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PM Imran to offer Pakistan Steel Mills to China

Pretty idiotic statement... China owns most as a percentage of the world national debt including America’s .They are the largest treasury bond holders but you will never hear Americans insulting their country. This characteristic is unique to Pakistanis ..
Absurd analogy.

Americans are not selling their institutions to the Chinese.

Chinese have invested in American Treasury Bonds because these bonds are available for sale in the first place - a source of revenue generation.

PSM failed to deliver due to extreme corruption and interference in its works from PPP. How will the Chinese turn it around?

If anything should be done, it is to disband PPP or reform it MQM-style.
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We need to "privatize" the government of Pakistan, there is no need to have an inefficient/incompetent "nationalized" government that we have at the moment.
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these kids havent seen or been to china , all they know is CPEC and pak cheen dosti songs

chinese are the most savage businessmen you can work with , aik aik ruppe k peechay maarne wali qaum hai ye,
So true --- The only difference is the implementation of laws, they have strict implementation and we have none, and the reason I said that ruling class must be exported to China.
Look at the economic performance of past governments in Pakistan.
Was very bad but still they were able to erect many power plants and road infra through loan,which would be opened in coming years and PTI bacha log would write them as success story of PTI.
Everyone who is saying that PSM should be restarted by Govt. I have one question.

Where will the money come from????
People there are already paid salary through taxes,Govt should get them work.
Yes I mean more in temporary time period during this Pakistan economic recovery period. I just think dedicated focus and approach should first be on where the maximum and more immediate value addition is....so you can replenish and build up the buffers (be it forex or quality and better valued internal liquidity) again.

Then down the road, check and analyse where the strategic capital-intensive decisions lie when you can again afford to spend time and focus there. World economy itself is changing lot these days so stuff like that needs the best ppl thinking and planning it....but its more long term thing for Pakistan economy.

Doing other way around in current scenario is like putting cart before horse.

Pakistan has serious underlying problem (Low Gross capital formation %) a long time now partly because of this and other reasons...because it consistently misses out on getting good at the easier fruit on lower branches by wanting instead to go for it all (helps in PR in short term politics, but not much else).

This has consequences of mis-prioritisation/mis-allocation for tier 3+ industries as far as ROI gestation + strategy etc (when compared to what you got in the current frame of overall bulk ppl in society and tier 1, tier 2 easily accessed, more readily value+results producing industries and services for your population and world market).

No matter what major industry one looks at, Pakistan's problems are deep and structural, while the solutions proposed are superficial and cosmetic, and that alone speaks poorly of its governance and long term prospects. (Even the cart and the horse analogy won't apply if the horse is dead.)

Unless there is a major - and real, not just claimed - change starting from the top. one cannot realistically expect anything substantive to improve, be it Steel Mills, PIA, Railways, or healthcare, all the way down to garbage management from Karachi out to the smaller towns.
No matter what major industry one looks at, Pakistan's problems are deep and structural, while the solutions proposed are superficial and cosmetic, and that alone speaks poorly of its governance and long term prospects. (Even the cart and the horse analogy won't apply if the horse is dead.)

Unless there is a major - and real, not just claimed - change starting from the top. one cannot realistically expect anything substantive to improve, be it Steel Mills, PIA, Railways, or healthcare, all the way down to garbage management from Karachi out to the smaller towns.

It's obvious to all who criticize have this magical cure that can fix 70 years of screw ups overnight, then why not share with us all, what needs to be done and lets stick to the clear wording so all of us slow people can understand
This offer was haram in previous governments but because holly Niazi is doing this, it is now halal.

This holy niazi is actually more crap than any previous leader of Pakistan.

Even the then Chief Justices were opposed to the decision, be it Pervaiz Musharraf or PML/PPP.

It is not the job of the Government to run utilities and businesses.
How about the state provide assurances, especially with regards to orders, to potential Pakistani buyers?

This level of investment would require cast-iron guarantees for the GOP to buy a certain quantity of Steel (say about 40% of the capacity) regardless of whether GOP needs it or not. The parties which lose out are sure to insinuate that huge sums of money changed hands as bribes.

What is to stop some ignoramus journalist such as Rauf Klasra and the opposition to allege that huge kickbacks were involved ( as happened in LNG deal with Qatar) and the project subjected to endless discussions on the TV Talk Shows.

NAB could then arrest the investor and keep him behind bars for months without charging on the basis of these allegations.

No Sir, I for one would not put in a couple of billion dollars worth of my money in PSM and risk spending months in jail in the bargain.
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IBA grads are running P&G, PSO, ICI and many many more instituitions in Pakistan sucessfully. My suggestion is
Just hand over any loss making SOE to these young business grads as their projects.
I am sure they will do it.
Should do a 70-30 profit share with Chinese company
30% of Pakistan's share

30% of 10 Billion Dollar ~ 3 Billion for Pakistan / Year:big_boss:
Even the then Chief Justices were opposed to the decision, be it Pervaiz Musharraf or PML/PPP.

It is not the job of the Government to run utilities and businesses.

This is the BELIEF of ONLY the school of rabid American inspired capitalists who hate anything "socialist".
This level of investment would require cast-iron guarantees for the GOP to buy a certain quantity of Steel (say about 40% of the capacity) regardless of whether GOP needs it or not. The parties which lose out are sure to insinuate that huge sums of money changed hands as bribes.

What is to stop some ignoramus journalist such as Rauf Klasra and the opposition to allege those huge kickbacks were involved ( as happened in LNG deal with Qatar) and the project g subjected to endless discussions on the TV Talk Shows.

NAB could then arrest the investor and keep him behind bars for months without charging on the basis of these allegations.

No Sir, I for one would not put in a couple of billion dollars worth of my money in PSM and risk spending months in jail in the bargain.
True. Then there are those who would like us to be more optimistic about the country's future.
Im working in chinese based Sea port these haramis will treat you as slaves all civil liberties are handed over to them you cant even pray

Pakistani establishment is selling us and shotting from imran shoulder these idiots pti are not aware of it sharif and zardari were better

Atleast common man have bussines to support their fanilies sell entire pm seat and parliment too

chinese are very good at reducing many unnecessary expenses ,I have experience of working in chinese company in Pakistan for few days,they not provide much tea,meal,transportation and other benefits to their employees like rest of companies and work on as much low expenses as possible

So they push you even more to darkness only growth they will take u work as slave very good
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