If the People of Pakistan continue to allow such scum from being in Pakistan's Senate, without open and outright rejection of such criminal activity. Then it is inevitable that Pakistan would seize to exist one day.
I do not believe Pakistanis have understood how things work. When you stand for Imaan, then allegiance is to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, alone. Which means, when Muslims of Pakistan take this stand, with firmness in Imaan, then regardless of the mafias, the bribed and bought senators, rigged elections and corrupt politicians' gains .... A Muslim will stand opposed to the "Dhulm" of these mushriqeen.
Those stand for justice, stand against the oppressor and their oppression by rejecting and calling out their lies, deceit and oppression. It doesn't matter whether they have power, or mafia, or money, or bought off senate, or bought off judiciary. For one who fears Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, fears no one else.