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جنرل (ر) طارق خان کے قریبی زرائع نے بتایا ہے کہ انہیں کال آئی اور کہا گیا وہ کمیشن کی سربراہی نہ لیں- قریبی زرائع کے مطابق جنرل (ر) طارق خان نے کمیشن کی سربراہی سے اپنی معزرت سے حکومت کو آگاہ کر دیا ہے-

Establishment ki dum pr sahi paoon rakha hai IK nay jo itna gussa aaya hua hai.
General Tariq Khan k qareeby zaraaiy.....lolx
I think when people get cozy in power they try to mould army to their whim and wishes. Nawaz did it, gailani did it and now I think somehow IK has done it.

But Zardari was a cool player. Make money and forget about everything else! He even gave up the massive 8th Amendment powers! The guy has no ego! Years of prison life has made him a sharp politician who punches above his weight. One has to grudgingly admire him.

But Zardari was a cool player. Make money and forget about everything else! He even gave up the massive 8th Amendment powers! The guy has no ego! Years of prison life has made him a sharp politician who punches above his weight. One has to grudgingly admire him.
یا اللہ ایک ایک زرداری امریکہ ہندوستان اور اسرائیل کو بھی دے
Ok then I apologize from this forum 😞. And I retract my statement involving spine. It seems to hurt you a lot. And I don't wanna hurt those who have hearts under their uniforms. I am sorry and it's good to see that you people actually have feelings contrary to what it's been portrayed by your cold stance.
Cmon man, why should it hurt me....it wasnt my spine you were talking (though i am also devoid of a spine, i roam on wheelchair all day)....

If its plainly visible that there is no spine, then there isnt one. Why to regret it if you are calling spade a spade.... Why you are apologetic for this......yeh hai hi spineless, impotent (khassi as we say in Pakistan) army.....isnt it....
But Zardari was a cool player. Make money and forget about everything else! He even gave up the massive 8th Amendment powers! The guy has no ego! Years of prison life has made him a sharp politician who punches above his weight. One has to grudgingly admire him.
May be someone might push this down the Ik's throat that playing smart is different then playing aggressive.
I believe IK should do anything and everything within his power and influence to prevent those corrupt monkeys from PPP/PMLN to get back into power, even if it is for a short period of time. You don't give cancer another chance, you radiate and destroy it. I know it is easy talking for me, but I believe at least 2/3 of this country of 220 million have seen enough suffering and lack of progress the last few decades. Nib this cancer in the bud, even if he would take unconstitutional steps and appear to undermine democracy (which is already a farce in Pakistan), whatever measures must be taken should be taken in order to eradicate this cancerous family dynasty which has infected Pakistani society and institutions from top to bottom.

This is the future of Pakistan we're talking about, it's not some sort of Icecream shop where we change owners for a temporary period of time, only to come back and have someone else manage it again for their turn. We simply cannot afford to lack behind any further in this day and age. I have painful examples of family members within Pakistan who have died at a young age due to malpractise in Pakistani hospitals. Family suffering from Hepatitis C due to an infected needle being used by a doctor, family dying in a motorcycle accident because we have no proper rules and regulations in place, these are just a few examples of a never ending list of grievances I have regarding the current state of Pakistan. It's not something to be proud of. Why did my aunt have to die because of malpractise caused by corruption within Pakistan's healthcare system? You see, everyone is doing it, there is no law and order, it's a jungle.

The so-called "neutrality" of the establishment is a criminal offence in my opinion. It is obvious that this no-confidence motion is supported by forces abroad. The foreign trips conducted by the opposition lately, meeting U.S. officials; but also the lettergate scandal is just one of many examples that there is more at play here. I haven't even mentioned horse-trading. Democracy and our so called constitution is a total FARCE. Everyone cheering for this verdict saying that we "upheld" the constitution is why Pakistan is a backward nation. So now all of the sudden we cherish our constitution? I am afraid our nation is too much divided in order to form a unity/consensus on which direction we should go, and due to that, I am reluctant to invest in Pakistan myself.

Might as well make Pakistan a separate province of China and have Xi Jinping sort out the mess, at least we'll have proper rule of law and a pathway towards prosperity, something China has done for its citizens within a remarkable time frame...

I understand but he has lost power. He doesn't have any power now. The SC has explicity stopped the PM and the President from taking any steps they deem unconstitutional.

The battle for now is lost.

He formed a commision to investigate Lettergate but the person chosen to head the commision has backed out.

He is Iron Man without his Suit now.
True. IK lied through his teeth.

If IK was lying then why NSC showed "grave concern" on the language of that letter? Same NSC that also contains COAS and DG ISI in it?

If IK was lying then why NSC approved of issuing "strong demarche" to charge de affairs of that country?

If IK was lying then why pakistan army gave seal of approval to that "lie"?
mulana fazlu ko bhi include kar lai bhai!
خدا سے ڈرو یار رمضان کا مہینہ ہے قبول ہی نا ہو جائے ۔ وہ لوگ بھی بے چارے اہل کتاب ہیں اسی خدا کی عبادت کرتے ہیں اب ایسی بھی کیا دشمنی
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