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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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Imran khan missed one more important strategic decision

He should have thrown out BLACK SHEEP GENERAL BAJWA , that crook won't let him win next elections
You need to respect General Bajwa, he has maintained the army neutrality, respected the constitution, and restrained himself from using the army danda on the quarrelsome politicians. Army only needs only to say one thing to Pak civilian gov which is behave or we will take over and run it our way.
Folks on Geo said that the opposition has decided to make Ayaz Sadiq the speaker (unilaterally), and conduct a NCM on their own with Ayaz Sadiq in chair and remove the PM.

Bhai is tarah to gali ki cricket main nhn hota.

Let them do it, that would mean violation of constitution and invocation of article 6.

And they will make themselves a laughing stock!

However it will be massively unpopular as IK isnt sticking to power and dissolving assembles

court itself will become contraversial
Noone wants that defintively not the courts
A lawyer brought up a potent point.

Even if SC takes up the petition, the judgement wouldn't come that quick. It will take a month or so.

So, if the judgment comes that late, and in the end turns out it throws away this whole process, then how will the happenings of the past month be reversed? It isn't practical to undo this whole process.

Better to just have elections.
I can only imagine there will be many phone calls going back and forth from Riwand to London.
Only in Pakistan where corrupt terrorist mafia leaders indisguise as politicans are able to rule their masses sat in foreign lands.
Even if all of Karachi NA seats go to PTI, the situation for Karachi won’t improve in any way until something is done about Sindh provincial government controlling everything.
The situation in karachi cant improve overnight

The federal govt has done more for karachi in 3 years then since mushi

The KIV project was started so did cleaning of nalas and mass transit projects

Nothing can be done overnight
The BRT peshawar took 3 years to plan and 3 years to build!
This is not a good precedent speaker went way beyond his ambit, PM should have just resigned and call for early elections

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