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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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The most effective way MQM/GoP could have countered PPP's dominance in Sindh was through fair and accurate census which in the previous go around by sabotaged by the establishment to favor it's favorite lap dog Zardari and his merry band of waderas of Sindh...

IK had paved the way for a fresh census which was to accurately reflect the urban population of Sindh which was grossly under counted through establishment's shenanigans...

If MQM was really pragmatic as some are arguing here in defending their decision to side with their tormentors of PPP, or if they were really sincere with the urdu speaking people's cause and not with their bhatta khori, then they would have surely invested in GoP's plans to deal with it through democratic means and not through this egregious underhanded way which is only going to enrich MQM's leadership and office holders and Karachi will continue to suffer...
You deflecting, doing whataboutery for them is exactly the reason they do namak harami to Pakistan, and it's voters
In the end city remains a rubble

Doesn't matter to me, I'd call spade a spade
But enjoy
Going against IK is not Namak Harami to Pakistan, IK is not Pakistan... he is just a leader and not a good one as well, I can be dislike Liaquat Ali Khan and still be patriotic Pakistan, you are making no sense with your comments, MQM did what every other major Political party did including PTI, make Alliances and go with flow. I don't know why you are so mad at them when PTI has done nothing for them/their party/voter in Karachi so of course they will look for other options.
I find it really fascinating that so many opposition parties who themselves are bitter enemies in some cases are galvanized to remove IK. Either the opposition coming together is organic or they are being brought together by external forces or possibly the establishment (I don’t understand why the establishment would want to take such an action though). If it’s organic the only thing I can think of is that IK is a real threat to all the parties’ corruption and hence they are willing to collaborate in the short term.

Perhaps there’s a chance that some MNAs in the opposition do not show up or abstain from voting? Not sure how likely that is or what the implications would be.
Going against IK is not Namak Harami to Pakistan, IK is not Pakistan... he is just a leader and not a good one as well, I can be dislike Liaquat Ali Khan and still be patriotic Pakistan, you are making no sense with your comments, MQM did what every other major Political party did including PTI, make Alliances and go with flow. I don't know why you are so mad at them when PTI has done nothing for them/their party/voter in Karachi so of course they will look for other options.
So going with hands on ppp to who. mqm mayor cried they didnt give any funds, ppp this and that, took quota jobs etc.

Mqmp is done and will be history
So going with hands on ppp to who. mqm mayor cried they didnt give any funds, ppp this and that, took quota jobs etc.

Mqmp is done and will be history
Its called Politics, MQM is doing Politics, this notion of if you are with IK then you are patriot and if you are against IK then you are traitor is dangerous, this is the same mindset Trump spread in America, anyone who even support Biden become anti national, and as for PTI didn't they just surrender themselves with PMLQ ? Pervais Elihi kon sa Doodh ka dhula hai ? PTI is full of traitor from Past, and they have done politics as well, so I don't understand why you all are so mad if MQM did the same ?

Personally I am not fond of IK going because I want him to finish his terms democratically, and I also agree that he is better than the chors who are uniting against him, and Personally I would love if he approach MQM and other small parties from Karachi to bring them in fold, but IK's own mistakes are causing him to be alone.
Its called Politics, MQM is doing Politics, this notion of if you are with IK then you are patriot and if you are against IK then you are traitor is dangerous, this is the same mindset Trump spread in America, anyone who even support Biden become anti national, and as for PTI didn't they just surrender themselves with PMLQ ? Pervais Elihi kon sa Doodh ka dhula hai ? PTI is full of traitor from Past, and they have done politics as well, so I don't understand why you all are so mad if MQM did the same ?

Personally I am not fond of IK going because I want him to finish his terms democratically, and I also agree that he is better than the chors who are uniting against him, and Personally I would love if he approach MQM and other small parties from Karachi to bring them in fold, but IK's own mistakes are causing him to be alone.
Its not politics, if you dont care about your voter. mqm voter hate ppp simple, if you know history of mqm their main slogan is sindhi took our rights.

