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PM Modi vists Ladakh Frontline Troops

Brilliant PROPAGANDA from MODI.

Modi tells the Armed Forces we are proud of you and 1..3 billion indians are with you AS he looks China Squarly in the Eyes
What he does and how I feel about him has nothing to do with you isn't it? and It has nothing to do with you as well.
What has this visit achieved & what message has it delivered?
Has Chinese army pulled back? Do you think Chinese are afraid of Modi?
These are just mare PR projection events for your consumption. China will never fear Modi or a 59 app ban. If China imposes restriction on just few item & stops their delivery in this covid19 Indian production will collapse economies around the world are interdependent.

Okay these are not my words but words from with in India.
Modi had helicopter he could have landed any where in Ladakh but he refrained from going too close why? He wanted to deliver a message to you Indians not China. His voters were depressed they needed something to say to their critics so went to nimmoo a tourist spot enjoyed few good hours of cold weather in this hot summer & came back objective was you & your thinking.
When nehru went to LAC he went there to start a war & he started it. Modi is backed by financial supporters they don't want war. they will let him allow China to take what ever it wants to keep their business running. If there is no diplomatic solution to this situation then there will be no military solution to this from India as well.
If the Indians need the president to visit to boost morale, this is a very troubling sign

Is what happens in Democratic countrires

Incredible Indians - looking for solitude
What have they got to celebrate about?
Lost massive amount of land.
Lost at least 20 soldiers.
Had loads of prisoners taken.
Modi had to lie and bow publicly
More starving than the whole of Africa
What the hell have they got to
Celebrate about?
Really ? Come one man , surrender Modi cant play 1.2billion indian people emotions.
X factor of the next level.....

Gen. Musharraf who was accompanied by Brig Masood Aslam, then commander of 80 Brigade, flew across the LoC on March 28, 1999 and travelled 11 km into the Indian side.

modi is no Gen. Musharraf!, more like pandit nawaz sharif. this here chickenshit sri sri surrendra ji went nowhere near the disputed spots and it is being falsely spread that he went and met the front-line troops. is the front-line now 250 km away from Galwan?

Is what happens in Democratic countrires

you are NOT America! but this fraud, look at the picture posted below

That's why they lost in Afghanistan.
keep telling you PDFers to stop fantasizing like the bharatis. America does NOT loose wars. if n when it gives a face-saver (it is always a cover for installing its own minions in a country) it does not mean it lost. at the present time it rules most of the world one way or another.
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