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Diplomats all over the world meet various political parties all the time. Nothing new or unique about this. I believe Imran Khan too had met some diplomats when Imran Khan was in the opposition and I believe Imran Khan had also met military officials when he was in the opposition. A simple Google would find you such meetings!
Having said that, I also think Americans would rather see Imran Khan gone. But I also think the American role is greatly exaggerated in this drama. Pakistani politicians are known sell outs and for decades. Some of them decided to make some money before their terms ending barely a year from now. Imran had to choose 'the electables' and unfortunately, such people add you numbers but they can also subtract numbers.
Diplomats meet with party leaders not every other party members
I think IK's move to dissolve assemblies outclassed Generals, and it hurt their ego, and by SC's decision, they made sure to overthrow IK's govt this time.
Sharif's political career was started by clinging to Zia...

When PM IK tells in his speeches often that Zardari and Nawaz Sharif, Fazlu never protested to the US over the drone attacks with more than 400 drone attacks in Pakistan, he was implying indirectly that even the Pak Army/PAF never tried to stop the drone attacks on innocent madrassa children with hardly any/few hardcore terrorist killed.

Just in one attack on a madrassa about 80 young Madrassa students were blown to pieces. So the Pak Estab. was complicit in all these horror to get funds, the CSF and was browbeaten..

And the reaction after the drone attacks was always on the Pakistan side, so this was a strategy by US to hurt Pakistan doubly, which the Army could not understand or was silent due to the color of money.

In 2006 during an attack on madrasa 60 children died

ISPR accepted the responsibility saying terrorist were living there so pak army attacked.

Later in 2008 musharaf accepted that it was a US strike but they forced Pak army to accept responsibility.

That's what our boys did
Taking responsibility of US war crimes.

Imran khan was indirectly hammering the boys.

Good. That's what I have been saying since before the Sunday drama.
No foreign involvement is even needed to buy politicians in Pakistan! Such things have been happening a lot since the 1980s; whatever little principles, ideologies and party loyalty existed before the 1980s, vanished after Zia's Party-less Elections of 1985. We learn about some of these shady deals and sometimes they are unknown. In this case, with the assemblies' terms ending after barely a year, it was an opportune time to buy some MNAs, who wouldn't mind making some money because they know that time is running out to make money.

Musharraf wilted under pressure by just one phone call from the US Chief, when threatened that 'we will bomb Pakistan to stone age'. Still doubt this was actually said.

The thing is one need to stand firm against the bully and the tyrant and show some spine. Bullies are cowards...they can be cut to size.

US threatened Turkey but now they are in good terms.

Estab. could have shown some spine, as it is said spine is at the back and helps the person (govt here) in gaining strength.

Our Army Top Generals became blind due to the lust for money, they turned into imbecile morons as color of money truly blinded them and they lost their mental faculties.

Its a given that if US drone attacks on the FATA and other areas, the backlash would be on Pakistan side, the reason more than 80 K Pakistanis were killed with thousands of Armymen too. But the generals fears US more than Allah, and they love the color of the Dollars.
@PanzerKiel I can literally quote whole thread here! 🤔 Keep adding up and you would have a 1500 pages book ready to be published by tomorrow night 👍 I would help you add some extra as favor too

Starting his speech by touting for his 'jail time' to restore the judiciary. Ahhhh , how many days did he spend in the 'jail'? Or hours? Restoring the same judiciary which this forum condemns for the actions of the likes of the former CJP Iftikhar Chaudry! Just shows Imran means well but he is a demagogue. Unfortunately, because others are even worse, I still support this authoritarian, arrogant prince of a Prime Minister.
What choices do we have in Pakistan!!
Imran Khan still playing as good guy.

Good luck saving their faces while country descending into chaos.
He won't say a word against the army.

Banda tableeg wahan kare jahan zameer zinda ho.

Pakistan deserves to be ruled by the 3 stooges.
In his thoughts, Okay don't worry....

Starting his speech by touting for his 'jail time' to restore the judiciary. Ahhhh , how many days did he spend in the 'jail'? Or hours? Restoring the same judiciary which this forum condemns for the actions of the likes of the former CJP Iftikhar Chaudry! Just shows Imran means well but he is a demagogue. Unfortunately, because others are even worse, I still support this authoritarian, arrogant prince of a Prime Minister.
What choices do we have in Pakistan!!
Bhai abi k lie isi se guzara karna pare ga

But given that he has set the trend of challenging dynastic Political parties,we may see new and good people coming into politics in may be next decade.

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