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PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

Next chairman senate can be from any party. Only it needs the consent of high-ups. the obvious signs hint towards Yousaf Raza as Chairman Senate.

Yes after yesterday's defeat, its looking more towards that. Btw vote of confidence move is important as well. PTI now will be having one less MNA as Faisal Vadwa has resigned.
If I analyze PTI political management since July 25, 2018, I have came to the conclusion that PTI should had kept PPP on board. Taking on both PMLN and PPP at the same time, with marginal cutover seats in Parliament (no 2-3rd majority), proved to be a bad idea. PPP in particular, completely outmaneuvered Imran Khan. Now one by one , you will see PTI losing the game at every stage. Yesterday debacle is just the beginning of the end for PTI or if some how tides changes on March 12 and PTI manages to have their chairman, than one can say PTI is back with the bang but unfortunately its looking more that Zardari will have the last laugh.
Imran Khan needs to come out of Government and needs to declare call for arms. It's time to decide either Pakistan will survive or these corrupt parties and their supporters and backers in power circles. Enough is Enough.
So you want civil war in pakistan ? Will your kindself also participate in this ? Or just for others to fight ......this is what happened in syria ,iraq and other countries ...a civil war...surprised you are advocating this
Yes after yesterday's defeat, its looking more towards that. Btw vote of confidence move is important as well. PTI now will be having one less MNA as Faisal Vadwa has resigned.
If I analyze PTI political management since July 25, 2018, I have came to the conclusion that PTI should had kept PPP on board. Taking on both PMLN and PPP at the same time, with marginal cutover seats in Parliament (no 2-3rd majority), proved to be a bad idea. PPP in particular, completely outmaneuvered Imran Khan. Now one by one , you will see PTI losing the game at every stage. Yesterday debacle is just the beginning of the end for PTI or if some how tides changes on March 12 and PTI manages to have their chairman, than one can say PTI is back with the bang but unfortunately its looking more that Zardari will have the last laugh.
No he should. If he had to compromise any of these pigs is a disgrace and better work towards bringing revolution thrown barrel if ballot fails
How come Zardari could only take this one seat when he couldn't even take the PTI seat from Sindh. Think about it!
He did take Pir PAgara's seat (GDA) and they are pissed at PTI. (Blaming PTI).
He did take Pir PAgara's seat (GDA) and they are pissed at PTI. (Blaming PTI).

MQM played game here clearly. GDA leaders did warned Asad umer few days back that keep an eye on MQM. This was leaked into media and MQM got the opportunity to screw GDA over this.
اللہ تعالی نے جس شخص کا جتنا بڑا امتحان رکھا ہے انعام بھی اس کا اتنا ہی بڑا ہے۔ عمران کے پیچھے 22 سال کی جدوجہد ہے اور اس کی مشکلات کم ہونے کا نام نہیں لے رہیں۔ اللہ کسی انساں کی محنت اپنے ذمہ نہیں رکھتا بلکہ ہمیشہ اس سے بڑھ کر عطا کرتا ہے۔ عمران کو اگر ابھی
کامیابیی نہیں مل رہی تو بھی اللہ پاک سے یہی امید رکھنی چاہئے کہ وہ اس کا انعام کئی گنا بڑھا کر دے گا۔
He is being cruel today to be kind tomorrow.
جب 2001 میں طالبان پر ڈیزی کٹر بم برس رہے تھے کب کس نے سوچا تھا کہ 20 سال بعد ایک سپر پاور وہاں سے شکست کھا کر نکل رہی ہو گی۔ طالبان کو صرف یہ معلوم تھا کہ وہ حق پر ہیں اور فتح انہیں ہی ملے گی چاہے اس میں 10 سال لگیں یا 100 سال۔ ان کا کام صرف جدوجہد ھے۔
اللہ عمران کو کامیاب کرے گا۔انشاءاللہ۔
No he should. If he had to compromise any of these pigs is a disgrace and better work towards bringing revolution thrown barrel if ballot fails

Your comments depicts immaturity like most of the PTI supporters. We all actually failed to realized how bigger threat Zardari was. PTI should had gone after PMLN only in this tenure while perhaps after 2023, they could had taken on PPP. PTI opened so many fronts, with literally no window opened ajar for back door diplomacy. This is where they messed up the things so much. PMLQ kept advising them but PTI immature leaders, under wanna be revolutionist Imran Khan, now started getting check mated and this is just the beginning.
zardari or nawaz & groups are faro (firon) of this era in Pakistan...
Well you must have spent time there since you seem to know so much about it.

Read Quran and Hadith - details are there, including the punishments for rulers who stray! But that might be like garlic to a vampire for you, right?

Yes after yesterday's defeat, its looking more towards that. Btw vote of confidence move is important as well. PTI now will be having one less MNA as Faisal Vadwa has resigned.
If I analyze PTI political management since July 25, 2018, I have came to the conclusion that PTI should had kept PPP on board. Taking on both PMLN and PPP at the same time, with marginal cutover seats in Parliament (no 2-3rd majority), proved to be a bad idea. PPP in particular, completely outmaneuvered Imran Khan. Now one by one , you will see PTI losing the game at every stage. Yesterday debacle is just the beginning of the end for PTI or if some how tides changes on March 12 and PTI manages to have their chairman, than one can say PTI is back with the bang but unfortunately its looking more that Zardari will have the last laugh.

It's looking more like a setup. If Hafeez Sheikh is removed and sent packing then it's very much on. ECP will drag it's heels to act on this election. Winning confidence vote and then return of Shabbar after Hafeez Sheikh's exit would be a real confirmation that IK+Establishment played PPP.

PPP is not happy with the win - they are asking IK's resignation and dissolution of assemblies!! They don't want confidence vote!
What will happen if and when imran khan win the vote of confidence?
In that case Faisal Javed Khan is the most terrible actor. He couldn't hold back his smile when Shah Mahmoud Qureshi was announcing party decision to hold vote of confidence. This makes me a believer in your theory. ❤View attachment 721811

Faisal Javed Khan most certainly knows. Look at his devilish smile during the entire event 🤣View attachment 721812

lol .. yeah he was the only one!

Presser of Bilawal with Gillani after the win - its worthwhile watching their faces. No smiles except Bilawal's fake smile before it started. Gillani totally stone faced too. They know it's a temporary win with PTI going to SC eventually.

If its planned, most probably a couple of guys other than IK himself would know....not even the whole cabinet

Definitely ... do you recall videos of COAS and DG ISI laughing with IK so this kind of scheming would not be at Cabinet level. IK doesn't trust all his Cabinet members and that would include Hafeez Sheikh.
What will happen if and when imran khan win the vote of confidence?

Flurry of new legislations ...
PPP is the puppet
PTI is the selected
Pmln is the connected

Do you people listen to yourselves sometimes?

How about laying the blame on the corruption of our people for once
Yes they all are puppets dancing on the tunes for power money post and loyalty depending on the needs.
What will happen if and when imran khan win the vote of confidence?

Nothing. He will survive for now but things won't be easy for PTI moving forward. They have active 10-12 sold out MNAs whom they cannot traced easily and kick them out. Only respite and coming back into the game will be wining Senate chairman elections, which will held on March 12. If PTI manages to pull that off, than IK will have definite chance to consolidate further else it will be just the matter of time, PTI govt tumbles.
Flurry of new legislations ...

LOL, they don't have majority to get them pass/implement on their own.

Its upto bilawal/Zadari to accept PTI begging or not. Literally Bilawal/Zardari is running the show despite of having just 47 seats in NA.
IMF not happy with Hafeez Sheikh loosing :lol:

But the pitch is that IK was kept in dark about it all ...

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