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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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  • Wrong decision

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What happens if his party designs? By-elections?

The corrupt ECP already said it can't hold elections until Oct 2022 which means they will only hold by-elections if PTI resigns. IK is probably better off staying in opposition and then wait for elections. Let the corrupt rule for a while.
They can't do reelection on 100 plus seats

Not to forget seats in Punjab, KPK and Sindh
are you certain about 100 seats? if so than this decision is not a big problem, pti can still resign from at least 140-135 seats!
Bye bye Pakistan, SC has very clearly overstepped its boundaries, president should immediately use its powers to set aside SC order, otherwise doom and gloom, guys brace for extremely bad times, this is possibly the worst fcuk court order in history of Pakistan.
عمران خان کو چاھیے کہ جا کر اپنے بچوں کے ساتھ سکون سے زندگی گزارےـ اس قوم پر اپنی زندگی ضائعہ نہ کرےـ
جہاں ہر چیز پہلے ہی بک چکی ہے وہاں کیا زور لگانا ۔ عمران خان کو چاہیے ہر چیز پر لعنت بھیج کر کسی اچھے سے جزیرے پر شفٹ ہو کر آرام کرے ۔ جیسے ہمارے جرنیل ہمیشہ کرتے ہیں
If it really is foreign intereference and Bajwa is aware, then I would be happy seeing DG ISI, Corps commander Pindi arrest him, Shabaz and the Man Child Bhutto and put them on trial for treason.
They're also involved 😂
Bye bye Pakistan, SC has very clearly overstepped its boundaries, president should immediately use its powers to set aside SC order, otherwise doom and gloom, guys brace for extremely bad times, this is possibly the worst fcuk court order in history of Pakistan.
what can the president do?
You may be right on those but how does a Naya Pakistan arises by following the footsteps of corrupt rulers?? Imran Khan was going to win either way and he lost it. Who are his damn advisors?? As far as I see, he's dumb and his advisors are dumber! This 'victory' given to the opposition is given by Imran himself.
This act by the Speaker was so blatantly illegal that ALL FIVE judges voted against that. Could you all think about that? You should know that ZAB was hanged in what is called a 'Judicial Murder' but even then, under a brutal Martial Law of Zia ul Haq, it was a 4-3 decision to execute him. In this case, this was an open and shut case of illegal action by the Speaker.

Imran Khan couldn't win in NCM. He had everyone against him. His members were openly bought in daylight and he couldn't do anything

Sindh police that has no jurisdiction in Islamabad but still it was deployed on Sindh house to protect sold MNAs and he couldn't do anything

He allowed a lot of space to opposition. He literally gave them the whole ground to play

Only thing he could do was resigning and disrupting the whole system. But he didn't do that as well
How much are they paying to a single person? I want to know whether I can sell my country in that particular amount or not. What a disgrace! So basically united states and even other countries can change governments in Pakistan at will. Wow what a sell out. Who is studying in Oxford and Harvard? Wah Bhai allah America dollar. Bhat aala.

Hope PTI supporters come out in force on Saturday and Lynch the bastards who sold their souls to the devil.

They will be protected by SSG commandos what not.

I said this before, the top floor of the hotel they were staying the lower levels were booked by the army and they took over security after Sindh House incident.
امریکہ کا گیم کچا نہیں ہوتا ۔
ریٹائرمنٹ کے بعد سب جنرلز، ججز بیوروکریٹس نے امریکہ سیٹل ہونا ہوتا یے ۔جائیدادیں جب باہر ہوں تو غلامی سے نکلنا مشکل ہوتا ہے

Jisko nigran PM Bana rahy thy wo CJ khud America me Hy post retirement
It already is a colony we were never free and this army and establishment made sure of that
Colony of which country china or usa.. think wisely.. it can be only one country. Not two.
Stop this self immolation. Military is neutral and has got nothing to do with the SC decision.
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