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You guys are in denial. The die is being cast as we write these lines.
Watch this--there is no sympathy for Imran Khan left in this debate. Older Pakistanis know what an egotistical leader what harm can do to Pakistan. ZAB, Nawaz Sharif and now Imran Khan join such esteemed leaders.

Better be in denial than following the government which is imported. I mean you Pakistanis have no shame whatsoever. How would you feel if someone plans to interfere in your household?
1998-1999 this system started



So much water with so much pressure

I saw a Truck on Road too water truck in Karachi because PPP has not fixed water system for 20 years
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Senior journalist Salim Bukhari was on a show recently: He looked toward the camera and said something like 'You don't want jackboots in the Parliament because the military doesn't want it; they are fine sitting in their barracks. Please have mercy on Pakistan, allow the vote'.
The word 'ego' was mentioned by several people about Imran Khan in that show. Those oldies of us have always known that Imran Khan is extremely egotistical--perhaps even more than Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif if that was even possible!!

Our answer to all the oldies is that you guys destroyed this country with shareefs and bhuttos

Now we wouldn't let the same sharifs and Zardaris to come back. If that means ego then be it. Yes it is

We don't want a Pakistan that is ruled by sharifs and Zardaris
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GEO News: some secretary Azam Khan wrote a letter to some sec interior . . . asking to arrange security for ex-PM

So that may be the security for him moving in (??)

Yes. Extra security.
Fanbois here don't know that a die being cast. The longer Imran Khan delays this, the more he hurts Pakistan. I don't see how Imran Khan OR the Opposition come out ahead in this beyond short term gains.
New elections under neutral caretaker govt is the path forward BUT after nullifying Imran's illegal actions thoroughly. And I am likely to support Imran again in the new elections but only because the sight of Bilawal or Fazlu or Nawaz Sharif is so repulsive!
Stab eachother in the back for what? What motivated them to get rid of Imran was his aim of going after their corruption. After they've ensured he's gone and neutralized any mechanisms to avoid repeating any similar aberration, what exactly would they stab each other in the back over? Support from the military? Then we're at square one again.

I've said this before but the anti-Imran camp has decided they want to continue this perpetual cycle of fake politics where democracy is completely out of hands, just because they don't like Imran.
If anyone thinks these parties liked each other before IK showed up, they weren't paying attention. They were each other's main opposition and competition in elections. Even as recently as the Senate Chairmanship election, they were at each others throat. The current PPP and PMLN accuse the government of using NAB and FIA to harass and imprison them, PMLN did the exact same thing to PPP in 2015. PPP openly backed calls for PMLN leadership to be thrown in jail following court cases towards the end of the last government, PMLN with the help of the security establishment moved to crackdown against PPP's militant wing in Karachi. PPP accuses PMLN of having a history of siding with the establishment to marginalise them (which is true IMO). PMLN was part of the whole trouble in 2011/12 that led to the dismissal of a sitting PPP PM. PPP returned the favour post-2013.

Back in 2008, PPP and PMLN made a coalition under the CoD, their reasons for sticking together were way greater than the current contention vs IK, that coalition was dysfunctional and it latest a few months - I think that's what will happen now at best, only differences is that today's coalition is guaranteed to be even more messy and unreliable. And not to go into ancient history, but these two parties were in way worse conflicts in the 1990s, much like government vs. opposition of today.

They don't trust each other, they're politicians who will be happy to undermine each other if it benefits them, and they'll return to this natural state once the current crisis is over. Whatever hopes they have of a coalition are wishful.
Yes. Extra security.
Fanbois here don't know that a die being cast. The longer Imran Khan delays this, the more he hurts Pakistan. I don't see how Imran Khan OR the Opposition come out ahead in this beyond short term gains.
New elections under neutral caretaker govt is the path forward BUT after nullifying Imran's illegal actions thoroughly. And I am likely to support Imran again in the new elections but only because the sight of Bilawal or Fazlu or Nawaz Sharif is so repulsive!
Fawad said today on ARY that they can make reforms regarding EVMs and overseas vote though presidential order as they can't happen in time.
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