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PM Imran ready to show letter on 'foreign conspiracy' to CJP: Asad Umar

I have a question, if I may ask. Slightly off-topic but related to Imran Khan and politics, did not wanted to open a thread for this question. I do not see many Pakistani who oppose Imran on this platform or social media. Is this true representation? I am talking real people not media or politicians.
US and India are working overtime to destabilize Pakistan and PMIK government.

Well they don't have
Right but also remember a lot has changed since then same as it happened previously with basically all the N governments. The difference, N will openly criticize or leak while the IK government is probably in conflict behind the doors and not as open. Right now the biggest issue seems to be the new army chief. IK wants general faiz at all costs and doing everything to save his seat to be in a position to appoint him. Bajwa has been here for around 6 years, I don't know how much longer he needs. Offcourse ISPR shouldn't be coming out all guns blazing but they should at least tell the people something like 'Yes we have received a letter from the government and we need to make sure the national security is of the utmost importance something of more diplomatic nature. I say this because it's not a secret anymore. Anyhow, there is military involvement in every government in this country and suddenly they are saying they are neutral when basically the country's future is at stake and I am not talking about the opposition but the letters like this.

Today I heard from a couple of ex-military personnel on TV that the establishment is quiet because they are angry they were not defended properly by the government when NS was sprouting trash against them. I totally disagree. PM Imran Khan, in his every jalsa and every gathering has supported the army against NS rhetoric in a very aggressive manner. If true then this is a very very petty thing for an establishment to be angry about.

He is a Nut case, so lame excuses I was laughing out loud when heard him moaning, and he was Lt. General.

But he admitted openly they got scared decided to become neutural
Well how can anyone deny this letter after it's been disclosed that it has been shared with COAS.
Remember the Nakami Nanni, earlier tried to cover their footprints with some Qatari Prince's letter.
It's now upto the authorities to persue this case and the culprits behind this.
This is pure treason, scumbags need to be strung up in the D-Chowk and Dangar Diesel used as the weight.
As long as Bajwa is COAS no action against Nani is possible.
As long as Bajwa is COAS no action against Nani is possible.
This might be a stupid question but If that's the case, can't IK remove him right now?
Why wait? Release the details. Why risk being removed first, why not act now?
Official Secret Act restrict access to the content of Secret, Sensitive and Confidential official documents.
Foreign office received this letter, so it was addressed to FM?
Plz read
It was an Official Letter of Pakistani ambassador in Washington to Foreign Office in Pakistan informing about the warnings received during diplomatic engagements with US officials.

Yes letter is not from US officials but the threats mention in it were from US officials.
A famous retard Youtuber General recently caught in bed with opposition when openly laughing on live TV when someone trying to hit Sh^t against IK and his minster to the fan.

That was not a joke that was an exterme attack.. He was laughing with one mile open mouth d/*ckhead. today complaining IK govt. didn't defend military establishment.

I wish saddiq Jan asked him who let Gonglu sharif go out can he dare to say on oath there was no hand of establishment.

who let Nani out and who is disfunctioning NAB to discredit govt?

Who has been twisting IK arms through election commission.

ungreatful thug we the people defended you with tooth and nails last three years.
We don't get free land flats and pension we earn burning our life still did our best bit to defend you on all forums despite knowing all the blunders you lot did in the past.
we lost good friends becuz of crooks like you they been telling us that one day these scumbags Generals will ditch IK then you will know.
my argument was they admitted their mistakes in the past they claiming they are changed now so we need to give them a chance.

A Brig. recently started to appear on youtube nice chap appeantly but I was surprised what these people are they think other people like they are sheep's or what?

Since we opened eyes we heard these Generals cursing politicians rightly so and talking about high morality. Name calling them filth garbage looters scams even declaring them traitors and so on..

when time comes they do backend deals they tout for them..

Rrecently Brig sahib 1st did earth to sky praising of Ik and ended up saying with so much sugar quoted words IK should let it go opposition is after pakistani and to make a deal in the larger interst of the country and IK should even step down in the interest of country blah blah...
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Clearly ispr / pak army chickened out ..in other words, army establishment response to Imran Khan, dude you are on your own.
NO 2 aspects of the letter are

- Political aspect related to NCM, army as institution is neutral in this but as per rumors some elements are supporting Opposition. recent acceptance of SS indicates about this.

- Security and Economic aspects are related to the Security of IK as well as Terrorism which Security establishment will look after there is no compromise on it, but the issues related to Economy are beyond the control and scope of Army even beyond the control of our Economic managers there is a possibility of sanction on Pakistan as the bill is already submitted in US congress, secondly political use of FATF, IMF for the purpose of arm twisting is another issue.
they IK govt is handling this letter issue ... it look like he has no solid proofs not even one person in his cabinet is openly talking about it ....... but awain he keh deya keh letter aya aur uss kay bad sab per ilzam laga daya
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