extension of a ward or a field clinic or any variation of these possibilities.

At most, this is a hostel for healthy individuals. If that's the case, why is it needed for the well funded IA? Why can't they go to their barracks?

The only other reasonable possibility is that this is some sort of secure mental facility for PTSD following the incident....I think we both know it isn't that.

Simple question for all Indians, bhakts, secularists, liberals, whatever - where does the Bollywood end and the India begin these days?
Don't go howling to your chacha and actually use some logic yourself. I just read this from Ashok Swain - whose guts you hate of course - but he agrees with my gut instinct here.

"Nearly 3 weeks have passed - Look at the number of Indian soldiers are still being treated in a hospital in Leh, who were injured in the clash with Chinese troops. For Modi's 'photo shoot', their number and identity get exposed! BTW, Is this really a hospital or a youth hostel? I have never seen a hospital only with beds without a single medical equipment," said Ashok Swain, a professor at Uppsala University, Sweden."

I shall add this: Any serious injuries would have been evacuated out of this emergency youth hostel to some complex military hospital weeks ago.

Any minor injuries would have healed by now and the soldiers discharged from hospital back to barracks.

So what is wrong with these soldiers that they are still in this supposed emergency facility three weeks after the incident? Without medical equipment, charts, notes etc?

This isn't a hospital or an extension of a ward or a field clinic or any variation of these possibilities.

At most, this is a hostel for healthy individuals. If that's the case, why is it needed for the well funded IA? Why can't they go to their barracks?

The only other reasonable possibility is that this is some sort of secure mental facility for PTSD following the incident....I think we both know it isn't that.

Simple question for all Indians, bhakts, secularists, liberals, whatever - where does the Bollywood end and the India begin these days?

The Indian Army has already given the official statement which has been shared.

The tweet from a Congress Leader is below.

Like I said Pakistanis will not believe whatever we say
Don't go howling to your chacha and actually use some logic yourself. I just read this from Ashok Swain - whose guts you hate of course - but he agrees with my gut instinct here.

"Nearly 3 weeks have passed - Look at the number of Indian soldiers are still being treated in a hospital in Leh, who were injured in the clash with Chinese troops. For Modi's 'photo shoot', their number and identity get exposed! BTW, Is this really a hospital or a youth hostel? I have never seen a hospital only with beds without a single medical equipment," said Ashok Swain, a professor at Uppsala University, Sweden."

I shall add this: Any serious injuries would have been evacuated out of this emergency youth hostel to some complex military hospital weeks ago.

Any minor injuries would have healed by now and the soldiers discharged from hospital back to barracks.

So what is wrong with these soldiers that they are still in this supposed emergency facility three weeks after the incident? Without medical equipment, charts, notes etc?

This isn't a hospital or an extension of a ward or a field clinic or any variation of these possibilities.

At most, this is a hostel for healthy individuals. If that's the case, why is it needed for the well funded IA? Why can't they go to their barracks?

The only other reasonable possibility is that this is some sort of secure mental facility for PTSD following the incident....I think we both know it isn't that.

Simple question for all Indians, bhakts, secularists, liberals, whatever - where does the Bollywood end and the India begin these days?
Bhayyajee,,, ashok ne bol dia tumne maan liya.
It's a makeshift ward,,plenty of similar makeshift wards throughout the country right now owing to corona.Schools, hostels even mandirs being used.
Modis media team deemed it perfect for his photoshoot n that's it.
"Nearly 3 weeks have passed - Look at the number of Indian soldiers are still being treated in a hospital in Leh, who were injured in the clash with Chinese troops. For Modi's 'photo shoot', their number and identity get exposed! BTW, Is this really a hospital or a youth hostel? I have never seen a hospital only with beds without a single medical equipment," said Ashok Swain, a professor at Uppsala University, Sweden."
All these keyboard warrior theories are useless. Those who have critical injuries are not kept in a "ward". This is a ward, these soldiers will join their duties in a week or so. They are not special forces whose identities should be kept under wraps. They are regiment soldiers, they post videos on their phones in twitter singing and dancing. Making an issue when there is none.
The Indian Army has already given the official statement which has been shared.

The tweet from a Congress Leader is below.

Like I said Pakistanis will not believe whatever we say
Ok, whether I believe it or not, please explain what sort of treatment these soldiers are getting in these beds in a temporary hospital in some youth hostel.