Going with ppp will end mqm poltics in karachi been itehadi and this time ppp will crush mqm for good and take away there areas.

zardari himself said yeh mohaidey zarorri nahi ke nehbaye.

by the way why would anyone will vote for mqmp now they can directly vote for ppp simple.
Its not politics, if you dont care about your voter. mqm voter hate ppp simple, if you know history of mqm their main slogan is sindhi took our rights.
This is exactly Politics mere bhai, MQM as party hate PPPP, and vice versa but for mutual interest right now they are making any Alliance, Political rivals can be friends, and Political friends can be rivals at moment notice.
Going with ppp will end mqm poltics in karachi been itehadi and this time ppp will crush mqm for good and take away there areas.
They already did, MQM lost his popularity long time ago, and its no one but their own fault, criminal leader/criminal activities/ bad decisions etc.
zardari himself said yeh mohaidey zarorri nahi ke nehbaye.
Zardari is Harami, and I hope he dies a miserable death. He has destroyed Pakistan.
by the way why would anyone will vote for mqmp now they can directly vote for ppp simple.
Because a lot of people still vote and trust their Party, PTI could've done the same thing what PDM is doing with small parties. But....Unfortunately
This is exactly Politics mere bhai, MQM as party hate PPPP, and vice versa but for mutual interest right now they are making any Alliance, Political rivals can be friends, and Political friends can be rivals at moment notice.

They already did, MQM lost his popularity long time ago, and its no one but their own fault, criminal leader/criminal activities/ bad decisions etc.

Zardari is Harami, and I hope he dies a miserable death. He has destroyed Pakistan.

Because a lot of people still vote and trust their Party, PTI could've done the same thing what PDM is doing with small parties. But....Unfortunately
Those who trust mqmp is because of their slogan muhajir/sindhi took our rights etc this is what happened and feed to mqmp voters. Now what slogan will they have remain after this in upcoming election?
Nothing, will they remain on the offer after 6months-1 years? No so they will be back where they are now but in lower seats or may be totally wiped out
IK supporters have nothing but burning with venom, better keep dislike to the level not hurting yourself. for you can not hurt others with cynicism but your own self.
Thank God, something better is coming for Pakistan eventually.
Those who trust mqmp is because of their slogan muhajir/sindhi took our rights etc this is what happened and feed to mqmp voters. Now what slogan will they have remain after this in upcoming election?
Well that slogan is long gone, I can't say which Political Pitch MQM/PPP use this time but i am sure they will come up with something. Don't blame Parties, blame awam they are stupid enough to let these Parties lead them and picked horrible leaders.
Awam is morally corrupt and dead, Gareeb bhi chor aur Ameer bhi, tu Allah azaab ke tor pe ese leaders musallat ker deta hai.

Nothing, will they remain on the offer after 6months-1 years? No so they will be back where they are now but in lower seats or may be totally wiped out
Not just them but the whole PDM Alliance will collapse within a year.
Its not politics, if you dont care about your voter. mqm voter hate ppp simple, if you know history of mqm their main slogan is sindhi took our rights.

Going with ppp will end mqm poltics in karachi been itehadi and this time ppp will crush mqm for good and take away there areas.

zardari himself said yeh mohaidey zarorri nahi ke nehbaye.

by the way why would anyone will vote for mqmp now they can directly vote for ppp simple.
That's because time and again MQM has betrayed it's voters and backed PPP and yet the haq parast awam of Karachi continued to back MQM year after year and decade after decade...

This won't have an iota of impact on MQM's vote bank...
That's because time and again MQM has betrayed it's voters and backed PPP and yet the haq parast awam of Karachi continued to back MQM year after year and decade after decade...

This won't have an iota of impact on MQM's vote bank...
If you see the seats it went from mqm holding in karachi to remain of 7 seats and after this they will be gone simple.

But what PTI has done for karachities so far? I mean anything from upper level? nothing!
Has anyone seen MQM demands , pure blackmail where they are asking for release of 100 missing persons, closure of all cases and open offices. Such a disgrace
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