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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Next President will ask the ex-PM to continue on as PM as per Art. 94.
Lmao pantomime.
I think if he gets 2/3 majority he should force through massive economic reforms.

Full documentation of economy, full digitization, tax reforms, ease of doing business, continue with the export and import substitution drives.

Get that black money documented, close the loopholes, get proper income based taxes and reduce indiscriminate taxation.

We are not a poor country, we don't need to be borrowing so much - we are a poorly managed country.

Another focus should be ending the dependence on oil. Its VERY hard but we should be looking at renewable energy, electric vehicles and public transport. We should not be importing gas and oil to make electricity. Its a long term thing but should be a national priority over the next 2 decades.
Without a government, or opposition, or parliament, and amidst a constitutional crisis, it'll be interesting to see what happens to Pakistan government debt yield, PKR spot, PK CDS default risk metrics at market open tomorrow.

I'll be too busy tomorrow to look these things up and report, but stay tuned, read the financial press.


ISLAMABAD: The joint opposition has decided to bring 197 members of the National Assembly (MNAs) to the hearing of the Supreme Court (SC) on the current political situation tomorrow, ARY News reported on Sunday.
The joint opposition is likely to produce 197 MNAs before the Supreme Court (SC) during tomorrow’s hearing on the political situation.
A five-member large bench of the SC will hear the notice at 1 pm tomorrow. Meanwhile, the scheduled hearing on the interpretation of Article 63 (A) has been postponed.

Joint opposition’s declaration

After President Dr Arif Alvi approved advice from the prime minister regarding the dissolution of the National Assembly (NA) today, the opposition leaders stated in a joint declaration that PM Imran Khan committed treason against the country and the Constitution.
The penalty of treason was mentioned in Article 6 and Imran Khan’s treason should be strongly condemned. The opposition leaders termed it a black day in the history of Pakistan on which treason was committed with democracy, law and political morality.
The opposition parties condemned the non-parliamentary steps taken by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government and the NA speaker despite the opposition exhibiting a majority in the House on the no-trust move.
The opposition thanked the MNAs for supporting the nation and democracy, as well as praised the chief justice’s notice of the current political situation. The opposition parties expressed hopes that the judiciary will reach a verdict in light of the Constitution.

Larger bench constituted

The Supreme Court has constituted a larger bench on a notice taken of the current political scenario after the NA deputy speaker rejected the no-trust motion against PM Imran Khan.
A five-member large bench of the SC will hear the notice at 1 pm tomorrow. Meanwhile, the scheduled hearing on the interpretation of Article 63A has been postponed.
Earlier, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Justice Umar Atta Bandial took notice of the parliamentary and constitutional crisis in the country.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) had been approached against the ruling from National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri to reject a no-trust motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The petition against the ruling was submitted by a counsel representing PPP Senator Nayyar Bukhari, who asked the Supreme Court to hear the petition on Sunday.
The National Assembly session to vote on the no-trust motion today was prorogued after Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri ruled to reject the no-trust motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan over having links with the foreign conspiracy.
President of Pakistan Arif Alvi had approved a piece of advice from Prime Minister Imran Khan regarding the dissolution of the National Assembly.
Information and Broadcast Minister Fawad Chaudhry had tweeted that although the cabinet has been dissolved, the Prime Minister would continue his duties according to Article 224 of the constitution.
This, plan worse case scenario ASAP
You are expecting too much, bro. There is no such thing as immediate relief.

PTI-led GOP could introduce EHSAAS due to much-needed liquidity on hand. The liquidity could be generated through combination of numerous micro- and macro- economic options and considerations. These include taxes (increased), bills (increased), loans from World Bank, IMF and other countries. Both Americans and Chinese have provided numerous job opportunities as well as business opportunities to people in Pakistan. Remittances also poured in.

However, take a look at macro- economic indicators. WE have significant trade deficit with China but trade surplus with USA and Europe. Our dealings with Western countries and remittances have helped manage BOP. But there are variations in cash flows and bailout packages from IMF and other countries such as KSA and China become necessary to prevent default. This is not a good situation to be in.

Now imagine USA pulling the plug?

Our political leaders have not done much homework because they take hardwork of people for granted and are RICH themselves. Many have no idea about the struggles of commoners, or don't care.

Pakistan must have productive relations with as many countries as possible including with OECD members. This is the only way to grow and be in the position to manage our economic needs.

Wars and Conflicts = RUIN

COAS Q. J. Bajwa have a fairly good idea of lot of things - like this man or not.
So this proves that US is out for our PM's blood and want him out, if not they will use pressure tactics mostly economic in nature

We need to make a stand as a people - but these pressure tactics will make him deeply unpopular- I can think the use of IMF, FATF at the top of my head
are we up for this challenge?

There will be tough economic situation, very tough infact. With the current way of governance, no one can face it, not IK or other garbage. If we are to face sanctions successfully, we need deep rooted changes in governance. There is huge corruption at every level that would need to be brought down. We would need to grow our own food, implement law and order properly and work hard. The elite class would mainly be need to squeezed but for all this a very powerful and committed govt is required.
Fools_nightmare now it must been a nightmare for you on todays proceedings its game over for you, SC cannot interfere with proceedings in parliament regarding the speaker.
There will be tough economic situation, very tough infact. With the current way of governance, no one can face it, not IK or other garbage. If we are to face sanctions successfully, we need deep rooted changes in governance. There is huge corruption at every level that would need to be brought down. We would need to grow our own food, implement law and order properly and work hard. The elite class would mainly be need to squeezed but for all this a very powerful and committed govt is required.
if IK has 2/3rd majority and we as nation (including establishment, judiciary) become united and get the spirit of 65 war or independence days
we will come out a great nation - but our people need to be united and on the same page

that we absolutely need to grind it our for the long haul for the sake of the nation
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