Why - since they clearly have no acute medical problem that needs basic medical monitoring equipment - have they not been evacuated to specialist centres for physical rehabilitation or psychological therapy if necessary? If it's quarantine for covid, then again evidently it is a failure of quarantine protocols because Modi and others visited freely.

Just what is this facility? I'm truly curious because it is something other militaries don't have - if IA thinks this facility is needed for medical purposes then maybe we are all doing something wrong.

Bhayyajee,,, ashok ne bol dia tumne maan liya.
It's a makeshift ward,,plenty of similar makeshift wards throughout the country right now owing to corona.Schools, hostels even mandirs being used.
Modis media team deemed it perfect for his photoshoot n that's it.
Why not discharge to barracks?
One can ask why pm Modi missed the chance to get a photo op within a real ward.
My guess will be,,, fear of corona.
These jawans might have undergone testing n found negative.

Ok, whether I believe it or not, please explain what sort of treatment these soldiers are getting in these beds in a temporary hospital in some youth hostel.

Why - since they clearly have no acute medical problem that needs basic medical monitoring equipment - have they not been evacuated to specialist centres for physical rehabilitation or psychological therapy if necessary? If it's quarantine for covid, then again evidently it is a failure of quarantine protocols because Modi and others visited freely.

Just what is this facility? I'm truly curious because it is something other militaries don't have - if IA thinks this facility is needed for medical purposes then maybe we are all doing something wrong.

Why not discharge to barracks?
Discharge is upto the doctors.
Perhaps they have internal injuries or they r simply in rehabilitation.
N it's not like we have abundant medical supplies.
Even in most regular wards, we only have one crash cart n one dressing cart. One oxygen cylinder n such.
Ok, whether I believe it or not, please explain what sort of treatment these soldiers are getting in these beds in a temporary hospital in some youth hostel.

They are given psychological treatment. They also have a special swimming pool, basketball court and cinema room for the treatment of these soldiers. The psychological health issue is also a serious one, when they saw the dead bodies of their comrades, it deeply effected their mental health...... /s

Bhaiya ajeeb baat karta hai, inn se kiyon expect karta hai k koi logical response milay ga, inhoon ne tou issi trah ki mental gymnastics karni hain...
Discharge is upto the doctors.
So again you're stating there's something wrong with them but the precise nature of that something precludes transfer to a specialist centre and at the same time, doesn't need any sort of basic observations.

When will the doctor discharge them if he can't take their basic observations like BP, temperature?

If it's a covid isolation unit, the last thing that Modi should do is visit, unless they've been tested NEGATIVE.

Now if they've been tested negative for covid AND there's nothing wrong with them physically, we return to our original question. Why are they there?

They are given psychological treatment. They also have a special swimming pool, basketball court and cinema room for the treatment of these soldiers. The psychological health issue is also a serious one, when they saw the dead bodies of their comrades, it deeply effected their mental health...... /s

Bhaiya ajeeb baat karta hai, inn se kiyon expect karta hai k koi logical response milay ga, inhoon ne tou issi trah ki mental gymnastics karni hain...
I like watching gymnastics.
So again you're stating there's something wrong with them but the precise nature of that something precludes transfer to a specialist centre and at the same time, doesn't need any sort of basic observations.

When will the doctor discharge them if he can't take their basic observations like BP, temperature?

If it's a covid isolation unit, the last thing that Modi should do is visit, unless they've been tested NEGATIVE.

Now if they've been tested negative for covid AND there's nothing wrong with them physically, we return to our original question. Why are they there?

I like watching gymnastics.
The doctor in charge will know about discharge.
Bp, pulse, temp are taken periodically in most setups.
Continous intrumental monitoring is done for critical patients.
Again just becoz they look physically ok doesn't translate to fit for duty.
N obviously it's not a covid unit.
I don't know why the confusion.
The doctor in charge will know about discharge.
Bp, pulse, temp are taken periodically in most setups.
Continous intrumental monitoring is done for critical patients.
Again just becoz they look physically ok doesn't translate to fit for duty.
N obviously it's not a covid unit.
I don't know why the confusion.
You refer to a "discharge lounge setup". If they were injured THREE WEEKS ago, why would they ALL be sitting in this discharge lounge at the same time by pure coincidence??

A patient who needs just a bed while awaiting final observations prior to discharge would only stay there for a day. Are you telling me that all the different injuries sustained by these soldiers happened to heal within 24 hours of each other, so they would all be conveniently sitting in a discharge lounge ready for Modi's photo op by pure luck?

What else you got?
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