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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Sami Ibrahim highlighting the Attorney Generals dubious arguments and conduct during the trial.
Maybe we should start discussing a decent Package from America ? I mean they say they will forgive Pakistan so 50 Billion cash, F-35's , Air craft carriers , T-129's , AHZ1's , CSF release, more trade more investment but wait, Beggars can't be choosers :(
Lol never gonna happen 😅. We only worth a couple of hundred million bucks CSF fund and that too would have to be paid back by the blood of our countrymen.

If US had some decent package for us then rather than spewing venom on CPEC projects and investments, they would have offered us a far better deal than the Chinese. Where the F**k is B3W Build Back Better World??? It only proves that US just knows how to exploit, screw, destroy, dismember and ruin a country, not the other way around.
Is there seriously nothing else that can be done by Ik now?

Nothing. IK can't fight alone with the joint power of US-West, Pakistan's Establishment and criminal political mafia of Pakistan; unless some catastrophic thing happens. For now, game is over for him, as well as, for Pakistan. Traitors have won.
CJ ghaddar
Army ghaddar
establishment ghaddar
opposition tu thi hi ghaddar
SAB kai sab ghaddar
buss aik doodh ka dhula howa farishta IK hai

how about we also include AG to the list as well, decisions are/were taken on bases of arguments and evidence, what were the arguments in favor of actions taken by Deputy Speaker? Courts made judgement on the case which was presented to them

ab mujhay bhi koi ghadar bol dai ga ya phir gali dai ga :/
Oppo. already have 176 number so they don't need pti defectors vote. They will only be kept as a back up. Since they may not vote, no crime will take place

No disqualification of these defectors took place. They will be saved.
Only some fool hardy Ik and its cult followers resign and ECP will hold elections on them instantly.
Contarary to PDF wishes and abuses coming govt will makes important long lasting decision and amendments in constitution unanimously. There will be Charter of economy where majority will agrees how to move forwards without bickering and infighting on small issues. A strong govt is in the process.
Pakistan inshallah have a bright future.

All the PDF nay sayers from webmaster to selected moderators will rot in hell inshallah.
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Oppo. already have 176 number so they don't need pti defectors vote. They will only be kept as a back up. Since they may not vote, no crime will take place
Bikao mall jiski koi value nhi

CJ ghaddar
Army ghaddar
establishment ghaddar
opposition tu thi hi ghaddar
SAB kai sab ghaddar
buss aik doodh ka dhula howa farishta IK hai

how about we also include AG to the list as well, decisions are/were taken on bases of arguments and evidence, what were the arguments in favor of actions taken by Deputy Speaker? Courts made judgement on the case which was presented to them

ab mujhay bhi koi ghadar bol dai ga ya phir gali dai ga :/
Where was courts when PDM was purchasing MNAs ? The root cause of this issue is purchasing mna and overthrowing elected legal government .
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Not in my view.

PTI-led GOP was lacking in homework for Biden administration in my view.

I could notice two problems:

1. Refusing invitation of Biden administration to Global Democracy Summit.

So what if Joe Biden had not called Imran Khan in person? Global Democracy Summit was an opportunity to be tapped and Khan could make fun of Biden in this summit by stating that he is afraid to call him in person (a message that would have been potent and funny at the same time).

Leader(s) should be wise and humble and tap all opportunities of Foreign engagements when they present themselves. Foreign Policy engagements should be made in the larger interest of the public - always.

2. Lack of political will to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine.

When Imran Khan was in Russia with his team, Vladimir Putin gave the nod to attack Ukraine - clever of him but bad optics for Pakistan*. Some argue that visit to Russia was ill-timed. But for the sake of argument, let us assume that this visit was deemed important and WE had to avail it. This brings us to following consideration:

Americans were expecting Pakistan to condemn Russian assault on Ukraine at minimum but PTI-led GOP refused to do this much in United Nations (UN) and otherwise. This might be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Condemning Russia for an act of aggression does NOT suggest the end of Pak-Russian bilateral engagement. It does NOT have to be in very strong terms but like this: "WE do not endorse and support violation of the sovereignty of a UN-recognized state and Pakistan see in Ukraine a friendly state. WE hope that Russia will find a political solution for its problems with Ukraine. WE value our relationship with Russia as well but WE will provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in its hour of need." Say this much and then watch the mood in Western hemisphere.

