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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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If this decision of Imran govt is found to be illegal ( which shouldn't because of national security issue) , can this step be termed as violation of constitution and thus triggering much more serious charges ? And if thT happens, can election commission bar him and his party from contesting next elections?

Aside all this court proceedings, Imran should have taken much more serious steps than issuing a diplomatic protest. At least the ambassadors of those countries should have been asked to come to foreign offi e and explain their position. And few diplomats from those countries should have been expelled. These steps would have made his case kuch stronger. Especially since his national security council agreed with him.

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This is the most recent opinion poll that I could find. PTI has decent support in all regions of the country. But it is not bigger than the United opposition. :pop:

If this holds, then it's very bad news for Imran. Only state he can win is in KP. A 15% vote gap in a straight bilateral fight in Punjab means he will win at most 20-25% seats . Same in Sindh and Balochistan as well.

Though I think with recent developments, his popularity would have risen and gap would be considerably less.
So this proves that US is out for our PM's blood and want him out, if not they will use pressure tactics mostly economic in nature

We need to make a stand as a people - but these pressure tactics will make him deeply unpopular- I can think the use of IMF, FATF at the top of my head
are we up for this challenge?
khaja sialkoti has already made amrika mai baap, rather a bhagwan. either way nations are made in the grinding mills of the world. secondly most importantly have faith.
its not fear- its that I want people to know exactly what they face and importantly why they faced what they face
explaining the why to people, and rallying behind that why

this is what our nation should focus on

No pressure or economical pressure in a million years as they will stand to lose alot as pakistan will resort to create 10 other pakistans in ME to divert pressures it won't be pakistan the loser which will be unnecessary move nor will it ever happen
Lets flip this whole situation on its head.
Can America afford to loose Pakistan as an ally and all the benefits that comes with it?

If the relations get sour and America sanctions Pakistan. The economic consequences will be severe for a few yers no doubt. Also its likely that properties and accounts of wealthy pakistani buisiness owners, politicians and even army personell, will be confiscated in the west.

But tbh is this actually that bad for Pakistan on the long term? May be finally politicians will actually invest the money in own country. OTOH Pakistan Defence will forge a formal alliance with China and maybe even Russia.
How is that gonna help USA in containing China?

Pakistan is likely to get even more lethal arms and technology from China, and probably be more hostile against India. Which will distract India even more from its presumed role as Anti-China bulwark in Indian Ocean plus Indochina. Can Indians really do the role its supposed to if it has to handle a invasion on its northwestern border? I really dont think so.

Think about it. A Taliban like tribal force hevaily armed by Pakistan could easily create trouble for India in Kashmir. While Pakistan Navy could checkmate Indian Navy with those type 052D and many subs that will be coming in. China also is likely to transfer ICBM and even hypersonic tech in the future.

What started as a small diplomatic disagreement could end up ruining americas Indo-Pacific strategy. It could potentially be left to stand alone to fight China and its powerful Rocket Force plus lethal Navy in the western Pacific.
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I don't see the Biden administration lasting long, he is unpopular with his public.
if IK does one thing, that is to rub salt in bidens wounds. start talking about how Trumps exit from Afghani ville was the most honorable way for the yanks to leave gracefully.

IK should go after biden, "oi jooo biiiidaaan" like he went after meean ji.

biden ain't got the strength to stand let alone face IK bowling attack.
There is no clear objective to impose sanctions on Pakistan. Sanctions will not be wasted on vague and unclear agenda. It is a weapon of last resort only :agree:

Actually it is weird if there is US plan to remove Imran Khan, the only reason it may happen is because this Indian lady as VP

This donald lu is in vediqe land! just ponder on that. this #%£% is in vediqe land on this occasion.

what can one make of it? the #$%! was there to celebrate 🍾 but sadly stands exposed the #$&%
After the latest own goal of the opposition, openly conspiring with foreign powers and calling the nation beggars, the political dynamics have completely been upended. PTI's and IK's popularity has shot up significantly.
In my opinion, people will only believe and trust things that they want to believe and trust. If majority of Pakistanis already believe that America is evil and anti Pakistan, then Imran's popularity will increase as you say. Otherwise, it will be dismissed as fake news. The elections will prove one way or the other :cheers:
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