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PM lands in Afghanistan, 'Welcome to your second home', says Karzai

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This is partly true. NATO forces protect indian engineers , workers to the best of their abilities in afghanistan. However , it is not true when you say indian soldiers are not involved in afghanistan. There is a minimal presence.

They are a para-military force, the ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) Commandos, who come under the Home Ministry (Ministry of Interior) in India. They protect the Embassy and Consulate inner cordons.
There are instructors from the IA's Education Corps and Medical Corps. BTW, they include women also. Also, they were attacked in Kabul about a year ago; because they were unarmed.
Please check the facts.
Jana, quoting TOI now?? :azn:
Ajeeb source hai na.

Surely for Indians as its the only authentic source for you :) lets see if your media is giving the details of the press conference or just making up ;)
Ok guys everyone stop whining and start posting the minutes from the joint press conference of Bharati PM and Karzai.

here is the first one

KABUL: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday demanded a thorough investigation into the presence of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan for several years, but ruled out a US-type operation by India to eliminate Pak-based terrorists wanted by it.

"One needs to go for a thorough investigation into the presence of Osama bin Laden for such a long time on the soil of Abbottabad," he said at a joint press conference here with Afghan President Hamid Karzai after their talks.

The killing of bin Laden was a "unique moment" in the history of the region, said the Prime Minister, who arrived here earlier on a two-day visit amidst highest levels of security.

Bin Laden's death had created a "new situation" and all countries of the region -- India, Pakistan and Afghanistan -- would recognise this as a "unique moment" in the history of this region and work unitedly to end the scourge of terrorism, he said.

Asked if India would adopt the type of operation that the US carried out to eliminate the al-Qaida chief, in order to get Pak-based terrorists wanted by it, Singh began by saying "these are sensitive issues and we don't discuss strategies on terror in press conferences".

The Prime Minister concluded his response by stating, "I would like to say India is not like the United States," in a clear indication that he did not favour such an operation.

No US-type operation to kill terrorists in Pak: PM Manmohan Singh - The Times of India

What was Land Of pure PM reaction to this news ?? How that sounds to you ??? Either you name Bharat or Hindustan or as always India ...There is no Bharathi PM here ,its Bharathiya PM .

Give respect take respect else STFU....:sick:

Regards ,
Bhai meri baat sun ,

tujhe lagta hai Americans after having thousands of their soldiers die in this war will completely abandon this country just to allow things to get back to where they were ?

Do you really think so ? I know you are intelligent enough, they wont.

There is too much at stake in Afghanistan for not only USA but Europe , Iran , Russia and India as well . None of these countries want to see Taliban to become strong in Afghanistan again because that would be a nightmare for them and a paradise for terrorists .

Pakistan alone no matter how much it tries will not be able to counter the influence of all those nations. You know it as well .

You have to deal with one fact and so do all Pakistanis , All the countries above listed will never allow the Taliban to come back to power in Afghanistan again , even if they manage to do that the NATO will be back in Afghanistan in no time and you know how much time it took for them to overthrow the Talib government in 2001 , a few days if i remember correctly ?

So yeah thats about it . Its better for Pakistan to accept this reality and accept the fact that all of Afg's neighbours will have good relations with them and try to maintain good relations with the Afghan civilian govt. Your support to the Taliban has already alienated the average Afghan , don't make the situation any worse for yourself and help your own cause .

U will not be tolerated if u keep on using afghan soil against Pakistan.
There is no proof of what you allege so wrong answer

Everybdy knows tht my frnd..... even karzai admitted of sheltering BLA bastards.......and caught criminals talked abt ur involvement......... Sharmal shiekh meetings........

Its upto u........
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