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PM Imran says no point in talking to India

Imran Khan

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PM Imran says no point in talking to India
By News Desk
Published: August 22, 2019
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Prime Minister Imran Khan. PHOTO: AFP

Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Wednesday he would no longer seek a dialogue with India and alarmed that a threat of a military escalation between the nuclear-armed neighbours was rising.

In an interview with The New York Times a day after he had a talk with President Donald Trump on the phone, the premier complained about what he described as repeated rebuffs from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his appeals for communication, both before and after the August 5 move in occupied Kashmir.

PM Imran vows to raise Kashmir issue at every forum

“There is no point in talking to them. I mean, I have done all the talking. Unfortunately, now when I look back, all the overtures that I was making for peace and dialogue, I think they took it for appeasement,” Imran said during the interview.

“There is nothing more that we can do.”

Earlier this month, India revoked Kashmir’s special status and deployed thousands of troops to quell any possible unrest, cutting nearly all communications in the valley.

Indian soldiers and police officers have been accused of using excessive force on Kashmiris. They have detained the local political leadership, drawing strong criticism from rights groups and the United Nations.

New Delhi has described its new policy on Kashmir as a legal and internal matter. It claims the deployment of armed forces was precautionary and temporary.

“The most important thing is that eight million people’s lives are at risk. We are all worried that there is ethnic cleansing and genocide about to happen,” added PM Imran.

The premier has told Trump of a “potentially very explosive situation” between Pakistan and India.

In July this year, PM Imran visited Washington and met with Trump, who said he would be willing to mediate the conflict. His offer was welcomed by the premier but has not been accepted by India.

Trump reiterated his offer on Tuesday and said, “I’ll do the best I can to mediate or do something.”

PM Imran expressed concern India might undertake a deceptive “false-flag operation” in Kashmir to try to justify military action against Pakistan. And Pakistan, he said, would be forced to respond.

“And then you are looking at two nuclear-armed countries eyeball to eyeball, and anything can happen,” he said.

“My worry is that this can escalate and for two nuclear-armed countries, it should be alarming for the world what we are facing now.”

India’s nuclear weapons policy is known as “no first use,” meaning the country will not initiate the use of its arsenal in any conflict.

But recently, India’s defence minister, Rajnath Singh said on Twitter that future use of its arsenal “depends on the circumstances.”

India keeps silence on water accord renewal

Shortly after taking office in August last year, PM Imran reached out to India in an attempt to revive talks between the countries on a wide range of issues, including Kashmir. But Indian officials rejected his efforts with a response that they will negotiate only after Pakistan cuts ties to militant groups. Islamabad denies it has links to such groups.

PM Imran repeatedly insisted during the interview that Modi intended to carry out a genocide of Kashmiri Muslims and has demanded that United Nations peacekeepers and observers be allowed in the occupied valley.

This story originally appeared on The New York Times.

You have to be bold, assertive, to the point and logical to communicate with the West and Western leaders.
IK is doing that. Nawaz Butt and Zardari were incapable of that, because they were West's "Kanae".
IK has destroyed billions of rupees Modi spent on building their narratives and try to isolate Pakistan.

Well done IK.
PM Imran says no point in talking to India
By News Desk
Published: August 22, 2019
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Prime Minister Imran Khan. PHOTO: AFP

Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Wednesday he would no longer seek a dialogue with India and alarmed that a threat of a military escalation between the nuclear-armed neighbours was rising.

In an interview with The New York Times a day after he had a talk with President Donald Trump on the phone, the premier complained about what he described as repeated rebuffs from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his appeals for communication, both before and after the August 5 move in occupied Kashmir.

PM Imran vows to raise Kashmir issue at every forum

“There is no point in talking to them. I mean, I have done all the talking. Unfortunately, now when I look back, all the overtures that I was making for peace and dialogue, I think they took it for appeasement,” Imran said during the interview.

“There is nothing more that we can do.”

Earlier this month, India revoked Kashmir’s special status and deployed thousands of troops to quell any possible unrest, cutting nearly all communications in the valley.