Why bring India into this shit? Now see for yourself:

Ukraine is one of the suppliers of equipment to Pakistan [1], and even respected Pakistan's stance for Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). Now that Ukraine is in trouble, WE are like nevermind? Utterly disrespectful. Who will care about what happens to Pakistan and J&K anymore?

Will Russia stop supplying RD-93 engines for use in JF-17 Thunder jet fighters over a mere statement? It cannot be a reliable partner then. For perspective, Russia never stopped trading with European countries and even USA [on its own] in spite of having disagreements with them. Pakistan can contribute to Russian economy as well - this does not counts in Russian calculus?

Pakistan should strive for BALANCED Foreign Policy.

BALANCED = Pakistan can oblige USA in some cases, Russia in some cases, and China in some cases. This is how it works.

USA is superpower and there can be external developments of much significance to it for which it can choose to convey its position to other countries around the world - draw a line for other countries in relation. This much is expected in a while.

USA does NOT request Pakistan to condemn every Russian move - Ukraine was the line that was drawn for Pakistan and other countries in a while. This wasn't a big deal for Pakistan in view of [1].

Treating USA like a NOBODY in Foreign Affairs? Best of luck then.

- - - -

*This is the optics generated:

Most unfortunate.

My humble suggestion to Khan is that he should learn from his mistakes. He is in need of a better set-of-advisors in my view.

My 2 cents.
So in a nutshell, you are proposing that Pakistan's foreign policy should be first discussed with the US, and only after getting approval should be acted upon?
Forgive me but this is complete and utter BS. Pakistan's bromance with the US has never ended well and history is there to prove it, from pressler amendment to kerry luger bill, Pakistan has always been used and disposed of by this US. Why should Pakistan care anymore what US thinks or wishes us to do?
PM Khan has always said we want friendly nations with everybody however we will not join any camp. What is so wrong with this? What you are justifying is that Khan should not have opted for an independent policy essentially endorsing Mr. Cherry Blossom pov Beggars cant be choosers.

All the PDF nay sayers from webmaster to selected moderators will rot in hell inshallah
If anybody it's the begarrit patwari lot like yourself that will not only rot in this world but also the afterlife in the deepest of hell for siding with the enemy, taking money and dancing on foreign tunes, in essence doing ghadari with the state of Pakistan and its people. InshAllah.
I won't blame anyone except our establishment & the prime intelligence agency of Pakistan. Despite knowing the reality they not only stayed quiet but also helped speed up the process of kicking IK out. The sudden change in the foreign policy from being neutral to condemning the Russian invasion, letting the foreign hand do the meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs, and cozying up with the opposition on the eve of SC's decision on the ruling. It is the job of the intelligence agencies to stop foreign interference in the country, but here it seems like they were rather part of it. The whole episode shows who they really serve i.e. the interests of Pakistan or the will of USA.
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I won't blame anyone except our establishment & the prime intelligence agency of Pakistan. Despite knowing the reality they not only stayed quiet but also helped speed up the process of kicking IK out. The sudden change in the foreign policy from being neutral to condemning the Russian invasion, letting the foreign hand do the meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs, and cozying up with the opposition on the eve of SC's decision on the ruling. It is the job of the intelligence agencies to stop foreign interference in the country, but here it seems like they were rather part of it. The whole episode shows who they really serve i.e. the interests of Pakistan or the will of USA.
The silver lining is that now they will have to govern and perform- apart from the cases they will slap on PTI to dismantle the party and the elections they will try to rig, being in opposition is more fun
@HRK @Jango

Speaker could exclude the vote from the final count of all PTI MNAs voting against IK and declare the resolution as failed. Then we'll be back at SC.
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