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Bikao mall jiski koi value nhi

Where was courts when PDM was purchasing MNAs ? The root cause of this issue is purchasing mna and overthrowing elected legal government .

this should be looked into and where were they when IK was purchasing MNA's as well?

bhai please lets not bullshit here, IK also bought these low lifes and now these very same people again offered their services to the highest bidder (surprise surprise eh?), tu iss bikao maal ki value laganay mai PTI bhi brabar ki shreek hai which was/is very unfortunate
I won't blame anyone except our establishment & the prime intelligence agency of Pakistan. Despite knowing the reality they not only stayed quiet but also helped speed up the process of kicking IK out. The sudden change in the foreign policy from being neutral to condemning the Russian invasion, letting the foreign hand do the meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs, and cozying up with the opposition on the eve of SC's decision on the ruling. It is the job of the intelligence agencies to stop foreign interference in the country, but here it seems like they were rather part of it. The whole episode shows who they really serve i.e. the interests of Pakistan or the will of USA.

I didn't even vote for IK but how the establishment has responded to the American threat they have secured "my @$$" as support in case of any future event or conflict when they really need it. Earlier the great Comando Mr. Musharaf also laid the weapons on the ground when he received the phone call from the USA prior to their invasion of Afghanistan.
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this should be looked into and where were they when IK was purchasing MNA's as well?

PTI only brought independent candidates after elections under its fold and didn't buy MNAs from other political parties like it has happened in past 1 month

Independent candidates would have to join one party or another after the elections

Learn the difference
@HRK @Jango

Speaker could exclude the vote from the final count of all PTI MNAs voting against IK and declare the resolution as failed. Then we'll be back at SC.

Are you kidding me, haven't you realized how biased SC decision was? You won't get anything good from them in the future as well because they are part of the coalition sponsored by the United States and supported by the establishment.
Seriously? Then what? What about mass resignations to force a general election?

No mass resignations are coming. IK has said many times he's happy sitting in opposition. He's not going to let them undo all the legislation he's done with ease.

I don't think that opposition will succeed in NCV if speaker refuses to count the votes of defectors.
Whataboutery is a weak defence, but it is most appropriate here:

A lot has happened since then. Saniha-e-Sahiwal for example. But your fav government did zilch. Would it not be nice to ask PTI first about all that happened under their watch before you come asking about Model Town?

Aside from the above, I would like to say that when I read the report of the investigative commission that included ISI & MI personnel, I found that there were many unanswered questions in it. There was incitement & violence against police. Some of the bodies had positive angle shots (meaning someone firing from a height) & since police was not deployed at a height, it was not clear who shot them, with suspicion falling on the abettors of violence, i.e. someone from the rioters themselves since they were occupying heights (buildings). Also, nobody thereafter bothered to ask upon whose abetment & instigation was the mosque loudspeaker proclaiming 'Jihad' against police who had a court order to remove road obstacles. Model Town is not a very straight story. Miscreants should have complied with court orders. Having said that, I do not imply at all the killing rioters was justified. The police & those who were giving instructions should have faced the consequences via law.

Being CM, SS should take responsibility & be accountable. How law takes its course is not up to me. In this country, IK was proclaimed absconder when he took oath as PM. So, in this country there are no fixed rules to deal with misuse of power & accountability of decision-makers. Take a look at the PTV Attack case, despite overwhelming evidence, both IK & Arif Alvi got away & have never faced any accountability.

Oh we saw the country being fed to the dogs, then opposition got together & did something about it.

Why worry & complain, then? We got what we deserved. End of story.

Yes. We plainly saw how mafias got together & looted. Each & every member of those mafias was either a personal friend of IK, or a donor to SKMCH, or a facilitator of IK's politics, or a loud-mouth employed just because of spewing abuse, etc.... They all made money off their positions while working for IK. All their investment was repaid a hundred fold. Apna Jaani jab PM ho, to fikar kesi?
You are a huge keyboard warrior for such a naive mind. The opposition got together to save the country? Really? Ab chor aur bhikari mulk bachaye gay.
Are you kidding me, haven't you realized how biased SC decision was? You won't get anything good from them in the future as well because they are part of the coalition sponsored by the United States and supported by the establishment.

SC has left the defection part of Constitution intact in its order. I'm not bothered about SC ruling one bit tbh as I think PTI executed that plan poorly. They could have done the debate etc and then gone for the kill.
The chances of article 232 being invoked is high which is a state of emergency... The sitting president has the right..

The NA Speaker will first likely shout down the new SC order today without it even reaches the NA citing national security matters then the president follows hours later and imposes state of emergency
dont htink thats gonna happen. everyone has turned against khan , he has no support!
Wonder where your "Everyone" is

dont htink thats gonna happen. everyone has turned against khan , he has no support!

Not really everyone is with IK.. Nobody wants stooges it is taboo.. Not one single Pakistani wants that
Wonder where your "Everyone" is

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well we all know that . but than evil is defeated in the end, even if it may take a century, but until than if we manage to survive as a country . I am 24, I think I will have another 35-50 years left and in that time I don't see it improving , will vote for the best candidate, do my part but than the majority will need a lot more time but rest assured the reckoning will come and when it does come every single traitor, every ingle sellout will pay but until than we all can do out part and hope !

Not really everyone is with IK.. Nobody wants stooges it is taboo.. Not one single Pakistani wants that
buddy come to central Punjab, most of my family is celebrating the judgement from yesterday!
This opposition movement must be finished of politically right now and right here.. NA speaker has to issue a decree basically just shouting down the new SC order on the basis of national security matters and hazardous to the safety of citizens then the PM imposes state of emergency...

We have to bury them to such an extent they never show up in Pakistan again ever and ever again.. We need to setup a robust system post this as this was a learning process of how stooges appear in democracy.. We have to create an environment where there is no gaps of weakness where stooges can exploit in the future
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