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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Pakistan has lost today dearly.There is no defending IK's stupid politics and governance, but these people coming back to power will be an even bigger wound on the heart and soul of the nation.I believe Army did not bring or keep IK in power nor did it topple him but the weight of all this circus would fall on its shoulders.Doesn't matter much now though.Pakistan endured back when Zardari and NS were in power, Pakistan will endure now too.
I don't know what to say. I know Singapore and China prospered without 'democracy' as we know as per from the Western point of view.
Pakistan is a divided, multi-ethnic country. And that might be a factor in continuing with this Aadha-Teeter-Aadha-Batair (neither here, or there) system.
It is for some other topic.

Singapore and China prospered not in spite of having no democracy, but precisely because they shunned democratic liberalism.

They are the only two real success stories of Asia. Any surprise?

They fashioned a ruthless meritocratic structure with (mostly) soft authoritarianism and ensured that the deep state (intel and army) was fully subservient to the government.
Election rigging does need to be monitoring but PTI holds many local government jurisdictions they should be able to prevent much of this with PEC. Besides, if the new coalition cannot hold, then PTI being party #2 will then be in the driver seat.
Those who removed Imran Khan do you think they will let fair election to happen?
The criminals, backed by the judiciary have taken control of the soul of Pakistan.

Pakistan has 1 chance left to take back control, and its the coming elections. Expect heavy rigging and the throwing out of EVM, as well as getting rid of voting rights for over seas Pakistanis.

What's going to happen now? Nawaz Sharif is come back with an NRO. The judiciary is going to face a lot of criticism in the coming months and years, and trust in the SC will not be restored for a long time. The constitution has been violated by the courts, and now the criminals know that the constitution is worthless so they'll push more illegal activities across Pakistan.

Most of all, I fully expect Pakistan to default.
Was ok with army doing that change in the past and it was successful but never ever will I support the army to get rid of civilian gov. This is the first time in my life the army has let down Pakistan. It has stepped in on the side of theives and those who hate Pakistan. The generals only want power.
Pakistan has lost today dearly.There is no defending IK's stupid politics and governance, but these people comeback to power will be an even bigger wound on the heart and soul of the nation.I believe Army did not bring or keep IK in power nor did it topple him but the weight of all this circus would fall on its shoulders.Doesn't matter much now though.Pakistan endured back when Zardari and NS were in power, Pakistan will endure now too.

It would be interesting to see how Pakistan allies will react to the "new" leadership - esp given that they got there by organising a coup led by the Americans.

Cannot see China rolling out the red-carpet ...

In China, Shahbaz Sharif is known as “Speed”. You will see big foreign investments from Turkey & China. If you have any investments, you will see positive trend in KSE-100 on Monday morning. I just hope they will invest and do more for Karachi.
I don't know what to say. I know Singapore and China prospered without 'democracy' as we know as per from the Western point of view.
Pakistan is a divided, multi-ethnic country. And that might be a factor in continuing with this Aadha-Teeter-Aadha-Batair (neither here, or there) system.
It is for some other topic.
the only way out is either have all of the ethnicities, sects etc united under him, or to forcefully eject them from their lands and resettle them in other areas, soviet and ataturk style. i oppose the second one. the first one cant be done.
Singapore and China prospered not in spite of having no democracy, but precisely because they shunned democratic liberalism.

They are the only two real success stories of Asia. Any surprise?

They fashioned a ruthless meritocratic structure with (mostly) soft authoritarianism and ensured that the deep state (intel and army) was fully subservient to the government.
Apparently Japan and South Korea don't exist in your eyes.
Was ok with army doing that change in the past and it was successful but never ever will I support the army to get rid of civilian gov. This is the first time in my life the army has let down Pakistan. It has stepped in on the side of theives and those who hate Pakistan. The generals only want power.

It has taken you this long to realize that?

That's all they ever wanted. We were okay with it because the earlier governments were full of rapists, thieves, and sellouts. Now that an honest man's turn has come, many are finally waking up.
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