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PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

If the PTI does not take this case of gilani & sons trying to rig the elections to the ecp and/or the supreme court then know, PTI actually WANTED to get rid of hafeez. its an open and shut case that even the ecp can't dismiss...even if they do, the supreme court is sure to not only disqualify both gilani and his son, but also send them to prison, gilani's son can't even deny that it wasn't him cuz he already admitted like a total buffoon that it was him and that he was convincing people to cast a bad vote. so if PTI still doesn't prosecute them, then you KNOW that this was MEANT to happen...they WANTED to get rid of hafeez...he was a like a leach that was working as an imf mole & a stooge! further evidence of this is that pee pee pee purposefully stood gilani against him...if hafeez was PTI's and establishment's blue eyed boy, establishment would've pressurized zardari by simply revoking his medical based bail which we all know is pure bullshit, its one of the many many tools the establishment uses to manipulate politicians. so they would've prevented gilani from standing against him AND would've ensured that hafeez stood for the senate from one of the unopposed PTI seats in the punjab province...but they didn't.

do the math people...just do the math.
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it was game of money other wise this gillani was same corrupt looter whom destroyed this country few years ago with full speed . we were crying for water and electricity when gillani was pm . country was destroyed and counted with yemen afghanistan . how people forget so quickly ?

Wait, gillani was a corrupt looter whose finance minister Hafeez Shaikh was an angel? Wah logic!!!
A great gesture and ethical act, after senate election. If he fail to get the vote , he will resign and call for election.

7 vote wasted.
10 vote went to Gilani
Total 21 votes betrayed.
(All names unknown)

A new situation emerge: PPP is not in favor of vote of no confidence. If the vote of no confidence will successful then PM has to call general election,In such case PPP will lose all its majority and govt in Sindh. But, PMLn and JUIF is not backing PPP in such scenario. PMLn and JUIF has nothing to lose.

Shehryar Afridi, Ms. Zartaj Gul and Aamir Liaquat, all 3 waisted their vote. Imran khan must have IB investigate these 3.
For better or worse, people need to learn to suck it up, realize that there is a HUGE mess that needs reforms and changes in Pakistan, that it will likely take at least 2 or 3 elections of someone like IK to get those reforms in place and be patient.
Yes, well said. Just one more election cycle would be enough to lay the groundwork for a more stable future for Pakistan.
Imran Khan needs to call for a bloody revolution. As long as these MAFIAS of PML N and PPP and JUI and ANP are living and walking on face of the earth, no real change can come. It's time to get rid of them permanently. Establishment also needs to choose either them or Pakistan. Because Both can't go together and survive. It's time to get rid of them or say good bye to Pakistan. And please don't tell me the story that it was made in Ramadan and it would keep going forward. You have lost half of your Pakistan already and if you keep voting for snakes like Nawaz and Zardari you would loose the rest of it also. If ALLAH can put Bani Israel lost for thousands of years you are nobodies.

Establishment is behind everything. They are in total control and in order to stay in control, they have to work with elements within society who support them. Imran Khan doesn't have real power.

Corrupt mafia has power and money.....
MPA and MAN want kickbacks in development projects.
Industrialist don't want to pay taxes....
Feudal lords don't want government to implement land reform laws.
Kabza group doesn't want land records to be digitalized.
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Wait, gillani was a corrupt looter whose finance minister Hafeez Shaikh was an angel? Wah logic!!!


Now you see why PTI + Establishment wanted to get rid of him...this hafeez guy is no friend of Pakistan...he is a tool fo the imf!
Shehryar Afridi, Ms. Zartaj Gul and Aamir Liaquat, all 3 waisted their vote. Imran khan must have IB investigate these 3.

This looks coordinated. Its not rocket science to get it right.

