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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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That's confusing. Former PM would be Nawaz Sharif. Imran Khan is the current and active Prime Minister of Pakistan who's security is already provided by AAA Brigade.
Ministers have been changing their profiles on twitter to read "former ___ minister", before SC verdict IK was also the self-described "former PM". So this shouldn't surprise much.
If we destroyed Pakistan then you younger ones are working on destroying Pakistan now by giving unconditional support to the illegal actions of a spoilt-brat. Lessons to be learned from the oldies' mistakes: Don't do cult worship otherwise you are not different from Modi Bakhts that you guys so repeatedly make fun of in this forum. The 'Naya Pakistan' must not be formed on the shoulders of a political expediency. Imran would have won anyway without resorting to such lows.

BTW: Such debates happen in America too where the Millennials accuse the Boomers for America's ailments... I am in neither of those two groups.

There is nothing illegal that Imran Khan has done despite open horse trading by that daku Zardari when he herded purchased MNA like goats in Sindh House. When he deployed Sindh police in Islamabad to protect those sell outs. When foreign power colluded with internal traitors to overthrow a majority government

Imran simply used some loopholes in the constitution and hopefully he would continue to do the same for some time

You guys destroyed Pakistan by glorifying the bhutto, his daughter, his son in law and his mans child grandson. You destroyed this country by glorifying Nawaz Sharif, his brother, his daughter and other of his family members

That stops now. We won't accept establishment imposing these criminals on our country once again on the name of constitution

We haven't killed anyone till now unlike bhuttos or Sharifs. We are just resisting evil that is trying to be imposed on this country
Is the vote happening or not?

per this channel, there is a divide in PTI's cabinet about it. Some saying allow the vote, while some opposing. The Sec. of the National Assembly has told the Speaker that if voting is not allowed before midnight then even the Sec. of the National Assembly would be target of Article 6 of the Constitution--a severe charge.
Once the Supreme Court rules something, that becomes THE law in Pakistan. Whether they do a 'Judicial Murder' such as that of Zulfi Bhutto or sack or restore Prime Minister, right or wrong, their verdicts become the law.

What an overwhelming response by Pakistan

Screenshot 2022-04-09 at 9.46.25 PM.png
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Imran Khan has truly commanded this nation's respect right now, whatever that means.He has struck a popular narrative and is sticking to his guns.Any attempt against him right now would cause a domino effect and enrage the masses.He appears more powerful than the establishment even.
Yeah just listening to that wench billo hijrrah alone has made the public realize what they are about to lose

per this channel, there is a divide in PTI's cabinet about it. Some saying allow the vote, while some opposing. The Sec. of the National Assembly has told the Speaker that if voting is not allowed before midnight then even the Sec. of the National Assembly would be target of Article 6 of the Constitution--a severe charge.
Once the Supreme Court rules something, that becomes THE law in Pakistan. Whether they do a 'Judicial Murder' such as that of Zulfi Bhutto or sack or restore Prime Minister, right or wrong, their verdicts become the law.

Then SC should just disband the legislative branch because they've blurred the lines between the two and in fact rendered the latter redundant by their ill-conceived decision
Is the vote happening or not?
The current strategy of the government is borrowed from a US congressional tradition called "filibustering". Not sure if any limits are defined in parliamentary proceedings. But the real threat to this strategy may come from the courts. They can follow up and unequivocally say that on x date and time the vote must happen whatever. Or there can be more defections, to the point where this strategy no longer works. It really is buying time, but unlikely to lead to any big change.
Then SC should just disband the legislative branch because they've blurred the lines between the two and in fact rendered the latter redundant by their ill-conceived decision

I don't know you personally to stoop to accuse you of hypocrisy. But generally speaking, the PTI fanbois are not essentially different from the supporters of MQM or PMLN or PPP. They would respect the Supreme Court of Pakistan's decisions when it would suit their personal biases. And would condemn the Supreme Court of Pakistan when the Supreme Court didn't pass a favorable judgement.
I had given an example before some pages ago: Even in a brutal Martial Law, the Supreme Court of Pakistan made a decision against Bhutto with only 4-3 majority because there was enough doubt about the legal proceedings. In this case, this is a unanimous decision because Imran Khan totally violated the constitution and even now, despite 'respecting' the Court's decision, he is not still not respecting the decision.
I can't remove the blindfolds from fanbois.
I think PM will resign rather than voting. Can anybody let me know if IK resigns and no voting occurs , will it be considered as contempt against SC or not?
I don't know you personally to stoop to accuse you of hypocrisy. But generally speaking, the PTI fanbois are not essentially different from the supporters of MQM or PMLN or PPP. They would respect the Supreme Court of Pakistan's decisions when it would suit their personal biases. And would condemn the Supreme Court of Pakistan when the Supreme Court didn't pass a favorable judgement.
I had given an example before some pages ago: Even in a brutal Martial Law, the Supreme Court of Pakistan made a decision against Bhutto with only 4-3 majority because there was enough doubt about the legal proceedings. In this case, this is a unanimous decision because Imran Khan totally violated the constitution and even now, despite 'respecting' the Court's decision, he is not still not respecting the decision.
I can't remove the blindfolds from fanbois.

SC in action. Will open their office at 12.00 am in case no voting conducted.

Supreme court has no Powers to impact Assembly of Pakistan
Article 69 , constitution of Pakistan

Assembly of Pakistan reserve the Right to investigate Article 63A , and violation in Manipulating vote

Supreme court , They are more then welcomed to discuss things with Media and share their personal opinion , which has no power over National Assembly of Pakistan

Pakistan's Government wants Supreme courts to work overtime to help close many local cases, it is good that they are working overtime
The performance of the Supreme court has been slow for many local cases stuck for 3-4 years

If performance figures don't improve Supreme court Justice will be asked to come infront of National Assembly and explain the reason for slow performance

The session will be Nationally Broadcast

No need to wear the black robe just come in normal citizen attire as it will not be a court session
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SC armtwisting the PTI govt. on NCV vote is part of the ploy and the agenda, this was exactly mentioned in the letter to remove PM IK at any cost.

Estab. is pressurizing the SC.

As said by S.Mazari, A Judicial Coup being hatched.
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