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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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Let there be contempt of court against Speaker so he can tell the judges himself for his decision in the court and this time he says that there was an open debate on foreign conspiracy in Parliament and Parliament refused to see the communique.

Even if there is a course correction, a year from now. The damage is done.

Those officials of FIA and NAB plus the judges who took decisions against these dynasties are going to be made example of in the coming months.

Hence, next time no one in their right mind will go after these thugs even if encouraged by the state. They will know all it takes for a U-Turn is the fragile ego of one man and the personal ambitions of few others.

P.S: When I say Fragile Ego, I am definitely not referring to Imran here.
Maybe that was there plan all along and bibigate is all just a showscreen.
To repeat: Imran has a fair chance. Opposition has a slim chance and just a few MNAs having a change of heart last minute will defeat the NCM. This should be allowed. It would be contempt of the Supreme Court decision otherwise. The Court had foreseen hurdles could be put in in today's vote and was very explicit in calling for a vote today and nothing else in the National Assembly.

To repeat: Imran has a fair chance. Opposition has a slim chance and just a few MNAs having a change of heart last minute will defeat the NCM. This should be allowed. It would be contempt of the Supreme Court decision otherwise. The Court had foreseen hurdles could be put in in today's vote and was very explicit in calling for a vote today and nothing else in the National Assembly.
Again. SC has no right over parliamentary affairs.
To repeat: Imran has a fair chance. Opposition has a slim chance and just a few MNAs having a change of heart last minute will defeat the NCM. This should be allowed. It would be contempt of the Supreme Court decision otherwise. The Court had foreseen hurdles could be put in in today's vote and was very explicit in calling for a vote today and nothing else in the National Assembly.

Court has no jurisdiction over Assembly operation Speaker of National Assembly is the "Soul" power bearer of it's operation
This setup is , according to Article 69 of constitution of Pakistan

Assembly does not "Reports" to Supreme court , Supreme court also can't punish the Speaker , President and Prime Minister

When law is broken for Article 63A ,Political member of PTI were influenced by PDM to vote against party goals , This tactic is not allowed by Constitution of Pakistan

Under the circumstances it is against Pakistan's National Security to proceed further with Assembly discussion about No Confidence

It is the Duty of Military , Federal Bodies to Support Active Prime Minister of Pakistan and President , if 90 day elections are announced then that should be done
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Things are not looking good in KPK

Army must get their sense together
Otherwise history will repeat itself
Honestly, it is better than those criminals becoming PM, President and what not.

Let Jawans take over for few months and conduct free elections afterwards under EVM, overseas Pakistani voters etc.

Chalo bhai ab Khuaab dhaiknay pay to pabandi nahi hay... LOL
IK Should Quit or Expel US Ambassador and cut diplomatic ties with US. This is how you response to foreign interference.

Whatever he is doing is just a childish thing. I really like him but what he is doing is shameful. I am sure if he remains seated, his govt will be dealing with IMF shamelessly similarly like his govt was even though he said "I will suicide but will not go to IMF". He is expecting respect from US which destroyed whole Iraq on a false claim? If he wants respect we should be economically strong, self sufficient in all fields.

I know people hate opposition more but really since 8th March the whole country is in a freeze mode.

This country is never stable. We just got out of worst terrorism. Our schools, military bases, airports, hospitals, mosques, markets etc were attacked,

IK Should Quit or Expel US Ambassador and cut diplomatic ties with US. This is how you response to foreign interference.
If he doesn't its just a political narrative he is using to gain people support and nothing else.
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