What do the people of their constituencies say about it?
Keep faith, even in the bad there is something good. A lesson to learn... something to make you stronger etc.

don’t be afraid of me, I’m praying Allah to give haydait for everyone, myself included.
the bad was mister hafeez himself...I'm tellin' ya man, even when he was the pee pee pee finance minister, he pushed imf's agenda...military pressured zardari into removing him cuz he kept pestering for secret agreements between Pakistan and China at behest of the imf...but since the ishaq dar happened, PTI had to temporarily tolerate him just to keep the imf working with us until the economy stabilized...recall that the u.s. and the imf actually made official statements during the trump days asking Pakistan to disclose these agreements on investments and loans. even the supreme court ruled that he can't be given such senior ministries until he is elected, you think that just happened for no reason and without pressure from the military establishment on the supreme court to keep hafeez's nose out of things? Well the economy is stabilizing now but the imf keeps pushing for those secret documents and for him to become an elected member since the supreme court blocked him.

this is deep...very VERY deep. If Imran Khan and the establishment REALLY wanted him to win, they would've simply given him one of those uncontested seats from suba e punjab but they didn't.

I am convinced that Imran Khan along with the establishment took the entire opposition for a hay ride, got ride of hafeez and made zardari pay for it. :lol:
This looks coordinated. Its not rocket science to get it right.

What do the people of their constituencies say about it?
there was visible opposition within the PTI to mister hafeez...he was never a friend of Pakistan and every knows it. We all know his performance during the pee pee pee days when he was the finance minister, damn near ran a muck. don't forget that he was the imf (read america's) agent in Pakistan...tried to convince zardari to roll back a bunch of weapons programs and cpec stuff.
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We should pray to Allah to disable all our enemies.
When duaa are made sincerely, Allah always listen. If not today, then sure tomorrow. I have experienced it myself.

God viendra en aide a ceux qui s'aident

and thats the problem right there because pakistanis can't take the first step. too blind and to accustomed to the abuses
when u dont stand with right.. left will make you compromise..
its wrong to let jahangir treen go zardari nawaz and mariam awaz sharif is still on bail hamza is bail again they will eat you up slowly.
It was very well planned ... PMLn, JUIF and Achakzai target the establishment and pushed them corner and PPP did the rest of operation ...
bro their is another theory ppp wont go against IK in vote of no confidence once gillani will will, we all know no one wants Hafeez sheikh in Pak he is here cuz of IMF.

The military needs the country to succeed, to progress and for the economy to grow to fund the military.

These are little more than conspiracy theories.

Musharraf gave the PMLN and PPP an NRO because MUSHARRAF had become greedy for power and thought he could hang on and retain it if gave an NRO. Quite frankly, he didn't have much choice with the opposition leadership outside the country, his unpopularity increasing, lawyers protests and the fact that ANY decision made under his rule, including disqualification of PPP & PMLN leadership, was not constitutionally legitimate.

So either Musharraf would have to cling to power for life as an unpopular dictator or hand over power to another dictator (both of which would have been even more disastrous than the PPP & PMLN governments that came after him) or he had to compromise via NRO, and that's what he did.

The fact of the matter is that a dictatorship or martial law is simply not going to work in today's Pakistan, with today's social media access and today's global attitudes.

For better or worse, people need to learn to suck it up, realize that there is a HUGE mess that needs reforms and changes in Pakistan, that it will likely take at least 2 or 3 elections of someone like IK to get those reforms in place and be patient.

That is true but unfortunately out of 73 years of independence, more than half of time, it has been the military taking over the country for one reason or the other. Hence the military, even if it happened inadvertently, needs to take some responsibility of this huge mess, and need to use its resources and provide resources to the government for the clean-up. Because this government is inexperienced and clearly out of its depth when dealing with these corrupt thugs. The way things are moving in the region and internationally, they are out of time, and need this corrupt system to go away very, very quickly.
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I have always found that Presidential Ordinance to be really strange .... it asked SC a simple question that any law student would have been able to answer and SC dragged the case for 20 days. 6 paragraphs judgement/opinion that took 4 days to write after it was reserved and then issued less than 48 hours before election day ...

Whatever the result, Hafeez Sheikh is most likely out for good now ...

Our courts drag simple cases for 20+ years... Until you either die or give up.
So either Musharraf would have to cling to power for life as an unpopular dictator or hand over power to another dictator
I would have seriously considered this option than to hand over power to corrupt PDM
Shehryar Afridi, Ms. Zartaj Gul and Aamir Liaquat, all 3 waisted their vote. Imran khan must have IB investigate these 3.
How did you know as Ecp didn't make the ballot traceable? 😇
Yes, well said. Just one more election cycle would be enough to lay the groundwork for a more stable future for Pakistan.
How many election cycles do you need? Every election cycle gave us more debt and destruction.
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