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PM Modi vists Ladakh Frontline Troops

Brilliant PROPAGANDA from MODI.

Modi tells the Armed Forces we are proud of you and 1..3 billion indians are with you AS he looks China Squarly in the Eyes
Good for Modi. China's a bit bigger now than it was a month ago, so this looking squarely in the eyes business probably took a minute longer than it used to. Still, well done.
amazing! raw nerve? rung some bells did I? 'oh goodness gracious me' your jehadi-cum-bharati fantasy world is insulted. my bad!
O you gracious bhaarti veer, I've lost by your keeboard jihad. Please bring dawn of akhand bhaaarat on us. Can't wait to become servant of slum dog millionaires of Mumbai.
To be fair, 250 km is still within the range of Chinese rocket launchers, and he is considered very brave by an indian standard.
He should feeling lucky that Chinese is not savage as the American.
Modi ji fooling his bhakts

not a hospital visit but a shameless setup for a photo op -

He should feeling lucky that Chinese is not savage as the American.

PLA will not touch Modi like USA and Israel murdered Iranian General. Modi is our bitch boy now. Why kill him now? We just converted Modi to becoming CCP pawn in Indian parliament. The people against Modi now are more dangerous to China than Modi. They are like a Hilary Clinton compared to Trump. Who is really more dangerous? Surface and cheap words doesn't show truth.

Hospital without medical equipment

Already proven to be fake room. The room is captured in older photos with SAME wall and windows with full of army people holding conference and another one where army soldiers are talking while standing everywhere. This is a army room converted for some photos for Modi. Such low cheap lies.
Can anyone point out the injuries these patients have receive and are admitted in this hospital for treatment ..... ???
With respect have worked in many hospitals - have never worked in a hospital like this. Floors and walls are know. To be of white or neutral colour to highlight misadventure - you would expect to see medical equipment - how about some sort of signs of staff - where would the patients have their drinks?
This is a poorly arranged photo shot opportunity of a leader desperate to show an image of caring, in control, and portraying superpower status.
Indians who have any sense today ought to be embarrassed to witness such shenanigans.
With respect have worked in many hospitals - have never worked in a hospital like this. Floors and walls are know. To be of white or neutral colour to highlight misadventure - you would expect to see medical equipment - how about some sort of signs of staff - where would the patients have their drinks?
This is a poorly arranged photo shot opportunity of a leader desperate to show an image of caring, in control, and portraying superpower status.
Indians who have any sense today ought to be embarrassed to witness such shenanigans.
It might be a temporary, make shift medical facility and not a dedicated hospital, or it might be a hospital conversion in progress.

Looks more like a unit hall with projector and unit paintings than an MH ward. Look at all the wood work.
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