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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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The situation in karachi cant improve overnight

The federal govt has done more for karachi in 3 years then since mushi

The KIV project was started so did cleaning of nalas and mass transit projects

Nothing can be done overnight
The BRT peshawar took 3 years to plan and 3 years to build!
Bro karachi were in favor of pti whole night on teen tawlar clifton and bahadrabad . First loyalty is Pakistan everything is later
This was my prediction in a post on 29-03-22:

"I am of the view that NO CONFIDENCE MOTION will NOT succeed but a high vote count can damage PTI-led GOP nevertheless: PTI-led GOP might loose sufficient number of seats in the National Assembly to continue to function by extension. This dynamic will lead to INTERIM SETUP and call for GENERAL ELECTIONS."

Political situation seems to be moving in this direction.
its not illegal. article 5 is in the constitution not out of it. loyalty of MNAs was compromised, as the letter and NSC declaration has now been made part of the assembly proceedings through fawad chaudhry's question session.

Lol attorney journal just resigned over it as it’s illegal.
This was my prediction in a post on 29-03-22:

"I am of the view that NO CONFIDENCE MOTION will NOT succeed but a high vote count can damage PTI-led GOP nevertheless: PTI-led GOP might loose sufficient number of seats in the National Assembly to continue to function by extension. This dynamic will lead to INTERIM SETUP and call for GENERAL ELECTIONS."

Political situation seems to be moving in this direction.
Wait for supreme court now! they might reverse it!
Even if all of Karachi NA seats go to PTI, the situation for Karachi won’t improve in any way until something is done about Sindh provincial government controlling everything.

If PMIK comes back with 2/3rd majority, he will remove the 18th amendment. That way Karachi will be out of the shackles of PPP
A lawyer brought up a potent point.

Even if SC takes up the petition, the judgement wouldn't come that quick. It will take a month or so.

So, if the judgment comes that late, and in the end turns out it throws away this whole process, then how will the happenings of the past month be reversed? It isn't practical to undo this whole process.

Better to just have elections.
Exactly...the SC can't wipe their asses in less than 90 days let alone make a decision. Elections are happening.
I think you've lost too many brain cells from the shock of today's happening.
His condition :

This is not a good precedent speaker went way beyond his ambit, PM should have just resigned and call for early elections
No, he didn't. Speaker has the right to throw out unconstitutional requests if he has the reason to do so. Why are all of you trying to become some sort of legal wizards?

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