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- 60+ MNA’s have left PTI

- PTI lost Waseem Akram+ Buzdar

-PTI governments in Punjab and Federal are gone

-IK lost majority in NA

-IK lost PM’ship

-IK did nothing for Karachi so MQM left the Government.

-IK badly exposed himself as dubious and greedy character in international arena.

-IK team is exposing him on live TV, Aleem khan said his family received diamond sets from Malik Riaz and numerous other allegations.

But according to youthias biggest loser is opposition, Ary Bhai kon sa nasha krty hain? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No doubt the loser is PTI

The only moment of celebration for PTI is that we exploded with the suicide jacket rather than surrender when everyone surrounded us
Now this is the problem with Imran hossien type Russian patricians
They think cleaning up ik mess equals master, slave- maybe for Pakistanis this emotional Ott appeals may work

But people who know the value of creating a balance know the importance and appreciate what Bajwa is doing

Read LeGenD posts on this thread to get a better understanding of why we are doing what we are doing - and the importance of it all

Creating a balance?

At the time of Pakistan's Prime Minister's visit to the Russian Federation, the Ambassador of Pakistan to America was summoned by the Assistant Secretary of State for South & Central Asian Affairs, Donald Lu demanding that Pakistan's Head of State, Imran Khan to cancel his visit to Moscow.

On what authority, does an "assistant secretary" of a state order the Ambassador of Pakistan, to tell the Head of State, Pakistan, to cancel his visit to another country?

Not to mention that after 3 years in power, members of the PTI Government, suddenly decide to tender their resignation from the Cabinet to join the opposition.

I can recall Venezuela, Ukraine, Georgia, Kosovo, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Egypt and Argentina, where America actively sought regime change.

Dunno which planet some people here reside on, but when a country actively seeks a regime change of another country, the former is an enemy of the state.

With Army Chief openly denouncing Russia's military operations in Ukraine, despite the fact that Prime Minister Imran Khan visited Russia and declared Pakistan's neutrality and ambition to pursue good relations with all state, under no pressure nor political blackmail. Is diametrically opposed to Government of Pakistan's foreign policy.

Calling what the Army Chief's numbskulled act as "creating balance," is outside the boundaries of diplomacy and geopolitical strategy. At best, Bajwa is trying to "tilt" the balance toward the West in the hopes of forcing Government of Pakistan to change its stance on Russia.
2013 election was largely free and fair don’t expect this from Khan.

1) Khan can come back with 2/3rd majority but he will have to ban all other opposition parties.

2) If PMLN and opposition combine their strategy and expose him on failed economy, poverty and hidden corruption like Aleem Khan did the PMLN will get majority and they will form government alongside other opposition parties.

MQM is winner in any scenario.
Come on man, you are smarter than that I know you know that it wasn't fair...

I am no supporter of PTI nor a blind youthia, but you gotta call a spade a spade...

In Karachi, MQM target killers were stealing ballot boxes right in front of the national media and Kiani was refusing all requests by various parties to protect those ballots...

If you believe 2013 was fair then you are nothing but a PMLN partisan hack.
While everyone is busy in politics, no one cares about the economy. The whole PDM drama just causes stock exchanges to fall, political uncertainty is causing a huge impact on our economy.

As Pakistani, we need to look at our Economy first but our Institutions and political parties have different preferences.

The problem is not the economy. The general public is willing to pay the price of sanctions, defaulting whatever.

Pakistan is a charitable nation, Alhamdolillah. In the 2005 earthquake, you have witnessed it.

Problem is the traitors/snakes among us who work day and night against the interest of Pakistan, worshipping the money.

The media is busy spreading gloom, hopelessness, fear and lies, brainwashing the youth, playing with their sentiments.

It must end now.

And btw, you can have independent foreign policy, Iran survived they didnt have nukes at that time, why cant we?
Courts delays look good for IK, the longer it goes on without a stay order or final decision, the better for IK and PTI.

From the opposition’s perspective, it’s a clear cut case, so for the court to not have acted by now points towards reluctance from the side of the CJP and his five member bench.

The closer it gets to election, the less likely the SC is to move agains the Deputy Speaker and PM.

Also, on an aside. The current situation is the only situation in the history of Pakistan where the opposition are fighting to make Imran be recognised as the current serving PM, whereas he is saying he’s the ex-PM now.
No doubt the loser is PTI

The only moment of celebration for PTI is that we exploded with the suicide jacket rather than surrender when everyone surrounded us
Surrender to a rigged game?
At the moment there is a heavy onslaught of 5th generation warfare against Imran Khan. So far he is fighting and wining. If SC tomorrow gives the verdict in PTI favor than entire opposition and anti IK media will be checkmated.
And against Army, we all need to be wary and not form opinions on clips taken out of context as well as fake news being spread by fifth column
There as been alot of commentary on this topic, and I would just like to present the possibilities as I see them:

PPP argues that the status quo be maintained, assemblies restored, and voting on the NCM take place.

