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PM Modi vists Ladakh Frontline Troops

You refer to a "discharge lounge setup". If they were injured THREE WEEKS ago, why would they ALL be sitting in this discharge lounge at the same time by pure coincidence??

A patient who needs just a bed while awaiting final observations prior to discharge would only stay there for a day. Are you telling me that all the different injuries sustained by these soldiers happened to heal within 24 hours of each other, so they would all be conveniently sitting in a discharge lounge ready for Modi's photo op by pure luck?

What else you got?
What r u on about?
Visit a nearby govt hospital ward.
U'll get the idea.
What r u on about?
Visit a nearby govt hospital ward.
U'll get the idea.
I fully understand what you're saying sir. My argument is if every single soldier in the photo shot is not in need of anything more than very occasional observations and is therefore basically awaiting discharge (and this seems to be the case due to the complete absence of anything that would be useful on a hospital ward apart from beds and clothing), they wouldn't be in this set-up for more than 24 hours (as delayed discharge for no reason is a simple waste of your resources). Now the enquiry becomes, how is it possible that all these soldiers happen to have recovered simultaneously from what must have been a variety of different injury types, such that they are all within 24 hours of discharge simultaneously? I smell a feku foto. There are some patients there who will be discharged from the ward for a "second time" once the photo op is done. Modi could have gone 2 weeks ago when they were all in actual hospital beds, but he chose not to.
About 3 years ago from today here on PDF There use to be Indian members who use to post in a thread. I don't remember the name of that thread now but it was about Indian development. When ever they will post some thing new they will tag a lot of people. They use to tag you as well. I was considered an anti India poster back then. So those members would tag me specially to make sure I see the development in India. I to counter them made a thread on Indian economy and posted in it daily. India had a good economic growth then & many Indians made fun of me on that thread. I was very persistent, I would log on daily to post in that thread & argue my way other wise. I chose a punch line very bad & very sad. It was not long before I realized that I have started winning in my arguments & Indian economy is getting hurt. Then those who posted in development in India thread have also stopped posting. Indian development was a result of years of it reforms & wise decisions & one man who was elected on an other wise agenda has brought every thing to a stand still. Today I don't have to post in the very bad & very sad thread cause today deep down every India realize modi has done the damage.
I would agree that congress is not that strong what it use to be. One thing BJP has achieved is it's strong image but with China in ladakh that image is in shatters. Modi rushing to Ladakh to save skin is the very indicator that he him self knows he has to do something to save that image. All congress needs to do is keep chasing modi over issues of economy secularism sovereignty & show him weak & bhakts will hate him automatically if they see weakness in him.

There is no posting of threads by Indians here because most of the Indians left this forum.
Even its been a lots of years since I posted one thread.
Indian Economy is still strong and resilent .
Both parties played their politics but there are some fundamentals like economy ,technology ,national security etc both of them wont touch .

Congress was gone because they did a lots of damage to economy and national security .
For Indians , except some party based critics, PM did the best in dealing the China and Covid .
Against Chinese we need an absolute unique method .
It should be strengthen our economy at same time also.We dont want war .But we also want our objectives .
And thst is exact our GoI doing
Wah modi G wah.... Wah modi G wah. :lol:

Don't see anything wrong there, he expresses disappointment in what PM Manmohan Singh said, raises security issues, and asks for more to be done, regulation politics, basically...

kya problem hai ?
Problem is hypocrisy, when the present opposition criticizes the BJP government for handling international affairs, terror attacks, border attacks, they are labelled as anti-nationals, Pakistani agents, Chinese agents etc. But the same BJP used to criticize previous governments for the very same reasons and no one questioned them for being anti-national.

also, I used to be here 7 - 8 years ago and remember you.. kya ho gya hai tujhe bhai ?

normal proud Indian hota tha, but aaj ko full @mujahidind style hater ban gaya hai tu.. sad !
Then you must have also noticed the changes in India in these 7-8 years. Are you proud of the present day India where bigotry runs high, where a bigoted mass murderer gets to rule it, a terrorist gets to sit in its parliament, a pedophile gang rapist is hailed by fellow co-religionists while holding our country's flag(aka Asifa case), where lynchers gets garlanded by a union minister, where a bigoted murderer(shambu Regar) was funded and supported by his co-religionists...

So please... I haven't turned a Mujahidind but you definitely turned deaf, dumb and blind, not willing to see the happenings around you...

Anyways what's your old avatar name?
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