Indian soldiers and police officers have been accused of using excessive force on Kashmiris. They have detained the local political leadership, drawing strong criticism from rights groups and the United Nations.

New Delhi has described its new policy on Kashmir as a legal and internal matter. It claims the deployment of armed forces was precautionary and temporary.

“The most important thing is that eight million people’s lives are at risk. We are all worried that there is ethnic cleansing and genocide about to happen,” added PM Imran.

The premier has told Trump of a “potentially very explosive situation” between Pakistan and India.

In July this year, PM Imran visited Washington and met with Trump, who said he would be willing to mediate the conflict. His offer was welcomed by the premier but has not been accepted by India.

Trump reiterated his offer on Tuesday and said, “I’ll do the best I can to mediate or do something.”

PM Imran expressed concern India might undertake a deceptive “false-flag operation” in Kashmir to try to justify military action against Pakistan. And Pakistan, he said, would be forced to respond.

“And then you are looking at two nuclear-armed countries eyeball to eyeball, and anything can happen,” he said.

“My worry is that this can escalate and for two nuclear-armed countries, it should be alarming for the world what we are facing now.”

India’s nuclear weapons policy is known as “no first use,” meaning the country will not initiate the use of its arsenal in any conflict.

But recently, India’s defence minister, Rajnath Singh said on Twitter that future use of its arsenal “depends on the circumstances.”

India keeps silence on water accord renewal

Shortly after taking office in August last year, PM Imran reached out to India in an attempt to revive talks between the countries on a wide range of issues, including Kashmir. But Indian officials rejected his efforts with a response that they will negotiate only after Pakistan cuts ties to militant groups. Islamabad denies it has links to such groups.

PM Imran repeatedly insisted during the interview that Modi intended to carry out a genocide of Kashmiri Muslims and has demanded that United Nations peacekeepers and observers be allowed in the occupied valley.

This story originally appeared on The New York Times.

Dair aee, Durust aee.
IK slowly creating an international narrative I like it. In 1 month he has made the Kashmir issue bigger globally then the past governments did in 60 years combined.
credit goes primarily to modi himself

IK is right . its enough now . but i am afraid some idiot cricketer or pcb official may express his desire for a bilateral cricket series with india.
Most People are not appreciating what GOP is trying to do they want Pakistan to start a conflict with out thinking about the possible International and geopolitical implications of such an aggression. They seem to forget 1965 no one came to support us. Let Gangoos do something stupid like 26 Feb then we will have a justification.

What GOP is doing is the way forward destroy the soft image Indians have built for them in the last 2 decades and bleed them with a thousand cuts. Most of the world appreciates India for its Democracy and Secularism. When that image goes down the drain Pressure will mount on Gangus. Just wait for the gangoos to lift Curfew in IOK Valley will explode and this time the entire world would be there to witness it.

Let them make all the mistakes they can.
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Imran Khan is one hundred percent correct.

You cannot reason with pure evil.

They will justify rape, murder, and ethnic cleansing in the name of India and Hindu fascism.

It is a repeat of what they did during Partition and again in 1971.

No one is strong enough in India to stop them, the people have given them a mandate to perform unspeakable acts of villainy and barbarity on minorities and Kashmiris.
IK slowly creating an international narrative I like it. In 1 month he has made the Kashmir issue bigger globally then the past governments did in 60 years combined.

Modi and his actions made it big, not a single worthwhile story filed by Pakistani press or Govt, their diplomacy failed to get support from Islamic world let alone others,Thanks to BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, New york times, Washington Post etc who made it big, IK is only whining and venting which will get attention for let's say few days if he continue without any action.
No one on social media cares about Kashmir. People still associate all Muslims with terrorists. Only real war and real strength can solve this.
I think Pakistan is waiting for FATF decision (Oct.) before changing gears. Post FATF, arms might be smuggled to freedom fighters to instigate guerrilla war during winters. Any retaliation of a Pulwama type incident, would initiate full scale war. In the meanwhile the soft image of India will be destroyed globally. My two cents
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