PTI contends that:

The court cannot hear cases regarding this issue due to Article 69. There is some merit to this argument, as the SC returned a petition one day ago on the exact same grounds. But, there is a debate even within the lawyers whether this article applies in totality or not. Some contend this is a conditional clause. It only applies to procedural faults, not constitutional.

So the first order is that the court has to decide whether it can do something in this case or not.

So, let's say the court decides that it will interfere in this matter and Article 69 does not apply in this case. Then would the assemblies be restored? No. Right now the court has only decided to look at the merits of the Speaker's decision, hasn't decided on the decision itself.

Now comes the speakers judgement, which is a detailed judgement. There are merits and dismerits to it. To decide upon that, the court would need to see bone of contention, the famed letter. And that is where the water muddies. If that letter comes to the SC, then the MoD, MoFA, and other stakeholders would be asked to give their input, and the court would in effect have to decide whether the political parties or a select few of their leaders were indeed part of a foreign conspiracy or plan? This is a HUGE question, and a HUGE responsibility on the shoulders of the court. The letter would come out in public, be shared with the opposition lawyers, and so on.

If it agrees with the speaker on the ruling, then it effectively does say that there was a foreign element to the whole move, and this would be far far damaging to the opposition. The SC basically has said you are colluding with a foreign power.

Does the SC want to take that burden? I believe not.

Furthermore, how can it be that you can break the law in one case but that is alright, but in another it becomes totally wrong? Banday chori kar lo, paisay kharcho, entice karo, that's alright, but the other thing is not?

You cannot bring a knife to a karate fight, but then complain when the other guy brings out a gun. Once you brought out a knife, you've left the door open for all sorts of thuggery.

IMO, the court should also immediately decide the status of the presidential reference regarding the turncoats. The opposition only managed to woo MQM and other parties after it showed them the presence of the PTI MNA's in it's ranks. Had the SC decided on that issue before, we wouldn't be here.

In a nutshell, the SC would not want to involve itself in this political mess, and give out a certificate on foreign interference, that is why it will take the easy way out as always and take support of Article 69.
Or for once it can do the right thing and actually bring those to cleaners who were involved in a foreign conspiracy. This may be tough in the short period of time but over the long run, it will ensure Pakistan is free of foreign interference, turncoats, and corruption among other things. Pakistan will no longer be on sale irrespective of who comes to power after all it's not the responsibility of PTI and PM Khan alone.
So the Establishment has a big headache as it has been established that half of the establishment is corrupt, in the pockets of foreign entities and are enemies of Pakistan and democracy. The corrupts foolishly allowed themselves to be setup. It was like putting a cookie jar in front of a naughty child , you just know they are going to put their hands in it for a free cookie and you just wait to catch them. Now question is who set the opposition up? We are now in the league of world class masterminds and brilliant minds and whoever did it fu(ked up the opposition big time in one simple leak, 3 political parties flushed down the drain by one act of genius. So there are a number of questions, firstly were the Americans in on the game, secondly, was the ISI in on the game, thirdly , was MI6 in on the game and lastly was IK in on the game? There is another more concerning question which is how seriously will act of treason be taken and how will the Pakistani people take it, the consequence will be that the country will be divided further and tempers and hostilities will rise. This is a typical cookbook recipe for undermining the stability and cohesion of a nation.
Abhi itwar ki subah tak tu establishment kay gun ga rahay thay..
Haven't heard or seen baby Bhutto in the media since Khan's surprise. Looks like he is the real one who was handling everything through his external masters.

Once there is more legitimacy around this letter proved, he may run abroad and PML-N will distance itself from PPP saying that they were unaware of all this conspiracy.
Haven't heard or seen baby Bhutto in the media since Khan's surprise. Looks like he is the real one who was handling everything through his external masters.

Once there is more legitimacy around this letter proved, he may run abroad and PML-N will distance itself from PPP saying that they were unaware of all this conspiracy.

I hope a whistleblower comes forward and leaks what has been said in his meetings in the US.
Courts delays look good for IK, the longer it goes on without a stay order or final decision, the better for IK and PTI.

From the opposition’s perspective, it’s a clear cut case, so for the court to not have acted by now points towards reluctance from the side of the CJP and his five member bench.

The closer it gets to election, the less likely the SC is to move agains the Deputy Speaker and PM.

Also, on an aside. The current situation is the only situation in the history of Pakistan where the opposition are fighting to make Imran be recognised as the current serving PM, whereas he is saying he’s the ex-PM now.
And also makes opposition look even more hypocritical, besides the alleged bribing of PTI members (sorry but history of Pakistani politics show that there is no ‘zameer ki awaz’), that they have been protesting for last three years with this narrative: 1) IK should resign and hold elections 2) IK is selected hence he has no political support ie in elections he will be beaten. Now assembly is dissolved but they are fighting tooth and nail to restore ‘jali haaraam’ assembly (as per PDM chief infamously known by a common hydro carbon product).

What ever happens legally in SC, whether assemblies are restored or not, IK is in a better state with a new narrative of ‘selected PM’, this time for opposition- and this selection is way worse than being selected by PA.

Overall Pakistani people are the losers as the turmoil will make the economy worse, and its democracy is now even more tainted and discredited.
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